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Classified U.S. documents on Ukraine war spread through 'Minecraft' Discord
"Here, have some leaked documents," shared the user responsible

Discord server for Minecraft has been linked to the spread of classified United States documents that detailed the country’s involvement in the Ukraine war.
The leak in question, described by one senior official as a “massive intelligence breach” (via The New York Times), was made up of Pentagon documents detailing the war in Ukraine.
Leaked intelligence documents include the United States’ assessment of Ukrainian and Russian military forces, along with efforts made by the U.S. to spy on Ukrainian leadership.
The documents also detailed the United States’ infiltration of Russian intelligence and military bodies, and exposed America’s ability to consistently warn Ukraine of Russian plans ahead of time.
On Sunday (April 9), independent investigative body Bellingcat reported that, in March the leaked documents were spread through a Discord server called “Minecraft Earth Map”.
In a screenshot, a “brief spat” between two users regarding Minecraft and the Ukraine war resulted in one user writing “here, have some leaked documents” and posting ten of the leaked documents.