Happy New Thread! Presented by Freeza, LaunchpadMcQ and myself.

Aquaman #25 By Sejic, Abnett (June 7th) - former terrorists have replaced the Atlantean police. Crime lords control huge swaths of the kingdom. And a deadly undersea arsenal is trained on the surface-dwellers. All is as King Rath commandsand yet whispers persist of a rebel in the slums of Atlantis: A hero with the potential to change the world. A whole new era of AQUAMAN begins as master storyteller Stjepan Sejic (Sunstone, Death Vigil) joins series
Dark Days: The Forge #1 By Snyder, Tynion IV, Lee, Kubert, Romita Jr (June 14th) - DARKNESS COMES TO THE DC UNIVERSE WITH THE MYSTERY OF THE FORGE! Aquaman, The Flash and more of DCs pantheon of heroes suspect Batman of hiding a dark secret that could threaten the very existence of the multiverse! Its an epic that will span generationsbut how does it connect to the origins of one of DCs most legendary heroes?
Detective Comics #959 By Tynion IV, Martinez, Fernandez (June 28th) - While his team comes to grips with Azraels past, Batman is on the trail of the shocking secret he learned at the end of last month's epic BATMAN/FLASH crossover, The Buttonand it's brought him directly to the Mistress of Magic, Zatanna!
Flintstones #12 By Russell, Pugh (June 7th) - You are now leaving Bedrock! The Great Gazoo is on his way home to the stars, while Fred and company leave the Church of Gerald, and Mr. Slate leaves behind being a jerk at least for a little while. Say good-bye to Pebbles, Bowling Ball, Philip the turtle, Fred and Barney, and the whole cast in this final issue of what critics are calling the best comic of 2016!
Suicide Squad #19 By Williams, S Daniel, Florea (June 14th) - The saga of the Black Vault comes to an appropriately insane finale when General Zod breaks free of Amanda Wallers control, lays waste to the Suicide Squad and prepares to welcome an army of Kryptonian conquerors from the twisted realm within the Black Vault. But help arrives from the least likely allies: the Eradicator and Cyborg-Superman!
Teen Titans #9 By Percy, Pham (June 28th) - Still dealing with the consequences of The Lazarus Contract, Kid Flashs status with the team is challenged by Damian and the Teen Titans will never be the same. Meanwhile, Aqualad learns more about his powers and the truth about his lineage is revealed!
Titans #12 By Abnett, Rocafort (June 14th) - After the stunning events of The Lazarus Contract rocked the Titans to their core and called into question the teams leadership, Omen discovers the shocking truth about their futurethat one of their very own is destined to betray them and it could be anyone!
Trinity #10 By Francis Manapul (June 21st) - The Justice League Watchtower is infested. The worlds greatest heroes have been infected. And as their HQ hurls to Earth, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are faced with the difficult decision of destroying the Watchtower and their teammates to save the Earth.
Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor #1 By Seely, Duce (June 7th) - When Wonder Woman saved Steve Trevor from dying on the shores of Themyscira, his lifeand herschanged forever! In this special issue, learn more about the tumultuous partnership these two have had over the years and get a hint at where its going in the future! Have these two finally admitted theyre meant for each other? Or do the Fates have other ideas?

Batman Elmer Fudd Special By King, Weeks (June 28th) - After a chance meeting with billionaire Bruce Wayne, Elmer Fudds obsession quickly escalates into stalking Batman through the dark alleys and high-class social settings of Gotham City. Welcome to Bat Season!
Jonah Hex Yosemite Sam Special By Palmiotti, Texeira (June 28th) - When miner Yosemite Sam strikes it rich, word gets out as everyone comes gunning for his wealth! To protect himself and his new riches, he hires bounty hunter Jonah Hex-but the man protecting him may be his worst nightmare
Legion of Superheroes Bugs Bunny Special By Humphries, Grummett (June 14th) - The Legion of Super-Heroes always thought they had taken their inspiration from the 21st Century's Superboy. But when they try to bring that hero into their future time, the team discovers to their surprise the caped champion isn't whoor even whatthey expected!
Lobo Road Runner Special By Morrison, Jones (June 21st) - Wile E. Coyote travels to the far reaches of space to hire Lobo to hunt down and kill his greatest nemesis of all time, the Road Runner. And when the Coyote and Lobo are after him, the Road Runner knows if they catch himhes through.
Martian Manhunter Marvin Martian Special By Orlando, Barbere (June 14th) - Martian Manhunter tries to halt Marvin the Martians determination for world domination. Jonn is conflicted with his own Martian identity as he attempts to stop the hapless, determined Marvin from blowing Earth to bits in order to gain a clear view of Venus.
Wonder Woman Tazmanian Devil Special By Bedard, Kitson (June 21st) - Not since the twelve labors of Hercules has a Greek warrior faced as great a danger and as destructive a peril as the Tasmanian Devil!

Bug! Adventures of Forager #2 By Lee and Mike Allred (June 7th) - Bugs tumble through dimensions ends up taking him back in time, to the start of General Electrics mad scheme. In the remote Himalayas, the mad scientist leads his robot army in search of a precious magical metal. Sandman, Sandy, Blue Beetle and the Losers are already out in the snow looking to stop him, but only Bug knows that the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance.
Cave Carson #9 By Rivera, Oeming (June 21st) - Team Carson continues in hot pursuit of Caves cybernetic eye, which has its sights set on the emotionally draining and life-sucking Whisperer and its cult. But just where are they going? Or better yet, when?
Mother Panic #8 By Houser, Leon (June 28th) - No one ever said detective work was Violets strong suit, but she's never been one to let details get in her way. Mother Panics got a hunch about the new murderer in Gotham, but are impulsiveness and a thirst for vengeance really the right tools to stop a killer?

Defenders #1 By Bendis, Marquez (June 14th) - Daredevil! Luke Cage! Jessica Jones! Iron Fist! Individually, these four heroes have been on the front lines of the battle to keep the streets of the city safe and secure! But now, with a deadly enemy from the dim past making a major move to unite the underworld, they will need to become more they will need to become DEFENDERS!
Edge of Venomverse #1 By Rosenberg, Boschi (June 28th) - THIS ISSUE, the young mutant clone designated X-23 collides with a cryogenic tube containing a strange alien symbiote during her frenzied escape from The Facility, . Bonding with the alien enhances her already considerable abilities, and aids in her escape, but it begins to alter her mind! On the run from the very people that made her, can X-23 hold it together or is she doomed to give in to Venom!
Iceman #1 By Grace, Vitti (June 7th) - Bobby Drake has been in the super hero game longer than most. But while reflecting on what hes accomplished over the years, he realizes that the legacy hes built is a few good one-liners and a string of failed relationships. Not only that, but now a younger version of himself has emerged from the timestream and hes more put together than Bobby ever was: already a world-class hero in his own right, but also totally comfortable in his own skin, complete with a relationship with a handsome Inhuman to boot.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #20 By Montclare, Bustos (June 28th) - Lunella and Devil make landfall in a new cosmos, and their host is much bigger than they imagined!
Ms. Marvel #19 By Wilson, Failla (June 14th) - An enemy from Ms. Marvels past resurfaces and begins targeting those closest to Kamala. As the world around her is spinning out of control, it becomes clear that this time theres something more sinister at work Kamalas no stranger to fighting for whats right, but in facing down this challenge, everything she is will be called into question. Not just as a super hero, but as a human being.
Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #1 By Zdarsky, Kubert (June 21st) - The webslinging, wallcrawling wonder returns to New York City in the all-new PETER PARKER: THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN. A companion series to the best-selling Amazing Spider-Man series, Peter Parker is going back-to-basics for big heroics in the Big Apple. Featuring adversaries old and new, be there as Spider-Man returns to his friendly neighborhood for his never ending battle against crime and the dreaed Parker Luck.
Renew Your Vows #8 By Conway, Stegman (June 14th) - Mary Jane Watson-Parker has been saving the day as Spinneret, but at the cost of some of her husbands powers. So shes going to try something new Thats right, MARY JANE VENOM. Its on!
Spider-Man #17 By Bendis, Bazaldua (June 7th) - Spider-Man and his amazing friends!
Weapons of Mutant Destruction Alpha #1 By Pak, Asrar (June 21st) - Their goal is a simple one ERADICATE ALL MUTANTS! And theyre starting their hunt with the most dangerous group of mutants on planet Earth Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, Domino, Lady Deathstrike, Warpath and the Hulk?! But with an army of genetic cyborgs at their disposal, this may just be the beginning

Darth Maul #5 By Bunn, Ross (June 21st) - Darth Maul has kidnapped Jedi Padawan Eldra Katiss and hes out for blood. But shes not going down without a fight.
Darth Vader #1 By Soule, Camuncoli (June 7th) - When Anakin Skywalker fell, both to the pull of the dark side and to the blade of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he rose back up, more machine than man. Having lost everything that was once dear to him, the former chosen one must take his first steps into a darker world as Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith!
Droids Unplugged #1 By Eliopoulos (June 28th) - What adventures did the probe droids in The Phantom Menace get into when Darth Maul wasnt looking? Lukes got a mission for R2-D2! But can the astromech complete it in time? And all BB-8 wants is to help two Resistance soldiers fall in love!

Bitch Planet Triple Feature #1 By Eaton, Aydin, Lyons (June 14th) - Ripped directly from the world of BITCH PLANET, a crack team of creators spin three teeth-clenching tales of rage, revolution, and ridicule. PLUS: Essays, letter column, and more! 100% Grade A satire. Accept no substitutes.
Black Magick #6 By Rucka, Scott (June 28th) - What the hell is the deal with Rowan Black, anyway? For that matter, just how many real witches are there? What is the bond that ties Rowan and Alex together? Is the series really coming back, or is this just the creative team messing with your heads?
Crosswind #1 By Simone, Staggs (June 21st) - A slick and ruthless Chicago hitman. A smart but downtrodden Seattle housewife. When an inexplicable event strikes these two random strangers, their bodies, souls, and lives are switched to potentially deadly effect.
Deadly Class #30 By Remender, Craig (June 21st) - A gnarly party gets ruined.
Extremity #4 By Johnson, Spicer (June 7th) - As Theas gureilla warfare against the Paznina intensifies, her father comes face-to-face with the man who killed his wife.
Low #19 By Remender, Tocchini, McCaig (June 14th) - Death comes to the drowning city as Tajo and her crew fight to inspire the citizens of Salus to not go gentle into that good night.
Saga #44 By Vaughn, Staples (June 28th) - Hazel and her family search for elusive treasure: affordable healthcare.
Shirtless Bear-Fighter #1 By Leheup, Griner, Vendrell (June 21st) - After being betrayed by the bears that raised him, the legendary Shirtless Bear-Fighter wanders the forest hes sworn to protect, fistfighting bears, eating flapjacks, and being the angriest man the world has ever known!
Southern Cross #13 By Cloonan, Belanger (June 21st) - The SOUTHERN CROSS rises from the methane sea of Titan for its third terrifying season! Retired detective Hazel Conroy and her unlikely crew of misfits, mutants, and liars board the cursed spaceship for what might be their final adventure.

Aliens: Dead Orbit #3 By Stokoe (June 28th) - Wascylewski survived the sudden breach in his ships hull, but is in no better a situation: he comes to, cocooned tightly to the wall under the surveillance of the twin xenomorphs. With only two hours left on his countdown timer and nowhere to go, he will have to pull out his final tricks in order to stay alive.
Baltimore: The Red Kingdom #5 By Mignola, Golden, Bergting (June 7th) - Lives are lost as Baltimore leads the final push against the Red Kings armies.
Black Hammer #10 By Lemire, Ormston (June 21st) - The heroes of Spiral City have hung up their costumes and adapted to life in the sleepy town that they now call homethough some call it a prison. Instead of facing unearthly monsters and galactic threats, they deal with vengeful exes, misunderstandings, and hungry farm animals. As Abraham Slam wonders if hes hit his expiration date, a new threat emerges in Rockwood that will keep him on his toes.
Briggs Land Lone Wolves #1 By Wood, Chater (June 14th) - Isaac Briggs, fresh off a tour in Afghanistan and struggling to reintegrate, finds solace hiking the old forest trails. When two random backpackers wander onto the Land, an innocent situation quickly turns dangerous and Isaacs military training takes a turn down a dark path.
Predator: Hunters #2 By Warner, Velasco (June 7th) - Two privately owned islands in the South Pacific. One an idyllic paradise overseen by a benevolent doctor, the other a jungle hell where monsters rule. The Predator hunters have come looking for big game, but its the traps you never expect that will kill you . . .
Visitor: How and Why He Stayed #5 By Mignola, Roberson, Grist (June 28th) - After decades of living as a man the Visitor has a chance to return to his people in space, but must deliver a message to Hellboy first.

Brave Chef Brianna #4 By Sykes, Espiritu (June 7th) - Brianna must go up against Madame Cron in the ultimate Monster City cook off in order to save her restaurant from closing!
Giant Days #27 By Allison, Sarin, Fleming (June 7th) - Political naïf Esther gets caught up in the influence of a super-woke colleague, and Susan grows frustrated with Ingrids presence in their home.
Godshaper #3 By Spurrier, Goonface (June 14th) - A gig at a kid's birthday party turns out to be a trap set up by a mob boss for our traveling musician and his god pal.
Lumberjanes 2017 Faire and Square Special By Black, Julia, Epstein (June 21st) - The Lumberjanes vs... a dragon??
Misfit City #2 By Smith, Lustgarten, Franquiz (June 14th) - After examining the treasure map, the girls break into the Captains house, unaware that theyre being followed!
Steven Universe #5 By Gillman, Farina (June 28th) - Mayor Dewey commissions a play about the history of Beach City, and it's up to Steven and Jamie to make sure the show goes on!

BRITANNIA: WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE #3 Corned, Antonius Axia and his new unlikely ally, Achillia, must not only contend with wayward gods trying to harvest humans, but also with an emperor that wants them both dead. How will Antonius manage to weasel his way out of this situation and save more politicians families from being murdered? Honestly, screw them, they deserve to die for turning on the one guy thats trying to save them. This isnt even a good reason to turn on him. Romans suck.
FAITH #12 Framed for a crime she didnt commit, Faith must overcome the Faithless to save the publics opinions of her - as well as herself - from certain doom.
RAI: THE HISTORY OF THE VALIANT UNIVERSE #1 A 25th anniversary celebration! Rai, now the guardian spirit of Earth, uncovers a tome that tells the story of the entire Valiant universe. In it, new revelations about Valiant heroes, new and old, are brought to light - the fates of some; for others, shocking truths. What exactly will the tome reveal, and how will this affect literally anything in 4002 AD?
RAPTURE #2Caught in the middle of a war between two huge Deadside armies, Tama and her unlikely band of heroes must team up to stop Babel from rising into the Liveside and destroying Earth in the process. But seriously, whats Ninjak doing here? Hes so damn out of place. Go home, Ninjak. Please.
SECRET WEAPONS #1 (of 4) From the guy who wrote that really weird movie about aliens that was nominated for Academy Awards, comes an all-new entry point into the Valiant universe. As Amanda McKee, better known as Livewire, investigates a research facility formerly operated by Toyo Harada, she learns that she must find and protect a group of misfit psiots with seriously dumb abilities from a mechanized killer known as Rex-O. The world sees them as useless; she sees them as - Secret Weapons! I am seriously interested in how they make the girl who can talk to birds useful.
X-O MANOWAR #4 After an untimely promotion, Aric realizes that his future lies in the war he sought so hard to stay away from. Can he come to terms with being separated from his wife and accept that his best chance of returning to her is by donning the Shanhara armor once more? Or does Aric have a death wish? Can anyone really stop this dude? I mean, hes just using a damn hook gun on his missing arm, not even his armor, and hes tearing people apart.

Babyteeth #1 By Cates, Brown (June 7th) - Sadie Ritter is sixteen years old, nine months pregnant, and scared out of her sweet nerdy mind. Having a baby that young is tough, but with the support of her loving family behind her, everything should be okay. OH YEAH, and also her baby is the antichrist and it's going to break open the barriers between the earthly and demonic planes and unleash eternal suffering to all of humankind. Other than that, though...should be fine.
Judge Dredd Blessed Earth #2 By Farinas, Freitas, McDaid (May 31st) - It has been 10 years since the events of Mega-City Zero, and Judge Dredd continues his mission to restore order to a lawless land. Behold the mystery and granduer of The Blessed Earth!
Lady Killer 2 #5 By Joelle Jones (June 21st) - Josie prepares to defend her family and home with the help of a new ally.
Optimus Prime #8 By Barber, Coller (June 14th) - Jazz confronts his past-and the Autobot's future-in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime's mission... or turn against it?
Rom #12 By Ryall, Cage, Messina (July 19th) - Rom and the other two Knights face off against a dire new threat; and Guy Dorian & Sal Buscema illustrate a dark tale of the Solstar Order!
Transformers Lost Light #7 By Roberts, Lawrence (June 28th) - The war with the Functionalists is over-and Rodimus is left wondering whether he won or lost. It's the beginning of a new chapter for the displaced crew of the Lost Light, as decisions are made that will change their lives forever.

New to comics? Check out Zombine's Start Up Guide! (This is a bit outdated, but Zombine has expressed a desire to update it (lol). Feel free to ask us for any advice! We love to help you spend money.)
LaunchpadMcQs Valiant Comics thread (Great for Valiant newbies)
Help support my name is ed! His comic Rage Against the Jackal is available digitally on Comixology!
Also keep an eye out for Bish's upcoming comic Savage Empire featuring art by Jim Roy Jimenez!
Check out The Gamma Gals created by Figboy79!
Like Black Panther? Join in on the Black Panther OT where users post their impressions of the current series
Tizoc's reading guide for the current Transformers comics
Whether you read webcomics, ongoings, or even if you just stick to trades-- everyone is welcome to post their thoughts here. Unless you are a Valiant fan, if you are a Valiant fan please find somewhere else to talk about their comics, thank you for understanding.
Members in ComicsGAF are expected to follow the NeoGAF TOS just like everyone else. I know it can be hard, but try and be excellent to your fellow members guys (Except Zombine, he deserves the shit he gets).

We've been having some talk of spoilers a lot lately, so I figured it's a good idea to have a section for it.
-If you must post a spoilery panel or a page from a comic (recent or otherwise), please link to them with a proper spoiler warning.
-Please at least allow one week before posting unmarked spoilers.
-Announcements/Solicitations are not spoiler worthy, no need to tag
- Don't spoiler tag images, it doesn't work on mobile so its not reliable.