SFGate - We tried Costco's new burger and it's not a 'Shake Shack' clone
The ⅓-pound burgers are sold as "Chicago-style" cheeseburgers, described by Costco as "an organic beef patty, topped with romaine lettuce, smoked Thousand Island dressing, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese, all placed between fluffy, sweet Chicago-style buns."
For those who might be wondering, Costco later clarified that their "Chicago-style" bun is a lighter version of challah but some people still think there's a different resemblance there.
Costco will be grilling these burgers in a trial run of locations in Seattle, as well as a few stores in California (Corona, Pacoima and Lakewood). It's not the first burger the food giant has experimented with, but it might be a lasting one.
Costco confirmed the burger test, which is replacing items less popular on the menu known for its extra large pizzas and baseball-inspired all-beef frankfurters.
On Wednesday, a Costco representative said the new organic cheeseburger is made with an organic ground beef patty, cheddar cheese, lettuce and tomato and a Costco special sauce spread on a brioche style bun.
Its unclear if the burger will roll out to other Costco warehouses. Costco said it is continually researching new food items, but we cannot share specifics at this time.
Costco also would not say if any item was eliminated from the menu to make room for the burger. However, it is normal for Costco to change our selection of food court items, which occasionally causes us to drop less popular items, the representative said in an email statement.
SFGate - We tried Costco's new burger and it's not a 'Shake Shack' clone
In May, EaterLA posted an item about how the burger "looked an awful lot" like the burgers from Danny Meyer's Shake Shack restaurants, based in New York.
That's all well and good they were going off of a photo, which is all they had at the time but since then folks have run with the comparison. It's time for a reality check.
With all of this in the news (and with an already-planned road trip from the San Francisco Bay Area to Seattle), tracking down this burger seemed preordained. Truth be told, I have a special affinity for the Costco Food Court since a summer job there was the only non-newspaper job I've ever had.
So, here's the deal:
Costco says the 1/3-pound burgers are made with "organic ground beef, cheddar cheese, lettuce and tomato, with our own special sauce on a brioche style bun."
They are $5 food court guilty-pleasure good, and then some, but let's be honest: you don't get the $1.50 hot dog because it's the pinnacle of American sausage-making, so rein in your expectations.
The bun is soft and light with some egginess, but still on the lighter-side in color. The quality of the bun is what stands out to me the most about the new burger. Combined with crisp lettuce and fresh tomatoes, Costco is off to a good start here and the "special sauce" was applied sparingly.
Shake Shack famously smashes their patties (which are much smaller) on a griddle or flattop and the results are beautiful and caramelized. This is probably the defining characteristic of their product.
What you get at Costco is a lean, pre-formed patty that is somewhat strangely daisy shaped and is cooked to medium in a small char-broiler. The result is nothing close to the same, but it's not meant to be.
Those familiar with the Roma tomatoes on burgers from the 'Shack will also notice that Costco uses more of a Jersey tomato.
The cheese on the burger I had was not melted due to a hiccup in the process at the Costco I visited (they temporarily ran out of cheese and had to send a runner out for more), so it's not clear to me whether it's standard practice to melt it onto the burger or not.
Irrespective of cheese-doneness it's a solid fast food burger and will surely be a crowd pleaser, though my personal preference would be for something a little smaller. It's also worth noting that Costco food courts do not have deep fryers, so you definitely won't be getting fries with that.
Costco corporate is being somewhat tight-lipped about the trial and the potential roll-out of the burgers. So far they appear to be available in the Seattle area, some stores in Southern California and at least according to Reddit users in Livermore and Folsom, California.