Do you think James Cameron could save the franchise or have 3, Salvation, Genisys and Dark Fate done too much damage? The last two didn't make profit so it looks like the audiences are not interested anymore. Would be very interesting to see how a Cameron directed Terminator movie would do nowdays. Would it be a big success like his recent movies or not?
Cameron has said that a new movie is possible but nothing has been decided. He owns the rights.
Cameron has said that a new movie is possible but nothing has been decided. He owns the rights.
“If I were to do another Terminator film and maybe try to launch that franchise again – which is in discussion but nothing has been decided – I would make it much more about the AI side than bad robots gone crazy,” Cameron said.

Can James Cameron revive the Terminator saga – or is it time to switch the cyborgs off?
The Oscar-winning director says a reboot for sci-fi series ‘is in discussion’. But is the franchise all out of ideas?
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