Thick Thighs Save Lives
NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Vanillaware games have always been sprinkled with gastronomic indulgence, and their latest hit tactical SPRG Unicorn Overlord likewise delivers a bunch of mouth-watering food scenes, which have only contributed to the game’s virality so far. Recently, the “culprit” behind Unicorn Overlord’s lavish food animations has come forward, also confirming their involvement in the title’s female characters becoming “thick,” as well as previous Vanillaware games.

In Unicorn Overlord, meals are an important part of building rapport among your troops. Units that fight in the same squad will naturally build rapport after each battle, but visiting the Tavern for a group meal is an effective way to reinforce the bonds between those you don’t deploy in the same squad. Aside from this important practical role, Unicorn Overlord’s developers have also made sure the food looks mesmerizingly appetizing. Recently, one player, touched by the game’s sparkly strawberry cake slices, pleaded for their creator to reveal themselves, and surprisingly earned a response.
Post translation: The food just looks so bouncy and delicious. Who made this? I want to praise you, show yourself!
“It was me,” came a simple reply from Japanese graphic designer and game developer Shigatake. In subsequent responses to users, Shigatake further clarifies that he carefully hand-crafted the food animation in Unicorn Overlord. It seems his concept for Unicorn Overlord’s food was a “western version” of the food in Muramasa: The Demon Blade, which he also worked on. Muramasa is another Vanillaware title known for its good-looking Japanese dishes and desserts. However, Shigatake clarifies that he is not the creator of the food seen in Vanillaware’s Dragon’s Crown, crediting another artist called Yamashita. According to an interview with 4Gamer, Shigatake and Yamashita seem to have a healthy rivalry over who’s going to create the most advanced food graphics.
Shigatake has also mentioned his involvement in the design of Unicorn Overlord’s heroines, commenting that he was unable to control his “habits,” which resulted in in Yunifi’s thick thighs and Scarlet’s impressive bosom. As an aside, Shigatake is currently working on a shoot ‘em up game titled Devil Blade Reboot. It is scheduled to be released in 2024 on Steam.

Creator of Unicorn Overlord’s jiggly food also made the characters “jiggle” - AUTOMATON WEST
The creator of Unicorn Overlord's bouncy food animations has revealed himself in response to fans' pleas, revealing interesting details.