The Fucking MAN.
Playstation Legend Jeff Ross Game Director/Game Designer of Days Gone (and designer on numerous Syphon Filters, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Darkwatch!,etc.)- will be on my GABBIN+GAMES stream tomorrow (Sunday) at 11am PST.
We'll talk his games and game design philosophies in part 2 (in the next few weeks). But TOMORROW we chat all about the biz, Playstation, and the Schreier article.
Discord is also open and Jeff will be taking some 'calls' from people who wanna call in and chat.
Here's a link to the discord.
And here's a link for tomorrow's stream.
Thx! Hope to see some of y'all live.
EDIT: If there are any specific questions you would like ME to ask, hit me up here or on twitter and I'll see if they make sense in the context of the chat. Thx!

We'll talk his games and game design philosophies in part 2 (in the next few weeks). But TOMORROW we chat all about the biz, Playstation, and the Schreier article.
Discord is also open and Jeff will be taking some 'calls' from people who wanna call in and chat.
Here's a link to the discord.
And here's a link for tomorrow's stream.
Thx! Hope to see some of y'all live.
EDIT: If there are any specific questions you would like ME to ask, hit me up here or on twitter and I'll see if they make sense in the context of the chat. Thx!
Summary notes of what Jeff Ross said:
- he left for personal reasons, age, future ideas, not because of anything in that article
- there was an idea for a Days Gone 2, there was some early work on it
- never say never about a Days Gone 2 not happening
- Days Gone sold well, more than all other Bend games combined
- its a good game they're proud of, but it has flaws
- the metacritic 70 and the critical reviews did hurt
- they had ideas for a Days Gone shared world online multiplayer game (along with more singleplayer)
- Days Gone started with idea for extra 2 player co-op mode
- Days Gone development was rough and the studio changed a lot over time, new people, new structure
- team and budget basically doubled over the years while making Days Gone
- PS5 games will cost even more to make than PS4 games
- even using outsourcing studios is getting more expensive cuz of bidding wars and limited devs
- he understands the business & PR approach that Sony is taking
- putting games on subscription services later on is cool, can help more people play it
- he likes Game Pass, but has doubts about the longterm business strategy, debt, converting users to profits, etc
- not sure if doing day 1 release on service would work (hasn't done it yet)
- he's happy that Days Gone is going to PC so more people can play it
- putting Uncharted Golden Abyss on PS Plus directly benefited Bend Studio financially
- Sony are very hands off with their studios, don't just chase money
- Shawn Layden, Scott Rohde, Shu Yoshida are all great to work with and love games
- he met Jim Ryan once at a PR thing in London and Jim Ryan threatened to fire anyone who leaked anything
- Herman Hulst did a good job leading Guerrila, he'll be fine
- he loves The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part 2 (he liked the bold story and ideas in 2)
- he likes Neil Druckmann and had fun meeting Troy Baker, did a Joel impression
- they've had a good relationship with Naughty Dog, just a few normal creative issues
- Bend was not becoming a support studio
- he said that rumor is false
- he said that Bend was helping Naughty Dog in a limited way, collaboration he called it
- it was to give some devs at Bend something to do while they had nothing else going on early in pre-pro
- new younger millennial game devs bitch and moan a lot, about everything
- getting to zero crunch is probably impossible but it does need to be managed better and fixed
- he respects Jason and has read his book, likes serious games journalism, devs should be held accountable
- a new Syphon Filter game would not work today, not modern enough, he has no new game design ideas for that
- open world game design needs to improve with better NPCs and better systems
- too many open world games are just a map full of icons for generic quests to do
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