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More than 60 million players have entered the Fog of Dead by Daylight, developer Behaviour Interactive announced Tuesday. That means the asymmetrical multiplayer horror game has grown by 10 million players since March 2022.
Mathieu Cote, producer and head of partnerships at Behaviour, credits Dead by Daylight’s success to a couple factors: listening to its players and making the right game at the right time.
“We got lucky to a certain extent,” Cote said in an interview with Polygon. “We get credit for [doing] some [things right], but we got lucky; we released at a time when people wanted what we had to offer. We’ve always tried to be as generous as we can with our monetization. We have 300 people working every single day on that game. We always made sure that people would have a choice to pay or not and to pay in a way that is showing their commitment, [and] showing their desire for the game to continue to be more interesting to be deeper.”