Welcome to the DEATHLOOP Review Thread!
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MC: 90
OC:88 (94% CR)
IGN (10/10)
Welcome to the DEATHLOOP Review Thread!
Reviews are now LIVE!
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MC: 90
OC:88 (94% CR)
Deathloop encases fun investigation work and satisfying combat in a unique time loop mechanic to create a tremendously satisfying adventure.
Gamespot (10/10)
Arkane Lyon's follow-up to Dishonored is a masterclass in open-ended action game design.
VideoGamesChronicle (5/5)
Deathloop is slick and inventive, with a delicious sense of style and humour. It distils Arkane’s hefty systems into something more explicitly playful, then leaves its sparkling cast to run riot in its huge interlocking puzzle of an island. One of the smartest and most outright entertaining games of the year.
GameInformer (9/10)
Deathloop is a rare game I started replaying as soon as the credits finished rolling. Now deep in a second playthrough, I'm still discovering new secrets and ways to play
PlayStationLifestyle (9.5/10)
There isn't anything else quite like Deathloop. It's a riveting detective mystery, plays with time loops in unique ways, and never feels like it slows down, even in those stealthier moments. It's a game that's thought out top-to-bottom, with two perfect leads heralding the charge and a unique multiplayer component that feels central to everything that Deathloop is, without ever getting in the way. Whether you're looking to break the loop or preserve it, Blackreef is certainly worth the visit. You may find yourself as stuck there too.
A brilliant timeloop shooter that gives Dishonored's best tricks and techniques more opportunity to shine.
GameSpew (9/10)
Deathloop is seriously slick. It’s a game that entrusts its players to engage with its systems in their own way, and while you’ll never at be a loss on what to do, you won’t have your hand held, either. It’s fast, it’s smooth, it’s a hell of a lot of fun. I almost don’t want the loop to end, quite frankly.
TheGamesMachine (9/10)
Deathloop is an unusual but fascinating game to be experienced in one breath as a superb noir thriller in which, however, we are the killer. The AI is out of place compared to the rest of the game and it's not a perfect game, but it's not afraid to dare, it has style in spades, shows the creative team's burning passion in every corner and when finally get that perfect loop, the satisfaction is immeasurable.
Playstation Universe (10/10)
Deathloop is not only one of the most conceptually ambitious and well executed games ever made, but Arkane's PlayStation swansong also has a boundless energy and ingenuity that no other game can match. Quite simply, Deathloop is an unparalleled synergy of first-person shooter design, explorative bliss and narrative complexity that we likely won't see again for a very, very long time.
The Sixth Axis (10/10)
Deathloop is the kind of game that will get in your head and stay there even when you're not playing. Colt is a great protagonist, the intricate environmental design is a dream to explore, and the loop system keeps things fresh and offers so much replayability. Simply put, Deathloop is fantastic.
NextGenBase (9/10)
Deathloop is not only one of the most conceptually ambitious and well executed games ever made, but Arkane's PlayStation swansong also has a boundless energy and ingenuity that no other game can match. Quite simply, Deathloop is an unparalleled synergy of first-person shooter design, explorative bliss and narrative complexity that we likely won't see again for a very, very long time.
HobbyConsolas (9/10)
Although there are some elements from Dishonored in the game, Arkane Studios delivers a unique FPS, with great characters an intriguing story and a wise use of time loops. There are some technical issues here and there, but we loved the experience.
Destructoid (9/10)
Deathloop combines a classic Arkane stealthy-shooty foundation with a genuinely interesting and fun premise to aplomb. This is going to be on a lot of Game of the Year lists.
Press Start (9/10)
It's not an easy thing Arkane has done here in serving up a genuinely fresh take on one of the medium's most enduring genres. Deathloop redefines what a shooter can be, and the developer has used their entire toolkit to get there. Satisfying action, world-building that's second-to-none, style and substance, and a genuinely enthralling riddle at the centre, Deathloop delivers it all. And it's through these triumphs that Deathloop earns its place in the first-person shooter pantheon, and puts its hand up during Game of the Year talks.
PCGamer (89/100)
A thoughtful response to Dishonored that makes for an entertaining stealth shooter in its own right, but it's the multiplayer invasions that make Deathloop sing.
EasyAllies (8/10)
Push Square (8/10)
Few games have the confidence and swagger of Deathloop. Packed full of charisma and wit, it's a game that can be played your way, with your own style and cunning. A very accomplished package of gameplay features supplies the goods, and the time loop delivers fun and deceitful opportunities over and over again.
GAMEMag (8/10)
Consistency is the mother of mastery. And DEATHLOOP is another consistent release of Arkane Studios. For newcomers this game can serve as a great entry point to the Arkane portfolio. While all the hadcore fans will surely get what they expect from this title, even with this new and experimental format. There's no better place for experiments than in the endless time loop, after all.
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