The sixth Democratic primary debate is taking place at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, produced by PBS NewsHour, Milwaukee Public Television and WUWM 89.7 FM.
The debate will held today, Thursday February 11, and start at 9PM EST. It will be broadcast live on PBS and streamed at PBS's site.
The Debate
Just finished my abridged debate video: 2 hours compressed to ~32 minutes.
PBS has the full debate and a debate with closed captions up on their Youtube channel.
The Story
The Republican Empire sought to destroy the United States by summoning a giant moon to crash into the region of America, but instead Obama burst out of the moon, blew everything up, and brought about a thousand years of darkness.

Obama as Bahamut
Our brave adventurers will now e-sports on public television in hopes of reviving this very much destroyed and awful country.
Presenting the job classes:
Hillary Clinton as Warrior: this job is supposed to be a tank, but instead bleeds in pursuit of a more aggressive attack style.

Bernie Sanders as Black Mage: this job consists of endless loop spells of two types and is fairly immobile.

This debate is brought to you by the debate moderators, Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff.

Cash Shop Sale
The Rubiowalker mount is available at a special price of $3.33 for a limited time only! Please enjoy this seasonal item!

Cheers and enjoy the debate.
(For those who are confused, the theme is the MMO Final Fantasy XIV.)