Gold Member

Game Information
Game Title: Destiny 2: The Final ShapePlatforms:
- PC (Jun 4, 2024)
- PlayStation 5 (Jun 4, 2024)
- PlayStation 4 (Jun 4, 2024)
- Xbox One (Jun 4, 2024)
- Xbox Series X/S (Jun 4, 2024)
- Destiny 2: The Final Shape | The Pale Heart of the Traveler Preview
- Destiny 2: The Final Shape | Reveal Trailer
- Destiny 2: The Final Shape | Teaser Trailer
Publisher: Bungie, Inc
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 93 average - 90% recommended - 11 reviews

MetaCritic - 81/100 - 7 Reviews

Critic Reviews
EIP Gaming - Kelson Hampton - 9.5 / 10GameSpot - Phil Hornshaw - 9 / 10The Final Shape campaign is the magnum opus of the franchise. It's obvious that the pacing of the story and gameplay were given an abundance of care, which elevates the entire experience. The story provides longtime fans massive payoffs, and succinctly wraps up the epic journey we've been on for so many years. Lastly, the new additions of the Dread enemy faction and Prismatic subclass made playing through the campaign a delight. I will say that as a whole, this campaign is the best in the Destiny franchise, and hearkens back to Bungie's golden age of campaigns in their Halo days.
God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 9.5 / 10With a character-driven story and a focus on enhancing its gameplay on nearly every level, The Final Shape feels like what Destiny 2 has been trying to be all along.
Hobby Consolas - Álvaro Alonso - Spanish - UnscoredBungie absolutely needed to stick the landing with The Final Shape, and by all accounts they've done just that.
PSX Brasil - Paulo Roberto Montanaro - Portuguese - 90 / 100A ton of new features, very interesting gameplay mechanics, content to bore and, above all, a bullet of nostalgia that hits the mark: The Final Form is the perfect closure to 10 years of history and one of the best expansions of Destiny 2.
PlayStation Universe - Mark Kriska - 10 / 10Destiny 2: The Final Form is essentially the promised and deserved conclusion to a saga that began so many years ago. It mixes a very well-tied (even predictable) narrative, wonderful setting and the usual excellent gameplay with some important additions. It's the best thing about the franchise.
Push Square - Aaron Bayne - 9 / 10I liked to tell myself that I didn't believe in perfect 10/10 games. To me a perfect game is something everyone, unanimously, can say has no issues. No shortcomings. However, Destiny 2: The Final Shape is perfect. Everything that Bungie has done these past nine years has come together in a video game version of Avengers: Endgame. The stakes, the action, the quality of storytelling, and of course the emotion has all merged into the best expansion, no, game I have ever played. If you have ever in the last decade been interested in or cared about Destiny, The Final Shape is a must play. Period.
TheSixthAxis - Tuffcub - 9 / 10Destiny 2: The Final Shape feels like a promise fulfilled. We can't help but think back to all of the late night sessions exploring iconic corners of this vibrant sci-fi universe, and digging into all manners of lore to help make sense of it all. And now, despite it's ups and downs, we have a gratifying end to the decade spanning Light and Darkness saga, that evokes all those memories in one big celebration. Destiny 2: The Final Shape is the hope and dream of every other live service game out there. It's a testament to Bungie's unwavering commitment to a riveting saga that defied all odds, and did exactly what it set out to do. This one is for the fans.
Twinfinite - Finlay Cattanach - 5 / 5The Final Shape is Destiny 2 back to its best for its grand narrative finale. It's the ultimate space wizards with a machine gun fantasy combined with emotional story beats and characters you truly care for. Despite all the odds, Bungie has crafted the perfect endgame.
VideoGamer - Antony Terence - 9 / 10Destiny 2 The Final Shape is a masterpiece of a finale to the ten year story of the Light and Darkness saga. With a powerful, moving narrative, exceptional character payoffs, inspiring gameplay and gorgeous visuals and sound design, it triumphs as an unmatched expansion for the game.
XboxEra - Jesse Norris - 7 / 10The Final Shape is Destiny 2 firing on all cylinders, balancing a story of overwhelming odds with expertly paced combat and puzzles, all set in stunning environments. Much of the earlier complaints about the barrier to entry have been addressed, making for a seamless entry into the latest campaign.
Destiny 2: The Final Shape mixes incredible environmental art, fun gameplay, and a compelling new subclass with a boring story full of predictable cliches. It’s not the rebirth of Destiny 2 that some were hoping for, but it’s still as fun to play as ever. If you felt burnt out this expansion isn’t likely to change that. If you want to ignore a disappointing story and enjoy a gorgeous new area to play through with a plethora of fun new toys then this one is worth checking out once the server issues clear up, if the $50 price tag doesn't scare you off.