Crafted just shy of 50 dexterity amulets last night and not one was even close to an upgrade. Don`t think I`ll bother again.
What does everyone think these crafting recepies will do to the market? It could make everything but legendaries and set worthless. I mean ... if people all of a sudden don't need gold to buy armor, a lot of current gear will become less valuable and people's gold stocks will increase without as many slots to lookk for upgrades on.
Yeah, I mentioned that issue before 1.07 even came out. I've never found a >100m jackpot item to sell in over 1000 hours, most of the money I've gotten has been selling midrange priced gear in the 1m-5m range. That market is going to be pretty much gone now. I know blizzard is trying to create a gold sink to remove some of the $$$ from the economy but this is going to make it tougher on the folks that don't have a lot of $$$ to begin with imo.
The shoulders are OK, the second more so than the first, but those bracers are nothing special. How much gold do you have that you consider upgrades to that outside of your price range?
The items are so expensive to craft, I can't see it being worth it for anyone but people with tons of gold/cash to burn trying to gear up alts.
The items are so expensive to craft, I can't see it being worth it for anyone but people with tons of gold/cash to burn trying to gear up alts.
The items are so expensive to craft, I can't see it being worth it for anyone but people with tons of gold/cash to burn trying to gear up alts.
found another razorspikes of vitality recipe. anyone want it for free? otherwise I'll take my 3k on the ah lol.
Sure I'll take it. I also have a ring for you(If it didn't sell on the AH)
wow alright, cool. will you be on later tonight?
I could jump on, won't be getting home until around 10pm CST
I'm on now and will be for probably 10 more minutes then I gotta make dinner, but I will also be on around 10pm. so whenever is good for you is good for me.
I've never had an item worth more than 5m on any of my chars, most of my gear is below 2m/piece. So yeah, I'd need to spend about 5m for pants that are a downgrade for me wit the tiny exception of the movement speed. Hell, compared to prices of regular pants, even 20m inna's are a downgrade compared to something worth like 1-2m, and that's after taking the ASPD into account.
Mine too. Probably just a weird issueMy profile on is gone. I hope my account didn't get stolen.![]()
Was cleaning my stash of shit and I salvaged my offhand! NOoooooo!!
I've still got that mighty weapon you couldn't sell, or you could have your echoing fury back
edit: oh and sorry I didn't get on last night, disgaea 4 sucked me in bad.
Found the amulet of dex. Amulets ain't cheap crafting.
Also finally got the armor I bought. 48 hours after I bought it.
Also ... If anyone needs help with anything in game, including keys and ubers, let me know. Fenderputty#1180
Cruising through Inferno on my monk but damn Belial just clowned me. I burned down the first two stages almost effortlessly but in his final form he one shots me. :/
thanks for helping me out Fenderputty... Goddamn leveled for 9 hours. -____- sooo boring and trying... got a nice wiz and only spent about 4mil over all.... hope I can get in the grove in leveling her... still every character should have like 40 movement speed.. the barb has spoiled me....
says my Profile Unavailable does not exist in this region on bnet.. blizztards better fix than. :/
That's super helpful, more so than the youtube clip I watching. Thanks!Just gotta learn the pattern of his attacks:
Green circle on top of you: Single hit on that spot. Move to side & keep attacking.
Green circle to your side: Triple hit, first on the circle, second where you were standing when the first started, third in the middle. Move just to the side of the first attack (on the outside) and keep hitting - that's 10 secs of free hits.
Fists in ground: attacks everywhere. Find a safe spot and only move if you have to. Don't even bother trying to attack until he's finished.
Poison breath: Either run towards it to reduce time in it or pop serenity.
Got my first new patch green gem plans today
cheesus christ 20 million per craft?
Best troll legendary I've gotten in a while. Goddamn.
Tell that to the three Frostburn Gauntlets I've gotten in the past week...
Best troll legendary I've gotten in a while. Goddamn.