Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
Probably I shouldn't brag about it, since it makes me unhinged in public eye, but I had
2 times XSS - first time for "next gen" NBA 2k21 and later to have the same game back again
3 times XSX - for 4k upgrade in NBA and FIFA and any other game
3 times PS5 - first time DE for Ratchet & Clank, later Blu-ray edition for DriveClub (only physical copy possible for me), and lastly for Horizon Forbiden West, which I just started to play now.
And once again I am left with XSX and PS5 on my desk, and when I calculate how much I lost buying new console (sometimes from scalpers) and selling as used one, I could have 2 more consoles on my desk if I weren't that unhinged.
Probably this thread won't last long since there aren't that many unbalanced people like me, but here, I wanted to share it with you.
(But I promise not to sell any of my consoles until the end of this gen)
2 times XSS - first time for "next gen" NBA 2k21 and later to have the same game back again
3 times XSX - for 4k upgrade in NBA and FIFA and any other game
3 times PS5 - first time DE for Ratchet & Clank, later Blu-ray edition for DriveClub (only physical copy possible for me), and lastly for Horizon Forbiden West, which I just started to play now.
And once again I am left with XSX and PS5 on my desk, and when I calculate how much I lost buying new console (sometimes from scalpers) and selling as used one, I could have 2 more consoles on my desk if I weren't that unhinged.
Probably this thread won't last long since there aren't that many unbalanced people like me, but here, I wanted to share it with you.
(But I promise not to sell any of my consoles until the end of this gen)