It could, but I believe the majority don't really even care about such things.
I mean think about it, Call Of Duty isn't winning all the GOTY awards, its not getting 10s every year, yet it moves massive units even with many people review bombing and spewing the same "copy and paste" bs all over the place, same with the AC series.
I don't buy that neck beards control the majority, they are simply a small group that tries to force some narrative on something they hate, but I've never really see that actually TRULY hurt a game that didn't already have massive issues to begin with.
They review bombed Far Cry 5.....yet
Ubisoft shared an update on two of its biggest games, Far Cry 5, and Rainbow Six Siege.
They review bombed Star Wars Battlefront, wasn't it suppose to FLOPZ guys? yet....
They review bombed Mafia 3, i'm sure it will fail now right? Yet it went on to be the fastest selling in the series and the best selling Mafia
Mafia 3 sales have topped seven million units sold worldwide, according to a recent update from Take-Two Interactive.
The Last Of Us 2, suppose to flopz right? I mean the bombs MUST have helped right? Yet
In one week, Sony sells 4 million copies of the postapocalyptic survival game.
The Last of Us Part 2 is the third highest-grossing game ever on PlayStation in the US.
Four Sony games in the top 10
So i don't really see enough to really say review bombing will hurt sales for a game. The majority simply don't use this information to buy games and I'd argue people getting triggered over shit that has nothing to do with the actual game itself has even hurt their own cause. If someone reads some religious or political or fanboy shit in a 0/10 review 2 min after the game comes out, how likely are they to even believe any of those reviews going forward? They might feel that the person making those reviews can't be taken seriously, which means EVEN THOSE who might read it before buying a game, can't take that review at face value if its saying shit like "I can't believe the box art be BLUE bruh", so someone not buying a game based on that? Are you sure folks?
Think about the kids who are playing Fortnite RIGHT NOW, do we really believe they are quickly going to review sites like MC before playing the next big MP game? Probably not. I'd argue Twitch stream and their friends playing it or them seeing other friends play it off of XBL, Steam, PSN is a greater influence on a sale vs a 0/10 review put in 4 min after the game released filled with triggered reasons.