DOOM Eternal now offering Paid Skin Packs as DLCs


When’s the last time a game was released where you could unlock characters/skins with cheat codes? I remember unlocking a bunch of cool characters in THPS3 on PS2 by looking up codes online. I suppose that’ll never be the case again.
The funny thing is, you can unlock cheatcodes in Eternal and plenty of skins for characters (not just Doomguy) or weapons as well just by playing the game.

So I'm thinking these are just skins that might not be available any more due to events? Honestly I have no idea how these work though as every time I play I seem to be unlocking something for an event whether that be a skin, profile pic or other customization. But either their rewards screens are bugged or there's just that many events as it always shows a rank-up animation starting from level 1 upwards (shrugemoji.jpg).

The packs listed in the OP can, to my knowledge, simply be earned by playing the game previously (I own the unicorn one myself).
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Ah yeah just checked the store pages and in the descriptions for these items they even start out by saying that these litems are rewards from previously held in-game timed events.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they cycle through events on a weekly or monthly basis so it's still kind of "eh" but I guess it's nice for people that are completionists and really want everything. I mean it's still kind of scummy considering it's a full priced game but at the end of the day these are meaningless additions to the game anyway.
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Never expected a Doom game to end up with 60 dollars worth of DLC. I'll wait for a complete edition to go on sale down the road...

The Pleasure

Gold Member

More to come with future events presumably, after they said there would be no microtransactions...


Gold Member
Annnd that right there is WHY people need to pay $5 and $9 buck-a-roos, because people just wave it by...
People don't need to do anything. If the useless skins are not worth it, don't buy it and continue to enjoy the same thing you did before, nothing changed whatsoever.

I supported the up rise against barebones games only coming together with paid DLC or pay-to-win in MP, but this is not it. Devs and publishers already tested the waters, and we gave them them a clear message on where the limits go. But there's no use in dying on this particular hill.
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People don't need to do anything. If the useless skins are not worth it, don't buy it and continue to enjoy the same thing you did before, nothing changed whatsoever.

I supported the up rise against barebones games only coming together with paid DLC or pay-to-win in MP, but this is not it. Devs and publishers already tested the waters, and we gave them them a clear message on where the limits go. But there's no use in dying on this particular hill.

This particular hill always changes, and the only people whom are hurt by it are gamers...

I agree cosmetic costumes is miniscule (albeit overpriced) in the great scheme of things, but the issue isn't the items themselves, but rather yet another developer going back on their words.

No Invasive Microtransactions for Crash Team Racing...until a month later than BANG bitch

Nothing but cosmetic DLC for Fallout 76 guys ;) Well minus these stat altering and time saving costumes and items BAZING!

We HAVE to hold these devs and publishers accountable for their words or this shit will only get worse...


Gold Member
If this is bad, please don't ever look at Fortnite. The level of microtransactions in that might trigger you to death.


Pretty messed up IMO, but whatever I suppose. To pay for those cosmetics is pretty silly to me. You're not getting a whole lot out of them IMO. Especially anything Battle Mode related.


What time is it?
Pretty messed up IMO, but whatever I suppose. To pay for those cosmetics is pretty silly to me. You're not getting a whole lot out of them IMO. Especially anything Battle Mode related.

Eternal's frontend was already an affront to the senses, so this move feels right at home so to speak.


To each their own but some of these just feel so out of place for Doom. It makes me concerned about the path forward for the series.
They offered 2 free event opportunities to unlock the pack they just released. Whatever, if they want to offer it now at a cost for people who didn't bother to earn it or don't want to wait for another potential event chance to come by who cares? As long as they offer the events free first (which they still are, a new one just started) is it really that egregious?
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