People don't need to do anything. If the useless skins are not worth it, don't buy it and continue to enjoy the same thing you did before, nothing changed whatsoever.
I supported the up rise against barebones games only coming together with paid DLC or pay-to-win in MP, but this is not it. Devs and publishers already tested the waters, and we gave them them a clear message on where the limits go. But there's no use in dying on this particular hill.
This particular hill always changes, and the only people whom are hurt by it are gamers...
I agree cosmetic costumes is miniscule (albeit overpriced) in the great scheme of things, but the issue isn't the items themselves, but rather yet another developer going back on their words.
No Invasive Microtransactions for Crash Team Racing...until a month later than BANG bitch
I’m not proud of how tolerant I used to be of microtransactions in general but that’s all the more reason...
Nothing but cosmetic DLC for Fallout 76 guys

Well minus these stat altering and time saving costumes and items BAZING!
Fallout 76 courts "utility" microtransactions with new Repair Kits, that strays from their original promise of keeping the Atomic Shop cosmetic only .
We HAVE to hold these devs and publishers accountable for their words or this shit will only get worse...