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I have 3 questions:
1) How do you get the most out of the offlane? I Don't really struggle much vs 1v2 unless its a strong kill lane and can kill their carry, but when I'm 1v3 I don't know what to do really except for the side camp near the ancients. How do I also gauge well how agressive I can be in a lane? I feel unless I play offlaners I'm comfortable with like Lone druid, Clockwerk, Timbersaw or Nyx I play too passive unless its a 1v1.
On topic:
I have 3 questions:
1) How do you get the most out of the offlane? I Don't really struggle much vs 1v2 unless its a strong kill lane and can kill their carry, but when I'm 1v3 I don't know what to do really except for the side camp near the ancients. How do I also gauge well how agressive I can be in a lane? I feel unless I play offlaners I'm comfortable with like Lone druid, Clockwerk, Timbersaw or Nyx I play too passive unless its a 1v1.
2) How do you fit Storm Aghs in item buildup? I feel its a great item when you have a wombo combo team, like having an Axe, Earthshaker, Tidehunter, etc. But my issue is that I never feel like getting it after Bloodstone + Orchid because I always feel like getting Linken's, Shiva's, Sheepstick, Bloodthorn would have more impact. So by the time I start getting it we are already hitting their ancients.
3) Thoughts on SF aghs? I feel like its a good item on paper, but when should you build it over a normal carry sf?
Today in Dota I learned that if someone wants to last pick wraith king jungle to let them because if you ask them to play an actual role like mid they'll pick alch and have a 22 min AC. I wonder if some people have climbed solely through cheese and them trying to play actual Dota will always end in a disaster.
AA is not a bad hero at all, especially when alch and slark are so popular, but I feel you are too dependent on your team to succeed.
I played vs. a 2-stack that went bane/alch mid and bane just kept enfeebling me (i was ember) while alch got fat, and of course everyone sits in their lanes for the first 15 mins
I have to imagine they've gotten pretty far with that cheese![]()
btw, try to get PMS and aquila on ember. For an agility hero, he has a pretty bad agility gain so without items its pretty hard to last hit well in lane. Aquila provides you with good overall stats as well as armor which is great for ember because of the aforementioned reason. Especially in a scenario where you are against alch who will spam acid spray with -armor. the armor from aquila and damage block from PMS will also help since Bane probably was rightclicking you.
Also use flame guard the same way alch uses acid spray, he doesn't have a way to pop it so you can move up and use it to secure last hits.
Also another useful thing I notice pros do and it has helped me mid alot is if you get first bounty rune, use it to buy and deliver a salve immediately so you can trade or shrug off some of the harass before your bottle.
but yes I hate playing mid and most mid heroes except icons like ELDER TITAN, PUCK, OGRE, and LICH, the four best mids
On topic:
I have 3 questions:
1) How do you get the most out of the offlane? I Don't really struggle much vs 1v2 unless its a strong kill lane and can kill their carry, but when I'm 1v3 I don't know what to do really except for the side camp near the ancients. How do I also gauge well how agressive I can be in a lane? I feel unless I play offlaners I'm comfortable with like Lone druid, Clockwerk, Timbersaw or Nyx I play too passive unless its a 1v1.
2) How do you fit Storm Aghs in item buildup? I feel its a great item when you have a wombo combo team, like having an Axe, Earthshaker, Tidehunter, etc. But my issue is that I never feel like getting it after Bloodstone + Orchid because I always feel like getting Linken's, Shiva's, Sheepstick, Bloodthorn would have more impact. So by the time I start getting it we are already hitting their ancients.
3) Thoughts on SF aghs? I feel like its a good item on paper, but when should you build it over a normal carry sf?
thx and yeah, I maxed flame guard first so I could get a few last hits in and take out some jungle camps asap
harass wasn't too much of an issue, but 1/2 levels in enfeeble and basically all I could do was try and soak up levels
we lost all 3 lanes hard and the game was over quick (20 mins) plus elder titan was like 4.5k and I didn't feel bad losing to him, so whatever
and I guess I'm part of the problem because two games later I picked bane for my daily and me and miranda just cheesed a lot with arrow :/
but yes I hate playing mid and most mid heroes except icons like ELDER TITAN, PUCK, OGRE, and LICH, the four best mids
SF Aghs is ownage, I've had a lot of success with it this patch. My build: Aquila > Treads > Shadowblade > Dragon Lance > Aghs > Silver Edge > w/e the game requires
I think sf is pretty underrated this patch, he matches well against a lot of the popular miss and that aghs ulti is monstrous in fights.
Every single node
Also I think mid is my favorite lane. You can learn alot of things from it like 1v1 matchups, how to manage creep aggro to get last hits, how to balance farming and ganking (on heroes who can do that), getting the habit of doing tp responses.
You also have the greatest impact in the midgame bar a fed hero on your team or supports who actually rotate.
This post is so good.Also I think mid is my favorite lane. You can learn alot of things from it like 1v1 matchups, how to manage creep aggro to get last hits, how to balance farming and ganking (on heroes who can do that), getting the habit of doing tp responses
I find the new longer interval of creep aggro "checking" pretty annoying though. I'm not really sure why Icefrog changed that, as the interval had been the same for years. It's not like people just started doing it recently, it's been done for years.When I say creep aggro, I mean like, You're a melee mid vs a range mid. So he/she/it is more likely to get the deny before your reach the creep, so you aggro the creeps by clicking on the enemy hero so they come to you instead so you can get the last hit without having to take rightclick damage from the other mid.
I think people psych themselves out when it comes to mid. I've dealt with enough people who clearly had no idea how to play the hero I picked flaming me for not going a build that either is bad currently or just wouldn't work vs the enemy lineup that I ignore any input from raging people.
You get flamed as support for also not making decisions that are bad but people reccomend because they think its the right one.
I just like Storm and more recently Puck because they are high skill ceiling heroes. For me, it feels awesome to disjoint stuff with ball lightning or Puck phase shift.
This post is so good.
Also you learn so much playing different positions and heroes, it's instrumental in improving as an individual player and how you see the game.
It seems so basic and obvious to say this, but too many people don't do this.
Does it? I haven't noticed. The only things related to it that were changed were he aggro interval being set at 2.5, with aggro cooldown is also 2.5, so you basically can't aggro pull as frequently, or hope you did it at the right interval.I haven't done much mid in a while, but does the new creep agro changes allow you to kill your ranged creep more easily?
I haven't done much mid in a while, but does the new creep agro changes allow you to kill your ranged creep more easily?
if youre worried about solo carrying just learn meepo
as long as your team doesn't relentlessly feed the enemy slark then you can solo carry the game if you're good
although the optimal way to play meepo IMO is to immediately go jungle once you hit 3 and let your support take xp/farm mid as you actually jungle faster than an enigma if you have iron talon + second meepo
I've been watching McCree carefully since we've released. McCree's flashbang plays an important role in being a strong option against very fast/agile teams (tracers/genjis/etc). It is also a nice tool to prevent close range devastating abilities and ultimates such as Reaper's Death Blossom.
That said, its probably a bit too good at dealing damage to higher health targets such as Tanks and barriers. I don't have any concrete changes yet, but I'm going to be testing some things internally to see how he plays.
It's no longer high noon.
How many people are on the dota2 dev team now at valve?
He clarified it won't likely be a flash nerf.how do i stun lock a Tracer now
i hope they don't nerf flashbang into the ground
Do we even have access to that info?How many people are on the dota2 dev team now at valve?
He clarified it won't likely be a flash nerf.
He'll yeah man, you've made a lot of progress in that mid-lane. I still remember when you shredded procarbine's signature Lina back when he spammed that hero (when she was fotm).
imo, the hardest position by far to play is support
the easiest position by far to play is carry
mid is like......u r barely even playing dota honestly......no shade
as long as your team doesn't relentlessly feed the enemy slark then you can solo carry the game if you're good
Is that your opinion as a player who plays more support than carry?
Honestly though: all positions are critical (Dota is very much a team game afterall), but there's definitely undue attention brought to the core roles, because a) hey kills re flashy and cores are going to get more kills (or they should anyway) and b) late game cores have a disproportionally large impact on the outcome of the game, whereas early game supports have a disproportionally large impact on the outcome of the game.
as long as your team doesn't relentlessly feed the enemy slark then you can solo carry the game if you're good