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Dragon Ball Super is very bad and may be worse than GT.

How do you feel about Dragon Ball Super?

  • Dragon Ball Super is Good

    Votes: 71 54.2%
  • Dragon Ball Super is Bad

    Votes: 22 16.8%
  • Dragon Ball Super is Bad and worse than GT

    Votes: 18 13.7%
  • Never seen it

    Votes: 20 15.3%

  • Total voters
I just wanted to go over Dragon Ball Super, I saw the japanese version with subs originally and have been looking through the English adaption which is only slightly more manageable with some of the slight script changes, but the show itself is very bad, poorly written, filled with hols and inconsistencies, and is in many areas poorly animated.

Here's some of the biggest issues I have which many of you may agree.

Battle Gods movie Saga:

1. Making a multi-episode Saga from a movie that was already filled with problems.

2. Beerus randomly having the dream of a Super Saiyan God without any context or why it happened.

3. Why Beerus first headed to King Kais planet instead of the world of the Supreme Kais who's job is to look over Earth and the universe in general.

4. Bulmas Birthday Party

5. Pilaf has no reason to be on a ship.

6. Why did they change the setting of the movie being Bulmas house to a Ship in the show?

7. Vegeta going completely out of character

8. Three shock waves being able to destroy the universe

9. The SSG ceremony working with an unborn child that wouldn't have much energy

10. How Shenron even knows about the ceremony.


1. Super Saiyan Blue being stronger than SSG is nonsense and I will continue to refuse to believe it.

2. When Golden freeza and SSB fight there are zero shockwaves.

3. Freeza only needed 4 months of training to go from much weaker than introduction android saga trunks to being more powerful than SSG and matching SSB

4. Roshi being stronger than all the other humans.

5. Ginyu taking a semi-weak body he doesn't know how to use and after not fighting for years and matching SS2.

6. Beerus not threatening Freeza to not destroy the earth.

7. Beerus and Whis saying the consequences of the fight are none of their business, rewinds time.

8. Freeza still could have destroyed the earth after the time reverse he just decided to sit there and gasp at goku an extra 2 seconds.

9. Vegeta got SSB off-screen with nothing shown to the viewer which means he passed SSG.

10. Why couldn't champa just get the super dragon balls (or use their earths dragon balls which may still be there, or use their nameks Dragon balls) to restore their earth instead of hosting a tourney.


1. Blue Freeza (frost) can hold off SSB and match SS1

2. Frost can't hold out against one hit from Vegetas SS1.

3. The point of this whole tourney is pointless due to point 10 mentioned above in the last saga.

4. Cabba's weak, yet his just reached SS1, could match Vegetas SS2.

5. Goku told Piccolo he stood no chance to Frost yet he clearly was beating frost before Frost cheated.

6. Hit's time stopping powers are BS.

7. The writers wrote themselves into a corner and made Hits time stopping power increase by .5 seconds because he was "training in real-time"

8. Why couldn't Vegeta just blast the heat robot guy when he was burning up in the cube?

9. They made Goku super stupid in this show, like much more than DBZ japanese ver stupid. Which of course leads to him helping set up another tourney.

11. Goku is so dumb that American DBZ fans might drop the shoe by this point because the contrast is crazy, and even japanese fans might cringe.


1. Goku Black, really?

2. They contradict the ability of the time ring like 5 times across the whole saga.

3. Why would Shu and Pilaf not be with Mai in the Future unless they died off screen which was never implied?

4. Why would future mai ignore Shu and Pilaf in the present given her loyalty to both?

5. Mai would be around 60 years old in Furture Trunks timeline.

6. How could the mai in trunks future be as young as he is? That would mean in his timeline Mai, Shu, and Pilaf wished to be young on the dragonballs then as well, but that only happened when Trunks was a kid in the present, and everyone was already dead when Future Trunks was a kids, so what who where???

7. Goku Black randomly gets stronger during, after, and even before fights and has no zenkai boost.

8. The motivations of Zamatsu don't make any sense and is partially spurred by a random alien race that has nothing to do with Earth, but he ends up hating earth specifically, being the main cause of him hating mortals, BEFORE he met Goku.

9. If mortals are so bad why did future zamatsu take Gokus moretal body as a hell when he worked with alternate timeline zamatsu.

10. If every change made is a new timeline instead of the butterfly effect why did Beerus claim that killing present Zamatsu would work across all timelines.

11. Since going to the pas creates time rings and time rings can only go into the future how did Black get to the past, and wouldn't that have made a time ring?

12. How does Zamatsu create a no mortal paradise if he killed all the kais? What would he even have?

13. Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta lose and retreat TWICE (well three times for Trunks specifially) yet Trunks is the one that kills Fused Zamatsu.

14. How does Trunks know how to make the sprite bomb or how to put the energy into his sword?

15. Why is the sword sometimes treated as a sword and other times treated as Trunks' third arm?

16. Why did dead Zamatsu turn into multiple crazy face mist and quickly take over the galaxy in a manner of seconds.

17. Future Bulma had plans to repair the time machine but also had plans to help fix up Cells time machine, which doesn't make sense because that would mean Future Bulma knew past Bulma had Cells time machine when Future Bulma didn't even know who Cell was.

18. How did Trunks stop Majin Buu from resurrecting? They made it seem like Babidi basically showed up and challenged Trunks which doesn't make sense because he came specifically in a space ship which was hidden underground, with Majin buu on the last floor trying to make sure no one reached Buu before he generated.

19. Trunks implied that Dabora is the only guy he fought and that after he won he stopped Majin Buus restoration.

20. How did Trunks even know what Majin Buu was beforehand, no one in the present told him and by this point all the Kais would be dead in his timeline because Zamatsu killed them and it was shortly after buus defeat that Black showed up.

21. It's interesting that Trunks reaction to Krillan marrying 18 is waived in 3 seconds.

22. Why do we still not call 17 and 18 by their names which they actually have? It was odd in Z and still odd here.

23. Apparently by the time Zeno shows up the mist of Zatmatsu already took over most of the universe and Zeno basically gets rid of the whole thing.

24. Apparently Whis has the ability to go back further in time after all? And he can contact that eras beerus to kill that era Zamatsu... But there the past versions of Mai and Trunks will also still be there meaning there will be 2 Trunks and Mais. Mission Accomplished??????


1. How the heck does Krillian handle a shot from SSB?

2. How the heck does 18 deflect a shot from SSB.

3. How does 17 that hasn't has a real fight since Piccolo and is relaxing as a park ranger and has a family off-screen MATCH SSB?

4. SSB s basically the new SS1.

5. Buu sleeping problem BS creeps up again so that there's a reason to recurit Freeza.

6. Except there are other people to choose that aren't Freeza.

7. Why couldn't goku recruit Pikkon instead of Freeza or at least having 3 human characters and replacing one of them.

8. Sailor moon rejections were cringe and took up too much time.

9. The point of the tourney is dumb. The consequence is that the losing universes will all be destroyed, and that Goku saved them by getting Zeno present to agree to the tourney so ONE of the weak universes can live. Issue is the final scene shows that anyone who made a wish other than all the universes being restored would result in ALL universes being destroyed. Which means yes, the only reason why there was a tournament was because Goku was dumb and Zeno wanted something fun to watch,. There were never any stakes at all.

10. Jiren is bullshit. The writers got rid of too many characters too soon and had to fill the rest of the episodes ordered so they came up with new BS ways for Jiren to be more powerful. Then there's ultra instinct goku and super hyper ultra instinct goku.

11. Roshis fights was the most consistent and relatively normal non BS fights in all of DBS.

12. Abrupt ending that closes out DBS with no real resolutions.

13. 18 is stronger than Krillian yet Kirllian out performed her.

14. I like how when Vegeta was rushed by Whis and Goku and Whis speed up Bulma baby, that Vegeta still didn't ask or even wonder why they were so pressured in getting him to join "the tournament" and doesn't find out about the erasures until later.


1. The original Broly movies plot was silly but was better than this. Basically the guys a cave man with a slave collar.

2. Half the movie was very flash over substance fighting.

3. The love interest was terrible written.

4. Freeza reason for the Dragon Balls (and Bulmas) was completely random.

5. Broly was randomly gaining power during battle for no reason.

6. Freeza for some reason though Brolly wasn't going to go after him and gets thumped.

7. Brolly goes back to his stranded planet, this time with others that will be stranded with him, mission accomplished?

The hole DBS series is just garbage imo.


I'm not a fan of super and I like parts of GT despite it wasting most of its potential. Based off how terrible resurrection F and the ToP arc were I certainly like better GT more but I'd really have to see the rest of super to make a proper comparison though.
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Nah, it's great. Anyone who says GT is better needs to take the nostalgia glasses off.

Why would Bulma build a Time Machine instead of another Space Ship to New Namek to wish everyone back during the android saga?

The answer is don't think about it. Dragonball was never meant to be taken so seriously.

You probably don't enjoy anything.
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ChatGPT 0.001
Super will be legendary, there's no reason to shit on a top 5 anime of all time, and by most accounts considered great.
Super is mostly empty junk but GT was legitimately abysmal. I struggle to find any real positives except it's intro and various ending songs were good(JP of course...).

Super itself has tons of problems but it presents itself with such a "Nothing really matters" attitude that I find myself merely indifferent to the whole thing. That's not a good thing but whatever, right. =P


Super is fine. Yeah it's got some stupid shit in it but I still enjoyed it more than GT.

Broly movie was hype AF.
Nah, it's great. Anyone who says GT is better needs to take the nostalgia glasses off.

Why would Bulma build a Time Machine instead of another Space Ship to New Namek to wish everyone back during the android saga?

The answer is don't think about it. Dragonball was never meant to be taken so seriously.

You probably don't enjoy anything.

These types of posts are funny given the effort of Toriyama to try to fix plot holes. I guess he doesn't enjoy making Dragon Ball?


GT is far far better than Super.

Super is just fanservice filler garbage.

GT at least, even if badly executed, is free of over-the-top nonsense of Super, had awesome OST, and have the best SS transformation of all time.


GT sucks balls.

Super had two, maybe three good battles (the better one is Goku vs fusion girls).

Way too much transformations and too much screen time for Goku and Vegeta. It's bad, but not GT bad.

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is actually good, specially because they went with the old drawning style, much more similar to the Z times.
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Nah, it's great. Anyone who says GT is better needs to take the nostalgia glasses off.

Why would Bulma build a Time Machine instead of another Space Ship to New Namek to wish everyone back during the android saga?

The answer is don't think about it. Dragonball was never meant to be taken so seriously.

You probably don't enjoy anything.

Freedom Gate's questions dive deep into the realm of nitpicking imo, but this isn't a fair retort. There's nothing wrong with being critical of the media you consume.

That said, this question has a reasonable answer. She probably didn't know where New Namek is. No one did. Maybe you could argue they could have sensed it out, and sensing energy from a distance is something the show's been a little across the board on, but not sensing a bunch of weak powers light-years away would be consistent.
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Gold Member
Didn't read a single word in that TLDR OP but wanted to chime in.

Dragon Ball Super is good fun and brought some great characters to the universe

Dragon Ball GT remains trash

Thank you


Nah Super is fine. It sounds like you care way too much about power levels what with all the nitpicking over people fighting SSB.
Power levels are bullshit, and they have been since Z. Once you realise that I think you would enjoy it more. For example. In the fight against Vegeta when Vegeta and Nappa landed on Earth, Goku's power level was like 8000. Then the fight against Freeza, which apparently takes place not even 2 months later, his powerlevel is in the millions. And you complain about Freeza getting strong after training for 4 months?
DBZ has tons of stupid shit you could nitpick as well.
GT had good ideas done poorly then Toei went into panic mode and just churned out some trash scenarios.

Super honestly isn't much better either though, every threat is like a universe level now and it just takes away any stakes from the series. Dunno how anyone could find that universe tournament arc gripping when it's so obvious how it will end from the start.

It is a meme opinion that GT is better than Super. Neither are particularly good though, Super was Toriyama on auto pilot.
Nah Super is fine. It sounds like you care way too much about power levels what with all the nitpicking over people fighting SSB.
Power levels are bullshit, and they have been since Z. Once you realise that I think you would enjoy it more. For example. In the fight against Vegeta when Vegeta and Nappa landed on Earth, Goku's power level was like 8000. Then the fight against Freeza, which apparently takes place not even 2 months later, his powerlevel is in the millions. And you complain about Freeza getting strong after training for 4 months?
DBZ has tons of stupid shit you could nitpick as well.

Dragon Ball Z Goku was training for days and was just able to beat Ginyu and was roasted by Freeza, he beat Freeza because he reached Super Saiyan (which he couldn't control freely at the time) and even then he was weaker than first introduction Trunks.

Dragon Ball Z's power levels only started becoming a big problem with Buu saga and that was basically the end of the series. You can't establish that a SSG fighting Beerus could destroy the world with 3 shock waves, than have a form stronger with SSB and get handled by andorid 17. Or have time plot hole inconsistencies, or place guys out of character.

There's more issues with Super than power levels but yeah it's quite bad their too.


I got hyped with a few episodes or "moments" in certain episodes but that was it. I agree. It's all nonsense garbage.

Nah Super is fine. It sounds like you care way too much about power levels what with all the nitpicking over people fighting SSB.
Power levels are bullshit, and they have been since Z. Once you realise that I think you would enjoy it more. For example. In the fight against Vegeta when Vegeta and Nappa landed on Earth, Goku's power level was like 8000. Then the fight against Freeza, which apparently takes place not even 2 months later, his powerlevel is in the millions. And you complain about Freeza getting strong after training for 4 months?
DBZ has tons of stupid shit you could nitpick as well.

The problem is that DB is pretty much all about power levels. Train hard and beat the bad guy. Lose that and everything crumbles.
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Meanwhile Toriyama laughing all the way to the bank.

DB should have ended with the Cell Saga. Goku passes the baton, emotional moment, etc.

Once I saw kid Gotens becoming SSJ, I knew things could only go down hill.
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People focus a lot on the bad animations but honestly this is only one of the things that make Dragon ball super lazy.

1) The new transformations are all reskins,

2)The new original characters are either copies of characters that already exist(goku black,frost,zamazu) or are purposely designed to be easy to draw, to the point where they look like low quality fan art(Kale,Kaulifa,Jiren).

3) The writing is super lazy too. Master Roshi fighting alongside goku in the tournament? The guy who last time we heard had a power level of 140 and spent the whole dbz watching porn while everybody else was training? just switch your brain off dude!

The most exciting part of Super is the Broly movie. That one was pretty good but it was based on something that already existed.

For all its problems,at least GT was trying to do something good. The enemies look bad ass,the transformations are unique looking(SSJ4 goku and SSJ4 Gogeta are awesome).
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Dragon Ball Z Goku was training for days and was just able to beat Ginyu and was roasted by Freeza, he beat Freeza because he reached Super Saiyan (which he couldn't control freely at the time) and even then he was weaker than first introduction Trunks.

Dragon Ball Z's power levels only started becoming a big problem with Buu saga and that was basically the end of the series. You can't establish that a SSG fighting Beerus could destroy the world with 3 shock waves, than have a form stronger with SSB and get handled by andorid 17. Or have time plot hole inconsistencies, or place guys out of character.

There's more issues with Super than power levels but yeah it's quite bad their too.
Nah it was always bullshit. Goku does pushups in high gravity and he is now order of magnitudes stronger than he ever was. We are suddenly told that Saiyan's get stronger after they come close to death and are revived (then it doesn't seem to matter any more as the series goes on). We have characters going into the hyperbolic time chamber (which is another cheap plot device to just have characters be stronger) then coming out much stronger than before, without even seeing much of the training they do. You have "latent potential" being magically unlocked by characters, so the fighters can get stronger without having to do any training. Goten and Trunks are basically fucking toddlers and they just get Super Saiyan somewhere off screen. Yet you have issues with Freeza or Android 17 getting strong somewhere off screen? The best thing Super did was ignoring power levels.
Then of course in Z you have all the times where you would think, Why doesn't Goku just use instant transmission? Why don't they just use the Dragonballs to wish for X?

I'm not saying Super doesn't have problems. The main issue I have is that there are never any stakes, everything is just a joke, but lots of your nitpicking can apply to Z as well.


Man, I tried watching GT again before I jumped back into Super.

It's rough. It's really, really rough. Not saying Super is a pretty perfect princess...but GT takes a bit of endurance to get through.
Super is plagued with shit animation and at least GT had a younger Son Goku. I admit, nothing tops the original Dragon Ball (to me) but they need to make a decent series with decent animation.
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Nah it was always bullshit. Goku does pushups in high gravity and he is now order of magnitudes stronger than he ever was. We are suddenly told that Saiyan's get stronger after they come close to death and are revived (then it doesn't seem to matter any more as the series goes on). We have characters going into the hyperbolic time chamber (which is another cheap plot device to just have characters be stronger) then coming out much stronger than before, without even seeing much of the training they do. You have "latent potential" being magically unlocked by characters, so the fighters can get stronger without having to do any training. Goten and Trunks are basically fucking toddlers and they just get Super Saiyan somewhere off screen. Yet you have issues with Freeza or Android 17 getting strong somewhere off screen? The best thing Super did was ignoring power levels.
Then of course in Z you have all the times where you would think, Why doesn't Goku just use instant transmission? Why don't they just use the Dragonballs to wish for X?

I'm not saying Super doesn't have problems. The main issue I have is that there are never any stakes, everything is just a joke, but lots of your nitpicking can apply to Z as well.

He was training for a long period of time, it wasn't a few seconds. You also have to realize that he also almost matched (but was slightly weaker) than Vegeta so that more than makes the difference (plus he got one zenkai boost after that fight.) While silly it at least makes sense. The Time chamber was only done by the side characters

The time chamber didn't come back until Cell, it was in the original Dragon Ball so it wasn't an ass pull, and Vegeta still got beat down by Cell Perfect and Goku couldn't beat him either.

Goten and Trunks were during Buu, which AS I SAID is the only time where the power levels become an issue, and Buu was the last arc of the series.

You also must be out of your mind because DBS is more about power levels than DBZ. SSG, SSB, SSR, Golden Freeza, Time Skip, Jiren, Ultra Instinct, Super Ultra Instinct, etc.

It also doesn't make sense to have a form STRONGER than SSG which almost destroyed the universe in 3 blows and get matched by a guy who does no fighting and is a park ranger, or a guy who went into retirement as a cop coming out of nowhere and holding off a SSB wave, or how The girls saiyans can just change the definition of how to be SS1 by just focusing energy on their backs.

Also the rest of your post is odd. Goku didn't get Instant transmission until Cell, and he used it quite a few times in that arc. Also they used the Dragon Balls way too many times in Z so not sure what you're talking about.

DBS is just crazy has hell, and again something your ignoring, your boy Toriyama is TRYING to have a consistent story and failing and is TRYING to fill in holes, so the "nah it's just Dragon ball" doesn't work no matter how hard you want it.


He was training for a long period of time, it wasn't a few seconds. You also have to realize that he also almost matched (but was slightly weaker) than Vegeta so that more than makes the difference (plus he got one zenkai boost after that fight.) While silly it at least makes sense. The Time chamber was only done by the side characters

The time chamber didn't come back until Cell, it was in the original Dragon Ball so it wasn't an ass pull, and Vegeta still got beat down by Cell Perfect and Goku couldn't beat him either.

Goten and Trunks were during Buu, which AS I SAID is the only time where the power levels become an issue, and Buu was the last arc of the series.

You also must be out of your mind because DBS is more about power levels than DBZ. SSG, SSB, SSR, Golden Freeza, Time Skip, Jiren, Ultra Instinct, Super Ultra Instinct, etc.

It also doesn't make sense to have a form STRONGER than SSG which almost destroyed the universe in 3 blows and get matched by a guy who does no fighting and is a park ranger, or a guy who went into retirement as a cop coming out of nowhere and holding off a SSB wave, or how The girls saiyans can just change the definition of how to be SS1 by just focusing energy on their backs.

Also the rest of your post is odd. Goku didn't get Instant transmission until Cell, and he used it quite a few times in that arc. Also they used the Dragon Balls way too many times in Z so not sure what you're talking about.

DBS is just crazy has hell, and again something your ignoring, your boy Toriyama is TRYING to have a consistent story and failing and is TRYING to fill in holes, so the "nah it's just Dragon ball" doesn't work no matter how hard you want it.

I heard the manga has a different writer. Is it any better?

The Snake

Man, I tried watching GT again before I jumped back into Super.

It's rough. It's really, really rough. Not saying Super is a pretty perfect princess...but GT takes a bit of endurance to get through.

Yeah man, GT is a chore.

IDK, I don't think Super's really any worse than DBZ. I love 'em both.
I won't say it's worse than GT but it's definitely shit, though to be fair DBZ was pretty shit too as far as Shounens go, DB was legit tho


Trashing DB's lore?

Personally I found Dragon Ball in general to be overrated. OG DB is fun though.

I will say this though you know you fuck up when you have me pining for SS4. Easily one of most creative power ups in DB's lore.
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Nah, it's great. Anyone who says GT is better needs to take the nostalgia glasses off.

Why would Bulma build a Time Machine instead of another Space Ship to New Namek to wish everyone back during the android saga?

The answer is don't think about it. Dragonball was never meant to be taken so seriously.

You probably don't enjoy anything.
She didn't know where new Namek was. Nobody did, that's why Goku had to go to King Kai for help locating it.


Biggest problem with Super was the production quality was absolute ass. Also, the pacing sucked pretty hard. It started getting decent towards the end then they pulled the plug. The Broly movie was sick though. If they decide to restart, hopefully they put more effort and money into it. They should release episodes syndicated worldwide to maximize their return on investment, rather than having everyone pirate the Japanese shit.


Never seen it myself but if I'm being critical I would ended the whole thing after the Cell saga. It's all downhill from there I think.

Dragonball Z kai uncut version is the best Dragonball series and I highly recommend it to any newcomers.
No Faulconer = not the best version


Super is like The Best of Dragon Ball Z. GT had some really good ideas and animation, but the execution was bad. SSJ4 is still a great design though.

If we’re talking about out of character moves by Vegeta, using a machine to gain a form is top of the list. I rather like him in Super.


I heard the manga has a different writer. Is it any better?
The Dragon Ball Super manga is much better actually and Toriyama chose this author as his successor. The manga keeps the character's personalities intact while also having much better storytelling and powerscaling.

Jon Neu

GT was absolute shit, but at least it has better animation and better character design.

Super is like The Best of Dragon Ball Z.

Hahaha, what?

Super is pure trash. It has the worst fights by far, Goku it’s a fucking moron, Vegeta has become a parody of itself, Son Gohan is a joke, Piccolo is irrelevant, the new characters are boring as fuck, there’s no sense of drama, there’s no weight behind the actions of it’s characters, it’s just fanservice in it’s more purest form.


Super is like The Best of Dragon Ball Z. GT had some really good ideas and animation, but the execution was bad. SSJ4 is still a great design though.

If we’re talking about out of character moves by Vegeta, using a machine to gain a form is top of the list. I rather like him in Super.

He uses a machine to get his tail back, big whoop. I mean if we're going to shit on Vegeta why dont we knock Goku for needing to be wished back into being a kid to become SSJ4? If anything he would probably turned SSJ4 before Goku did had it no been for Yajirobe.


Super is off model so much it hurts
I find all of it until the final battle with Jiren totally lacking

The Broly movie was great for the most part.
Whoever did that should be in charge of Super2


He uses a machine to get his tail back, big whoop. I mean if we're going to shit on Vegeta why dont we knock Goku for needing to be wished back into being a kid to become SSJ4? If anything he would probably turned SSJ4 before Goku did had it no been for Yajirobe.
Yeah, go on, shit on that. Still doesn’t change the fact that Vegeta really takes a back seat in GT. Moreso in GT (and the Z movies) than in Z and Super.


GT was absolute shit, but at least it has better animation and better character design.

Hahaha, what?

Super is pure trash. It has the worst fights by far, Goku it’s a fucking moron, Vegeta has become a parody of itself, Son Gohan is a joke, Piccolo is irrelevant, the new characters are boring as fuck, there’s no sense of drama, there’s no weight behind the actions of it’s characters, it’s just fanservice in it’s more purest form.
You misunderstand, and that’s partially because of my wording. Super is regurgitating all the high points of Z. You want Future Trunks back? Here you go. You want Vegeta to sacrifice himself again and relearning a lesson he already learned, no problemo. New Form? Here’s 4 new forms (5 if you want to include Evolution).
When I said best of, I didn’t mean it was the best of Z, I meant it takes the best moments of Z, and retells them. Just without the substance.


Super is practically a DBZ parody it's so bad. It honestly isn't too far off from this in terms of transformations:

It's also funny how GT was often criticised for being "Goku Time" yet in Super Goku is always the center, most powerful character and he and only he alone can save everyone and takes part in every important fight.
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