I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Release date: August 25, 2022 (Japan), July 25, 2024 (Worldwide)
Platform(s): PS4, PS5, PC (Steam).
Genre: Third-person action, shooting, driving, monster-killing, earth-defending.
Multiplayer: Lobbies of up to 4-players for co-op. Also, split-screen co-op too!
Disclaimer: right now, Steam version requires an Epic account to access the multiplayer features of the game.

The EDF deploys!

2022 AD. The sequel to "EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5" depicts the battle between the EDF and alien life forms that have suddenly attacked the Earth. Players take on the role of an EDF soldier in this third-person shooter in which they must destroy a large number of giant enemies.
The largest volume in the history of the series. Supports online co-op play as well as split-screen.
The largest number of missions and weapons ever included. All missions support online co-op play for up to four players. Take control of four different soldier classes and fight alongside real EDF members from across the country.
In EDF, you will kill hordes of monsters, get loot like new weapons, accessories and vehicles, clear more than a hundred missions (doable solo or in co-op) and, once you've done it all, you'll do it again on the next difficulty level, which keeps giving you better loot than before while also presenting new twists and surprises on the missions you thought you had mastered. More than a hundred hours of playtime are expected, and maybe even a thousand if you mean to 100% it! Talk about a bang for your buck.
Also, the multiplayer is GREAT. Thanks to the many pre-recorded voice lines you can easily communicate with your teammates, no matter where they are from. But it's not just messages, you can also emote, dance and even sing the EDF anthem with your fellow EDF teammates!
Story. It has one, and it's kino!

The year is 2024 AD. Mankind has won the long battle against the unknown invaders. The enemy Primers are now gone and peace has returned to Mother Earth. However, the population has shrunk to 10% and the world was on the verge of collapse. The survivors fought against the remaining threats while trying their best to continue their recovery. Three years passed in the year 2027. In a new world without hope, the time has come to once again resist the fate of the Earth.
Save the future of Earth in the new world.
The identity of the invader that has long tormented Earth is finally revealed. A chain of deep despair that strikes in a devastated world for the first time in the series...But your presence as a soldier of the EDF will lead humanity to the greatest joy. Now you must face it with courage and wisdom.
While EDF has a goofy feel to it at times thanks to it's writting and cheap voice-acting, you should also expect dark stuff and some twists along the way. You never know what'll happen in the next mission!
Monsters... they look JUST like us! (not really)

Fight against hordes of monsters that go from ants, to spiders, frog people (they are NOT humans!) and many more! (also some VERY big ones)
The campaing will keep you on your toes, since even if it's more than 100 missions long, it never ceases to scalate and keeps introducing new and mightier foes.
Game feels great thanks to how the monster react to your attacks. They squirm, ragdoll all over the place, lose body parts and break into pieces when you shoot them with enough force.
Don't let the graphics fool you, this game feels very good to play!
Choose your favorite flavor of monster-killing.

With 4 different classes to choose from, you can fight against the invaders in the way that you find most fun!
Ranger: The "basic grunt" class. Uses ballistic weapons like assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, bazookas, anti-air missiles and the like while also being able to pilot vehicles. The best class for newcomers! Perfect to learn the ropes of the game.
Fencer: The tankiest class, wearing an exoskeleton which also happens to have great mobility thanks to it's thrusters that allow the Fencer to dash all over the place. Able to dualwield heavy weapons like LMGs while also being able to use melee weapons and even shields.
Wing Diver: Soar the skies while using laser and energy weapons and grenades to kill all the monsters! Be careful, you'll need to manage your energy wisely or you'll find yourself in dire straits. Nimble, but also frail.
Air Rider: The support class. Request vehicles that go from tanks to helicopters and even mechas, buff and heal yourself and your teammates as well as requesting air support in the form if air strikes, satellite beams and BIG missles, among many others. Be careful of the collateral damages!
The rest of the OT! Gifs! Trailers!

(graphic wise it might be average, but imo it's compensated with all the mayhem and chaos. Everything is destructible because, collateral damage is advised)

(this one's from EDF5, but you get the idea. The explosions are nice, but pay attention to that minimap on the top-right corner to get an idea of how populated the battles in this game are)
Vive un futuro de desesperación.
My first OT ever, please be gentle and also please let me know if I left something important out or messed something up.
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