Here you can post about anything related to the EDF series, organize with other people or find other people to play with.
Index of content (by post number):Here you can post about anything related to the EDF series, organize with other people or find other people to play with.
Players you are free to add to your friend's list:
- mcz117chief; PS4 id: mcz2345

We have confirmed reports of alien sightings in orbit around Earth. For the moment we are unable to determine whether these aliens pose a threat or not, however, all registered EDF personnel must report to their CO without delay. All further orders will be broadcast by regional EDF Command Bunkers, those are: Nagasaki (japan), Alice Springs (Australia), Dubai (UAE), Kinshasa (DRC), Trento (Italy), Colorado Springs (USA) and Puerto Montt (Chile).

All EDF personnel must understand and remember these basic facts about the EDF:
- EDF is a third person army corp, we only play from third person and will for the foreseeable future.
- EDF troops are very mobile and responsive (with the exception of the fencers), no cover techniques have been trained, our troops put emphasis on dodging. Also, coupled with the 3rd person camera there is no danger of feeling sick even after thousands upon thousands of rolls.
- Vast majority of EDF weaponry (excluding vehicles) has an inbuilt bandanna for infinite ammo. Reloading is still necessary however.
- EDF troops are chill dudes (and dudettes), never forget that! We like to sing and charge the enemy without a care in the world.
- EDF troops are hard as nails so we don't take fall damage. Don't be afraid to jump from the tallest mountains and buildings. Try it out yourself!
- We have (un)confirmed reports that the aliens are actually BUGS, giant enemy frogs, robots and Godzilla wannabees. Lucky for us we got tons of guns, helicopters, planes, naval artillery, precision artillery and giant mechs with which to punch these fake Godzillas in the face!
- We plan to deploy on 110 missions, so be prepared for a long war, boys and girls, the longest we have ever had (we had a war before??)!
- we will be deploying underground so pack at least 4 sets of underwear.
- You will need 19gigs of FreeSpace on your PS4 to fit all this awesomeness in!
- You can, of course, bring your buddies into the fray. Splitscreen for two as well as online for 4 is available.
- For access to EDF archives and further info click here (official site in English).
Major new additions in EDF5:
- Each class starts as a semi-civilian with a special armour design to reflect that.
- New enemy classes.
- Each EDF class now has an extra slot for bonus equipment that improves the soldier's performance. For example Rangers will run faster, Wing Divers will store more energy in her reserves, etc.
- You will pick up weapons for all classes during missions. Picking up duplicates will increase the stats of the weapon up to a certain maximum (once a weapon reaches peak performance it will be marked with a star).
- Tunnel exits will no longer appear on the battlefield. They are replaced with teleport tethers.

EDF forces are divided into 4 classes:
- Rangers
- Fencers
- Wing Divers
- Air Raiders

- Easiest to play.
- standard 3rd person shooter experience (sans cover shooting).
- no unnecessary animations, snappy controls all around.
- managed to learn to how to sprint (but you can still roll around like a lunatic)!
- can carry a very wide variety of weapons ranging from assault rifles to sniper rifles, rocket and missile launchers, grenade launchers, healing guns, acid guns, flamers etc. etc.
- can now call in support vehicles (tanks, helicopters, bikes, APCs, etc.) or equip support item (for example faster movement)

- Big boys with big guns and I cannot tell a lie, those guns really ARE BIG!
- extremely clunky movement compared to Rangers, still super smooth compared to Red Dead Redemption 2.
- uses jet boosters to move faster across the battlefield.
- can carry oversized weapons which dish out obscene amount of damage if the Fencer is skilled enough to get into a good position to unleash all his ordnance.
- uses both ranged and melee weapons in two sets of two which he can switch on the fly.

- By far the most mobile of all EDF troops.
- uses high powered flying suit and high-tech energy weaponry.
- has the least armour.
- her weapons and flying suit use the same energy reserves which recharge periodically; which means you need to balance your jet suit and weapon usage.

- Hardest class to play.
- requires very high amount of skill and cooperative teammates to perform at 100% efficiency.
- specialises in deployment of vehicles of all sizes including tanks, mechs and helicopters.
- he can also deploy very strong defensive stratagems that heal, protect or improve the firepower of allied units.
- last but not least, Air Raiders have the full might of the EDF's off screen heavy arsenal at their disposal which are, for example, off-shore artillery, high altitude gunships, air strikes, missile artillery and many more.

The game is currently only available as a digital download (19 gigs) except for Asian version sold on play-asia.
Link to PSN store for the standard edition of the game for $60:

Multi-language physical copy here:

There is also a deluxe edition with extra goodies (click for a link to store) for $90:

Now go out there and kill me some alien scum! And don't forget our anthem (to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic):
To save our mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack
The E.D.F. deploys!
Our soldiers are prepared for any alien threats
The Navy launches ships, the Air Force sends their jets
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets
The E.D.F. deploys!
Our forces have now dwindled and we pull back to regroup
The enemy has multiplied and formed a massive group
We better beat these bugs before we're all turned to soup
The E.D.F. deploys!
To take down giant insects who came from outer space
We now head underground for their path we must retrace
And find their giant nest and crush the queen's carapace
The E.D.F. deploys!
The Air Force and the Navy were destroyed or cast about
Scouts, Rangers, Wing divers have almost been wiped out
Despite all this the infantry will stubbornly hold out
The E.D.F. deploys!
Our friends were all killed yesterday, as were our families
Today we may not make it facing these atrocities
We'll never drop our banner despite our casualties
The E.D.F. deploys!
Two days ago my brother died, next day my lover fell
Today most everyone was killed on that we must not dwell
But we will never leave the field, we'll never say farewell
The E.D.F. deploys!
A legendary hero soon will lead us to glory
Eight years ago he sunk the mothership says history
Tomorrow we will follow this brave soul to victory
The E.D.F. deploys!
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack
The E.D.F. deploys!
Our soldiers are prepared for any alien threats
The Navy launches ships, the Air Force sends their jets
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets
The E.D.F. deploys!
Our forces have now dwindled and we pull back to regroup
The enemy has multiplied and formed a massive group
We better beat these bugs before we're all turned to soup
The E.D.F. deploys!
To take down giant insects who came from outer space
We now head underground for their path we must retrace
And find their giant nest and crush the queen's carapace
The E.D.F. deploys!
The Air Force and the Navy were destroyed or cast about
Scouts, Rangers, Wing divers have almost been wiped out
Despite all this the infantry will stubbornly hold out
The E.D.F. deploys!
Our friends were all killed yesterday, as were our families
Today we may not make it facing these atrocities
We'll never drop our banner despite our casualties
The E.D.F. deploys!
Two days ago my brother died, next day my lover fell
Today most everyone was killed on that we must not dwell
But we will never leave the field, we'll never say farewell
The E.D.F. deploys!
A legendary hero soon will lead us to glory
Eight years ago he sunk the mothership says history
Tomorrow we will follow this brave soul to victory
The E.D.F. deploys!
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