Good Job Bob
No worries guys.

Donald Trump's son assured a Muslim American comedian while on a flight that his father would not push for a Muslim registry.
“So when I walked into the plane I was like, ‘What is this?’ This is obviously from Allah, Allah is just trying to hook me up right now. That’s what’s happening,” the comedian said.
“When I sat down I said: ‘How you doing?’ Trump says: ‘I’m doing good’. And I said: 'You have no idea how fantastic this is for me right now. My name is Mohammed. Salams. I’m a standup comedian. This is fantastic for me.' ”
“And I said, 'Just FYI I’m not getting that ID s--- done. You gonna really make my people get ID cards and all this? You know we’re not doing this s---,' ” the comedian told BuzzFeed.
According to Amer, Trump replied that the registry will never happen under his father's administration.
“Ah, come on man. You can’t believe everything you read. Do you really think we’re gonna do that?” Trump responded, according to Amer.
[The pair also discussed Hillary Clinton and Trump's victory in the election. Amer said that the president-elect's son agreed with his assessment that Trump played the media to his advantage.
“That’s what he told me. He basically acknowledged the fact that his father played this thing like a mad genius and that’s how he got elected and he admitted it,” Amer said.
No worries guys.