Thick Thighs Save Lives
NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Game Information
Game Title: FANTASIAN Neo Dimension
- PlayStation 5 (Dec 5, 2024)
- PlayStation 4 (Dec 5, 2024)
- Xbox Series X/S (Dec 5, 2024)
- Nintendo Switch (Dec 5, 2024)
- PC (Dec 5, 2024)
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 82 average - 90% recommended

Metacritic - 81 average based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic Reviews
CGMagazine - Chris De Hoog - 8 / 10
Available for the first time on consoles, Fantasian Neo Dimension is a lovingly-crafted tribute to the RPG genre from some of its biggest pioneers.
Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 8 / 10
FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is a vibrant and whimsical RPG from some of the best that have ever done it. The incredibly rich storytelling and setting are bolstered by a quaint and gorgeous world to explore thanks to the striking diorama sets, charming characters and another stellar Nobuo Uematsu soundtrack. Though the game isn't without its frustrating grinds, it's more than the sum of its parts. This is a step forward for the turn-based genre thanks to meaningful and much-needed quality-of-life improvements in its tactical nature and pace-controlling Dimengion system. FANTASIAN Neo Dimension proves there is still so much excellence and magnificence to come from RPGs.
Destructoid - Steven Mills - 8.5 / 10
There's something special about Fantasian Neo Dimension that melds the old with the new to create an enthralling and nostalgic journey in a unique high-fantasy world that's simply a ton of fun to play.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5
It’s hard to shake the feeling that Fantasian was a project designed to give several legends of the JRPG genre closure. By revising their great classic and both modernising and paying homage to it in equal measures, they can look back at their careers with the satisfaction of having completed a full journey of their own. For people that clearly love storytelling so much it’s hard to imagine a better way to finish up.
Digitec Magazine - Kevin Hofer - German - 5 / 5
With “Fantasian Neo Dimension”, “Final Fantasy” creator Hironobu Sakaguchi brings the feeling of the old PS1 JRPGs into the present day. Despite the obvious inspiration, the game doesn't feel outdated thanks to more modern gameplay elements, but on the contrary modern and challenging.
DualShockers - Christian Bognar - 9 / 10
Fantasian Neo Dimension is one of the best JRPGs I have played in a very long time, and that is saying a lot, considering we've had some great releases recently. It has a nostalgic feel to it that is reminiscent of the older Final Fantasy games, almost like stepping into a time machine. The trajectory system in combat is brilliant, it has an interesting story, and the difficulty is just right where it demands strategy while remaining fair throughout. The beautiful world made strictly from handmade dioramas is nothing short of extraordinary and is one of the most creative initiatives I've seen in gaming. Fantasian Neo Dimension does everything right for a turn-based JRPG, and anyone seeking their next great experience in the genre should look no further than this remarkable creation.
Eurogamer - Ed Nightingale - 4 / 5
The cult classic mobile RPG finally gets its due, for lovers of mechanics over story who can rise to the demands of its extreme challenge.
Evilgamerz - Christiaan Ribbens - Dutch - 8 / 10
Fantasian: Neo Dimension isn’t for everyone. The game is dated in style and structure, and the visual presentation may turn some off. But for fans of classic JRPGs, this is an absolute must-have. With a strong story and solid gameplay loop, Sakaguchi’s team has once again delivered a game that will stand the test of time. It may not be groundbreaking, but it does remind us of what made the genre so great back in the day.
GAMES.CH - Sven Raabe - German - 82%
Fantasian Neo Dimension succeeds wonderfully in making familiar turn-based battles appear fresh with an exciting twist. But the (somewhat predictable) mystery story and likeable main characters are also convincing. Although a few weaknesses prevent the game from reaching its full potential, this RPG adventure is not just for genre fans.
Hardcore Gamer - Chris Shive - 4 / 5
Fantasian: Neo Dimension is a modern take on the RPG formula. In many ways, it's similar to classic Final Fantasy games, but elements such as the trajectory aspect of battles and the Dimengeon help distinguish it from other titles the developers have previously worked on. The Dimengeon is an especially welcome addition to slow down the interruption that random encounters provide. The battles are enjoyable as they do require strategic planning, though playing on Hard difficulty can result in especially rough difficulty spikes later on. The rewarding battle system is complemented by the fantastic soundtrack and engaging story, reminiscent of some of the best classic RPGs. A couple characters can be grating and sometimes the controls feel like they could use some refinement, but Fantasian: Neo Dimension is a welcome challenge for anyone who is a fan of classic JRPGs.
Hobby Consolas - Álvaro Alonso - Spanish - 75 / 100
With Fantasian: Neo Dimension, the father and composer of Final Fantasy bring us a game that is a return to the origins of the JRPG, but that fails to live up to its own legend. It's a decent and entertaining adventure, with some interesting ideas, but it falls far short of the titans of the genre.
Manual dos Games - Luiz Henrique Silva - Portuguese - 9 / 10
FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is the ultimate RPG by Hironobu Sakaguchi, thanks to its emotionally compelling and well-told story, captivating characters, creative and unique combat mechanics, and, of course, a wonderful soundtrack composed by Nobuo Uematsu. It is impossible not to recommend FANTASIAN Neo Dimension to any fan of the genre, as it is a must-play title for those who long for more classic JRPGs.
MonsterVine - Nick Mangiaracina - 4 / 5
I think the audience for Fantasian knows what they’re looking for and they’re going to find it in Fantasian Neo Dimension. I sure did.
Nintendo Blast - Ivanir Ignacchitti - Portuguese - 8.5 / 10
Fantasian Neo Dimension is an excellent example of RPG that manages to combine elegant simplicity with robust systems for combat and enemy [battle] design, especially when it comes to bosses. The version outside Apple Arcade could have used more polish in some areas, but, even so, it's an easy recommendation for fans of the genre.
Nintendo Life - Alana Hagues - 7 / 10
Fantasian Neo Dimension is Hironobu Sakaguchi and Mistwalker at their boldest and bravest, culminating in a JRPG love letter that both delights and frustrates. The stunning world and exploration are a true highlight, and the challenging and rewarding combat will enchant some, but it lacks some of the magic that the game is aiming for and the pacing is uneven. Normal difficulty makes things more accessible for the curious, but make no mistake, this is an RPG for those who want to lose themselves in the mechanics.
NintendoBoy - Angelus Victor - Portuguese - 7 / 10
Having the perfect team doesn't necessarily mean they can put out a perfect game. Now free from its Apple Arcade mobile jail, Fantasian Neo Dimension is now out there for everyone to play with its pros and cons for everyone to see.
Noisy Pixel - Bailey Seemangal - 9 / 10
Fantasian Neo Dimension breathes new life into the original Apple Arcade release with an engrossing narrative, intuitive turn-based combat, and a stellar English dub. While its innovative Dimengion mechanic and character-driven storytelling shine, minor performance hiccups on the Switch and lackluster sidequests hold it back. This is a must-play for RPG fans seeking a modern classic.
PC Gamer - Kerry Brunskill - 84 / 100
Fantasian will make you work hard for every win, but the reward's always worth the effort
PSX Brasil - Thiago de Alencar Moura - Portuguese - 85 / 100
Fantasian Neo Dimension is an excellent re-release of Hironobu Sakaguchi's great work, one that gets all its elements right. From the story to the gameplay, through the soundtrack and visuals, everything fits into a high-quality package that will please JRPG fans.
Pizza Fria - Matheus Jenevain - Portuguese - 8.8 / 10
The game really exceeded my expectations, delivering an engaging and fun adventure that I didn't even know, until then, that I would like and wanted to play so much. The combat has good ideas, most of the game is beautiful to look at and the soundtrack rocks.
ProjectN - Dudu Cavagnari - Portuguese - 76%
Although generic, FANTASIAN Neo Dimension features fluid and dynamic gameplay, paired with an interesting and well-told narrative. All of this makes the game surprisingly captivating, holding the player's attention despite being relatively simple. Recommended for those looking for a traditional JRPG with a good story, although it might be best to wait for a sale.
Push Square - John Cal McCormick - 7 / 10
Fantasian Neo Dimension evokes memories of classic Final Fantasy. It's got an impeccable soundtrack, beautiful locales, and a world that inspires wonder. But it's let down a little by likeable but fiercely archetypal characters and a by-the-numbers story, and it's let down a lot by wild and uneven difficulty spikes that make combat a source of constant frustration in the second half of the adventure.
RPG Site - James Galizio - 10 / 10
Fantasian is a wonderful JRPG, and now it's even better and accessible to all platforms.
Shacknews - Lucas White - 6 / 10
Taking the time to farm elemental resistant accessories, equipment upgrades, and stronger skills, setting up your party loadout just so at a save point, then watching your team get ragdolled anyway all while you’re several levels above what the game says you need completely overshadows the effort put into the careful, puzzle-like design of each boss. Which is a shame, because if those fights weren’t so egregiously overtuned in such an unproductive way, the stuff actually holding up Fantasian’s systems would’ve really shined. The criticism from before clearly had an impact, but even with the adjustments there’s still moments where this game isn’t fun at all to engage with on its given terms. Even everything else, from Uematsu’s thematically apt soundtrack to the super neat diorama visuals, is hard to enjoy when your brain is bogged down by constant dread. Fantasian Neo Dimension has a distinct vibe and a lot of cool ideas, but over-commits to its idea of challenge such that it buries its own nuances under a pile of big numbers.
Siliconera - Cody Perez - 9 / 10
Fantasian: Neo Dimension finally does this Mistwalker JRPG justice with its arrival on modern console and PC platforms without a subscription. The hand-created visuals and environments look stunning, the memorable story is helped along with a great cast of characters, and the new additions like voice acting and Final Fantasy music make this better than some Final Fantasy games in recent memory.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 7.4 / 10
Fantasian Neo Dimension is a perfectly fine old-school JRPG, fit for both veterans and newcomers of the genre. It's just that we expected a little more from Sakaguchi-san, whose masterpieces we grew up with on both Nintendo and Sony machines.
SteamDeckHQ - Noah Kupetsky - 4 / 5
FANTASIAN Neo Dimension has a lot of pros and cons to it, and while it isn't perfect, I highly recommend picking it up if you are a JRPG fan. I really enjoy the combat mechanics and dimension battles, and the world is just downright gorgeous with a great mixture of real-life dioramas and digital 3D models. It made me think of the older Final Fantasy titles often as I traveled throughout the world. I do wish the progression systems came into play earlier, and the story was a bit tighter, but it does the job and still felt satisfying as I played through the 40 - 60 hour experience.
Playing on the Steam Deck is a joy, and I have no complaints with the performance. Outside of controlling your character as you run through different camera angles, which would be an issue playing with any controller or gamepad, it's a perfect experience on Deck. Even with its issues, this was a wonderful experience, and I think anyone who enjoys RPGs or JRPGs should pick it up.
The Games Machine - Gabriele Barducci - Italian - 8.8 / 10
Fantasian Neo Dimension is a precious JRPG, which finally ends the exclusivity period to be within everyone's reach. Nothing new, but a beautiful work made with a very small budget.
WellPlayed - Kieron Verbrugge - 8 / 10
This definitive version of a charming, inventive throwback to peak Sakaguchi might still feel like a game best suited to an iPad, but it works well enough that it's absolutely worth a look-in for PS1-era Final Fantasy fans who've been unable to play it thus far.
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