Looks awesome.
Also, that music.
Edit: In-depth analysis of the trailer courtesy of Pottermore:
Also, that music.
Edit: In-depth analysis of the trailer courtesy of Pottermore:
It’s here! It’s finally here! Yes, we’ve all seen the trailer for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them now, so it’s time to get down to business: analyse it intensely.
We’re gradually picking up more and more about what to expect from Fantastic Beasts, but thanks to this big, shiny new trailer, there are certain blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments that could spell out brand new clues. So, what are these fantastic scenes? And where do we find them?
1. Newt was expelled!
So Newt Scamander was expelled from Hogwarts for ‘endangering human life with a beast’. Oh boy. And that’s years before Hagrid shows up with Aragog. But, intriguingly, a certain Albus Dumbledore gentleman ‘argued strongly’ against his expulsion.
Dumbledore would be in his mid-40s when our movie takes place. Not quite Headmaster yet, but a mere Transfiguration teacher. So, even though we find ourselves in the Twenties, Dumbledore is already making waves at Hogwarts as a younger man.
2. This is Newt’s first visit to America
It’s his first trip to America, and already Newt is raising eyebrows at Customs. Well done on going incognito, Newt. To make matters worse he arrives in America on a big freaking boat. Can’t he just Apparate? Perhaps it’s too far, or there are certain Apparition laws for where Newt needs to go – rather like the not-within-Hogwarts-grounds rule? Or maybe he just wanted to make an entrance. We prefer to think the latter.
3. That suitcase may not be entirely reliable
Ah, that pesky, wonky suitcase that Newt has been ‘meaning to get fixed’ which will definitely not spell any trouble for Newt during the course of the film, we imagine.We also learn that Newt’s suitcase has a ‘Muggle Worthy’ setting, which must be handy as animals are not exactly well known for being quiet on command.
The innards of his case give the appearance of your average, bumbling British traveller: pyjamas, magnifying glass, maps, handkerchief. However, there is also a yellow and black scarf, which can only mean one thing. Newt is keeping the Hufflepuff dream alive!
4. Planting evidence?
Speaking of Hufflepuff dreams, one shot shows Newt seemingly extracting something in a room full of plants. So Professor Sprout wasn’t the only Hufflepuff who had green fingers.
5. A (possibly illegal) night on the tiles?
What’s all this? Crates of alcohol? Smoky rooms with people in vintage outfits? This must be the dawn of wizard hipsters. OR, considering the decade we’re in, quite possibly a bar evading the Prohibition laws that would be in place during the time in North America. Are Newt and his new pals frequenting a speakeasy?
6. There’s something going on at MACUSA
Here we have another glimpse of the US Ministry of Magic, MACUSA, with a glorious moving portrait of President Seraphina oozing with fierceness in the corner. We can also see what appears to be a gaggle of Aurors running dramatically towards (or away?) from something. It doesn’t look like a relaxed Friday afternoon at the office, that’s for sure.
They all share Graves’s signature look, so at least wherever he goes he’ll have backing dancers.
Later on, we spot Newt and Tina, looking concerned, hanging around MACUSA too. Why so serious? There’s also something funny about that clock in the corner, the one with one hand that doesn’t seem to point to any numbers. That isn’t a very helpful clock to have in the middle of New York. You’d definitely miss an appointment. What do you guys think, maybe it’s not meant to tell the time?
7. American wizard newspapers are a real sign of the times
Please excuse us while we read every word of this one second shot of a wizard newspaper, for a moment. This would probably be the US equivalent of the UK’s Daily Prophet… The New York G-something, we can’t quite read the end.
Among several headlines, the top story appears to be ‘International Wizard Hunt Intensifies’ as well as a shifty looking fellow called Alberto Macellarus, who is wanted for 3,500 Dragots. This really helps us understand the divide between wizard-kind that defined American history. We also are seeing a lot of fears about ‘Wizarding Exposure’ and ‘Magical Exposure’. We learned in ‘History of Magic in North America’ that American wizards were a lot more isolated from non-magical folk than the European ones were – and it seemed that isolation really dominated their news and culture.
8. A candidate promising a ‘SHAW’ future for America.
Oh look, another American election. But unlike our current 2016 one, it seems a man called ‘SHAW’ was the hot candidate of the time – but what is he running for? With a poster assuredly emblazoned with ‘America’s Future’ (we wonder what that’s like!) it isn’t long before Shaw’s campaign is seen overthrown by some kind of disarray. Chairs are knocked over! It’s chaos! But why?
9. What is this little girl doing?
She’s either casting some sort of mysterious spell, catching something, or doing the Macarena. We can’t be sure, but we’re not ruling out anything.
10. Is it a bird?
A-ha, an actual fantastic beast! This makes sense considering the title of the film. A lovely peacock blue, winged creature emerges from a small object thrown by Newt – one that doesn’t look very familiar…
11. Apparate Good Times
Ah, so Newt can Apparate. And he has some very slick Apparating moves too. You wouldn’t want to splinch yourself mid-air like that. Remember the three D’s, Newt: Destination, Determination and Deliberation.
12. Take it to the Graves
Colin Farrell’s Percival Graves is seen casting quite a dramatic spell. We’re going to put money on it right now: that ain’t no Wingardium Leviosa.
13. We like the look of this little guy
Who is this little, large snouted fellow clutching onto a purse?. Whatever he is, we would definitely like to borrow one to help us find loose change at the bottom of our sofa. Although, come to think of it, this creature does seem to remind us of something…
14. Seraphina gives us Office Chic Goals™
Seraphina looks one of the most exciting characters of the movie to us, and if her story is as good as her pinstripe suits, we reckon we’re in for something special. This is office chic at its most fierce, and we need to see more of Seraphina’s wardrobe immediately.
15. Just in case
With the ‘Muggle Worthy’ setting well and truly off, Newt climbs into his own suitcase, which appears to be bottomless. We’ve seen this before with Hermione’s suspiciously spacious jewelled bag in Deathly Hallows, as well as faux Mad-Eye Moody’s trunk from Goblet of Fire, which opens up into a small basement. A word for the wise, folks. Never say yes when someone ushers you into a suitcase.
16. And then darkness…
This black screen. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!
Want to watch it again? Of course you do...