I enjoyed most of the minigames but I definitely didn't want more of them and was glad they were done. None of them where inherently bad, but the difficulty to master them was and I think that soured the experience for many of us. It's getting the highest scores on all of them that was the headache for us for Johnny's platinum. Admittedly I had to use guides on some to get through their hardest challenges and I don't regret doing that. I'm just glad to have been able to achieve them in the end.
The ones I liked:
Queen's Blood ( used deck building guides for the endgame challenges but in general I always enjoyed the matches)
Hustle de Chocobo (Easy and could have been fun to do more of. I was hoping it would lead more into FFX's version in Kalm)
Moogle Mischief ( reminded me of a game I played when i was younger. I quite liked these and would have welcomed more as they were well balanced.)
Piano Performance ( Whilst one of the songs took me forever to get the A grade on, I quite enjoyed it overall)
Pirate's Rampage ( I was scared I wouldn't manage this one but something clicked and I really enjoyed it in the end)
3D-Brawler ( This was awesome, but the polygonal character design hinders your ability to clearly see what is being thrown at you, so one particular model felt very difficult to win.)
Glide de Chocobo ( I enjoyed this one. The 3rd one was difficult and took a long time for me to master. I had to watch a youtube video to see what I was doing wrong but once I figured it out I found it very easy to replicate.)
Chocobo Racing ( Loved it but I never felt a need to swap out Piko. I just adjusted his gear once or twice. I played Chocobo Racing on PlayStation 1 and that was one of my favourite games growing up so this was fun to play)
G-Bike ( Loved it and very easy to get the top score)
Galactic Saviors (Loved it. Also found this one easy to get the top score)
Dolphin Show ( Probably my favorite one from the bunch. Very easy and very fun and visually looked stunning)
Crunch-off ( I'm in the minority, I know. with the haptics turned off I found this one easier than the remake version because the pattern was set so easier to learn and repeat)
Run Wild ( I enjoyed this. I was immediately put off as I thought it would be too challenging but all versions ended up being surprisingly fun and easy to get top score on.)
Jumpfrog ( It was not so difficult to master but I don't really care to play it again now that it's done. I found the hard mode boring and would shut my eyes in between repeats to clear off the first section. I was stuck on the 56 second part)
Desert Rush ( I enjoyed this. It wasn't too difficult to master. Fairly balanced)
The ones I didn't enjoy:
Cactuar Crush ( Had to look up a guide. It was a headache but overall it helped me realize how awesome Aerith can be and I ended up doing all the 2 man coloseum stuff with her fairly easily afterwards. Radiant ward + Transcendence and a first strike materia make her so overpowered

. I didn't hate this, but it did require perfection to win all the hard modes which is never fun. I am glad I never have to replay it)
Fort Condor ( I hated this. I have never liked this game type and I was not looking forward to it in the slightest. I still need to clear the hard mode
Gambits and Gears ( the introductory match was awesome - then round 2 introduced all the technicality and I just hated it afterwards. Still need to do the hard mode.
Not sure if these count as minigames but the section with Barrett shooting stuff during the chapter questline sucked and I am not looking forward to getting a high score with it. Likewise Mog throwing crates sucked and I hate that I will have to repeat that.
I think the only ones I would enjoy spinoffs for are 3D Brawler, G-bike and Chocobo Racing. Queens Blood was fun but like Gwent, I got enough of it in the game itself.
Sidenote: All of the colosseum and pit stuff was fun to do. I didn't enjoy the UPA quest fight however. Whoever designed that was a sadist.