Hey everyone, I don't post here nearly as much as I used to, but when charity is involved I think it's a good thing to at least provide some exposure to a cause:
Every year since 2009, RevenantKioku (does he post here any more?) has run a charity event for Child's Play where people play Final Fantasy V for charity, with certain restrictions. I've been doing it since it started and it's a grand old time.
The main site is http://fourjobfiesta.com/ and you need a Twitter account in order to register.
There are a ton of different rules you can use in order to register. The basic gist is that RNG determines what jobs you receive at each crystal, and you can only use the jobs that you are provided with for the entirety of the game. There really aren't any combinations that will result in failure, but some can be more obnoxious or tedious than others. Since 2009 I've only failed to complete the game once.
Here are the rules:
Register via Twitter - the initial run is going on right now, and the fiesta will start as soon as that run is over. If you want to do BerserkerRisk, you have to register before the run ends. Hope you all have fun!
Every year since 2009, RevenantKioku (does he post here any more?) has run a charity event for Child's Play where people play Final Fantasy V for charity, with certain restrictions. I've been doing it since it started and it's a grand old time.
The main site is http://fourjobfiesta.com/ and you need a Twitter account in order to register.

There are a ton of different rules you can use in order to register. The basic gist is that RNG determines what jobs you receive at each crystal, and you can only use the jobs that you are provided with for the entirety of the game. There really aren't any combinations that will result in failure, but some can be more obnoxious or tedious than others. Since 2009 I've only failed to complete the game once.
Here are the rules:
Normal Run (#reg)
Players will be assigned one class from each crystal. Until all four classes are unlocked, players are only permitted to use the classes they have currently unlocked. Bare/Suppin/Freelance can only be used until the Wind Crystal job is unlocked.
Random Run (#regrand)
Players will be assigned one class from any of the available jobs when new jobs are unlocked. As above, Bare/Suppin/Freelance can only be used until the Wind Jobs are obtained.
Team 750 (#reg750)
Players will be be assigned jobs that can only break rods or jobs that are similar in play style and theme.
Team No 750 (#regno750)
Players will only be assigned jobs that cannot break rods and follow within that play style and theme.
Classic (#RegFF1)
Players will only be assigned jobs that were in the original Final Fantasy. Classic runs are always Natural runs, meaning the character can only use their assigned job. Since this is emulating FF1, the same job can be assigned multiple times! (Only Red Mage cannot be given four times since it is a Water Crystal Job.)
Chaos (#RegChaos)
Players will be assigned jobs.
Pure Chaos #RegPureChaos)
Players will be assigned jobs totally randomly. Freelancer and Mime and included
Popular (#RegPopular)
Players will be assigned jobs weighted towards the more popular jobs as voted during the Spring Voting Session! This assigns jobs like Chaos but you are more likely to get popular jobs. So if you get a lot of unpopular jobs, congratulations! You were unlucky.
Forbidden (#RegForbidden)
Players wilÄŸÆŸÈŸÊ¡Ì Î˜Ð–ÒŒÓŒÔŒØ¬Ù¬à¤Œà¥Œá‚¬áŒášŒá›Œá´ŒáµŒá¸¬á¹¬áº¬á»¬á¼¬á½¬á¾¬á¿¬â€¬â¬â‚¬âƒ¬â„¬
Run Options
You may add one of the following to your run. Of course none is also an option.
Natural (#natural)
Natural can be added to any run. To do so either tweet #natural to Gilgabot after registering or include it in your registration tweet. What this means it that you intend on playing with these extra rules in mind.
Upgrade (#upgrade)
- Bartz must use the Wind crystal job exclusively. Lenna the Water, Faris the Fire and Galuf/Krile the Earth.
- If you are playing a mode other than Normal you simply assign the job listed in that slot on the players page for your job.
- Characters must remain Freelancer until their job is unlocked. Team No 750 players must not break rods.
- Characters may not use skills from other jobs. This means no giving Black Magic to Bards and the like. Only skills learned naturally from the one assigned job may be used.
Upgrade can be added to any non Natural-run. To do so either tweet #upgrade to Gilgabot after registering or include it in your registration tweet. What this means it that you intend on playing with these extra rules in mind.
You will only use your Wind Job until you unlock your Water Job. Water until you unlock Fire, and then Fire until you unlock Earth. Then once you unlock your Earth job will be the job you use until the end of the game. Any abilities learned from the previous jobs may be used. Of course, we here at the Fiesta do not want to force upgrades on our users. So you may tweet for your next crystal job when you are ready to #upgrade!
Fifth Job (#fifthjob)
Krile is her own character, so why does she not get her own job? With Fifth Job, Galuf's job (your Earth Crystal job) will be overwritten by a new job. You lose access to the old Earth job and its abilities. You will get another job depending on your run type. You'll tweet "#krile" to unlock the fifth job just like you'd tweet #water, #fire and #earth to get those jobs."
Pre-Registration Only Option
BERSERKER RISK can be added to any run (Excluding Classic Jobs) to give the player a chance of getting the Berseker job assigned to their Water, Fire or Earth Crystal slots. The only difference is that a Normal run will have their Water Job set to Berserker instead of any other slot. To do so either tweet #BERSERKERRISK to Gilgabot after registering or include it in your registration tweet. When the Fiesta starts, for every $10 of donations, one player with BERSERKER RISK will get another Berserker. If there are more Berserkers to hand out than players with BERSERKER RISK players will end up with multiple Berserkers. Once the Fiesta has started, BERSERKER RISK is no longer an option.
Both Natural and BERSERKER RISK may be added to a run.
Register via Twitter - the initial run is going on right now, and the fiesta will start as soon as that run is over. If you want to do BerserkerRisk, you have to register before the run ends. Hope you all have fun!
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