Square Enix has released new information and screenshots of Final Fantasy VII Remake highlighting Turks leader Tseng, Wall Market ruler Don Corneo, Barret’s abilities in battle, the Wall Market and Honey Bee Inn, the Leviathan summon, and more.
Tseng (voiced by Junichi Suwabe in Japanese)
Tseng is the leader of the Turks.
The Turks are a small, elite organization with Shinra that does everything the company needs it to – be it scouting out candidates for SOLDIER, protecting VIPs, or even assassination.
Their cool-headed leader has a knack for managing his eccentric subordinates. He’s an old acquaintance of Aerith’s, and has been keeping watch over her since she moved to the slums.
Don Corneo (voiced by Youhei Tadano in Japanese)
This lecherous scumbag is the true ruler of Wall Market. He hosts nightly auditions for the “next Mrs. Corneo” and although his mouth is as foul as his face, he has an uncanny way with people—even the dregs of society are securely under his thumb.
Andrea Rhodea (named Aniyan Kunyan in Japanese) (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita in Japanese)
The owner of—and dancer at—the Honeybee Inn is a man of influence within the quarter, with the authority to approve women for Corneo’s auditions. Each night, he dazzles his crowd with performances that defy description. Always seeking perfection, he rigorously trains both his mind and body.
Leslie Kyle (voiced by Tasuku Hatanaka in Japanese)
Don Corneo’s lackey may look young, but he has the heart of an old curmudgeon. His dead-eyed stare and general apathy have earned him pride of place among the don’s men.
Madam M (voiced by Yuka Komatsu in Japanese)
Madam M is the proprietress of a hand-massage parlor in Wall Market. Like Andrea, she has a great deal of influence within the quarter—that includes the authority to approve women for Corneo’s auditions. Be warned that she’s a prideful sort, and only as courteous as her customers are deep-pocketed.
Chocobo Sam (voiced by Masashi Sugawara in Japanese)
A Chocobo handler in Wall Market, Chocobo Sam is another prominent figure with the authority to approve women for Corneo’s auditions. He runs a delivery service called Sam’s Delivery. He also happens to be an avid gambler—though he’s hooked more on the rush than any money he may win.
Battle Introduction: Barret
Barret’s gun arm makes him an ideal long-ranged fighter. Push the square button, and Barret will fire a volley from his machine gun. You can also hold down the button for an extended salvo.
Unique Ability
If you press the triangle button, you can use Barret’s “Overcharge” attack. Not only is it more powerful than standard shots, it fills a large portion of his ATB gauge.
Bear in mind that once used, it takes a long time to recharge this attack—but you can speed up the reload process by pressing triangle again.
When Barret fills his ATB gauge, he can use one of his special abilities. Here are just a couple of the things he can do.
—Focused Shot
This ability uses up all available ATB charges to deliver a powerful attack. Not only does it do good damage, it also fills up an enemy’s stagger gauge—get that to max and they’ll be susceptible to even more damage!
This ability definitely lives up to its name! After activating it, Barret will share some of his HP with allies when they take damage.
Command Materia: Enemy Skill
Materia is vitally important in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Equipping these orbs allows your characters to use magic, special abilities and more.
When a party member has this equipped, they have a chance to learn certain enemy attacks that are used on them. Note that the character can only use these skills while the materia is equipped.
The World of Final Fantasy VII Remake
Wall Market
Built on the ruins of the collapsed Sector 6 plate, Wall Market is Midgar’s biggest—and most infamous—entertainment quarter. It’s run by Don Corneo and is almost entirely free of Shinra’s influence. It’s an incredibly lively area that offers plenty of… let’s say ‘intriguing’ ways to pass the lonely nights.
Corneo Colosseum
Located beneath the bustling streets of Wall Market, the Corneo Colosseum gives brave fighters the chance to engage in brutal battles against both man and monster. Winners of a colosseum bout receive glory, fame, and a substantial reward.
The Honeybee Inn
Situated in Wall Market, the Honeybee Inn is the area’s premier nightclub, and offers nights few will ever forget—as its staff frequently remind its patrons. Every night, audiences are dazzled by the Honeybee Inn’s gorgeous cast of honeygirls and boys. This unique venue also provides private rooms for its more discerning customers, allowing them to enjoy time in private with the performers of their choice.
At one point in the story, Tifa and Aerith glam themselves up to infiltrate Don Corneo’s mansion. Cloud is left with no choice but to dress to impress as well. Each character has multiple costumes too!
Beginner’s Hall
This is Beginner’s Hall—a location where you can learn the basics of weapon enhancement.
There’s a weapon shop on the ground floor.
The second floor is used as the base of operations for the neighborhood watch.
New Feature: Jukebox
While you wander around town, you may come across areas playing special music. You can get these songs as music discs from shops or citizens.
When you can acquire a disc, an icon will appear in the top left of the screen.
Once collected, you can play a disc on any jukebox. This one can be found in Tifa’s bar—Seventh Heaven.
Summon: Leviathan
Summons are a particularly powerful type of Materia. Equip one to a character, and they’ll be able to bring a powerful ally into battle. Today we’re introducing a summon that will make quite a splash—Leviathan.
Worshipped as a deity in the Wutai region, this non-elemental summon takes the form of a water serpent.
Leviathan evokes a savage beauty as it rises from the briny depths, generating tidal waves that wash foes away.
Tseng (voiced by Junichi Suwabe in Japanese)

Tseng is the leader of the Turks.
The Turks are a small, elite organization with Shinra that does everything the company needs it to – be it scouting out candidates for SOLDIER, protecting VIPs, or even assassination.
Their cool-headed leader has a knack for managing his eccentric subordinates. He’s an old acquaintance of Aerith’s, and has been keeping watch over her since she moved to the slums.

Don Corneo (voiced by Youhei Tadano in Japanese)

This lecherous scumbag is the true ruler of Wall Market. He hosts nightly auditions for the “next Mrs. Corneo” and although his mouth is as foul as his face, he has an uncanny way with people—even the dregs of society are securely under his thumb.

Andrea Rhodea (named Aniyan Kunyan in Japanese) (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita in Japanese)

The owner of—and dancer at—the Honeybee Inn is a man of influence within the quarter, with the authority to approve women for Corneo’s auditions. Each night, he dazzles his crowd with performances that defy description. Always seeking perfection, he rigorously trains both his mind and body.

Leslie Kyle (voiced by Tasuku Hatanaka in Japanese)

Don Corneo’s lackey may look young, but he has the heart of an old curmudgeon. His dead-eyed stare and general apathy have earned him pride of place among the don’s men.

Madam M (voiced by Yuka Komatsu in Japanese)

Madam M is the proprietress of a hand-massage parlor in Wall Market. Like Andrea, she has a great deal of influence within the quarter—that includes the authority to approve women for Corneo’s auditions. Be warned that she’s a prideful sort, and only as courteous as her customers are deep-pocketed.

Chocobo Sam (voiced by Masashi Sugawara in Japanese)

A Chocobo handler in Wall Market, Chocobo Sam is another prominent figure with the authority to approve women for Corneo’s auditions. He runs a delivery service called Sam’s Delivery. He also happens to be an avid gambler—though he’s hooked more on the rush than any money he may win.

Battle Introduction: Barret
Barret’s gun arm makes him an ideal long-ranged fighter. Push the square button, and Barret will fire a volley from his machine gun. You can also hold down the button for an extended salvo.

Unique Ability
If you press the triangle button, you can use Barret’s “Overcharge” attack. Not only is it more powerful than standard shots, it fills a large portion of his ATB gauge.
Bear in mind that once used, it takes a long time to recharge this attack—but you can speed up the reload process by pressing triangle again.

When Barret fills his ATB gauge, he can use one of his special abilities. Here are just a couple of the things he can do.

—Focused Shot
This ability uses up all available ATB charges to deliver a powerful attack. Not only does it do good damage, it also fills up an enemy’s stagger gauge—get that to max and they’ll be susceptible to even more damage!

This ability definitely lives up to its name! After activating it, Barret will share some of his HP with allies when they take damage.
Command Materia: Enemy Skill

Materia is vitally important in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Equipping these orbs allows your characters to use magic, special abilities and more.
When a party member has this equipped, they have a chance to learn certain enemy attacks that are used on them. Note that the character can only use these skills while the materia is equipped.
The World of Final Fantasy VII Remake
Wall Market
Built on the ruins of the collapsed Sector 6 plate, Wall Market is Midgar’s biggest—and most infamous—entertainment quarter. It’s run by Don Corneo and is almost entirely free of Shinra’s influence. It’s an incredibly lively area that offers plenty of… let’s say ‘intriguing’ ways to pass the lonely nights.

Corneo Colosseum
Located beneath the bustling streets of Wall Market, the Corneo Colosseum gives brave fighters the chance to engage in brutal battles against both man and monster. Winners of a colosseum bout receive glory, fame, and a substantial reward.

The Honeybee Inn
Situated in Wall Market, the Honeybee Inn is the area’s premier nightclub, and offers nights few will ever forget—as its staff frequently remind its patrons. Every night, audiences are dazzled by the Honeybee Inn’s gorgeous cast of honeygirls and boys. This unique venue also provides private rooms for its more discerning customers, allowing them to enjoy time in private with the performers of their choice.

At one point in the story, Tifa and Aerith glam themselves up to infiltrate Don Corneo’s mansion. Cloud is left with no choice but to dress to impress as well. Each character has multiple costumes too!

Beginner’s Hall
This is Beginner’s Hall—a location where you can learn the basics of weapon enhancement.

There’s a weapon shop on the ground floor.

The second floor is used as the base of operations for the neighborhood watch.
New Feature: Jukebox
While you wander around town, you may come across areas playing special music. You can get these songs as music discs from shops or citizens.

When you can acquire a disc, an icon will appear in the top left of the screen.

Once collected, you can play a disc on any jukebox. This one can be found in Tifa’s bar—Seventh Heaven.

Summon: Leviathan
Summons are a particularly powerful type of Materia. Equip one to a character, and they’ll be able to bring a powerful ally into battle. Today we’re introducing a summon that will make quite a splash—Leviathan.

Worshipped as a deity in the Wutai region, this non-elemental summon takes the form of a water serpent.

Leviathan evokes a savage beauty as it rises from the briny depths, generating tidal waves that wash foes away.

Final Fantasy VII Remake details Tseng, Don Corneo, Barret abilities, Wall Market, Honeybee Inn, Leviathan summon, more
Square Enix has released new information and screenshots of Final Fantasy VII Remake highlighting Turks leader Tseng, Wall Market ruler Don Corneo, Barret’s abilities in battle, the Wall Mark…

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