Well, I've gotten everyone's Ultimate Weapon except Wakkas. Basically, what's how I always play FFX, lol. Unfortunately, I know how OP Wakka's Reels + Ultimate Weapon are, but I never get them because I don't have fun with blitzball. Not that I find dodging lightning fun or anything like that, but that only took like 20-30 mins. I ended up dodging 438 bolts because I was afraid to stop (and didn't count). xD
Thinking about it... In theory, I like how they did the ultimate weapons in this game. Doing some minigames or quests to get items to upgrade ultimate weapons is a decent idea. Unfortunately, their execution was absolute shit for most of the characters. Yuna's path to get ultimate weapon is probably the best one - it is something that furthered her as a character (in terms of battle - getting Anima, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters and then fighting with them), and wasn't annoying. Rikku's path was decent... I mean, it was kind of boring running all over the desert, but I actually enjoyed the cactuar minigame, and it was kind of cute (like the descriptions of each one). Kimahri's isn't as bad as most people say. Yeah, it can be frustrating, but after a few tries, it becomes pretty easy to know the right path. Auron's is just incredibly boring... it's not hard to capture monsters from 10 areas, but it's just... ugh. Boring. Tidus' chocobo minigame is a cluster fuck of awfulness. It's just all based on your luck - there's almost no real skill involved. If you get lucky and the first 5-6 balloons are on your side at the beginning, you'll pretty much win (or have a far better chance). You need to get lucky in the birds attacking the rider some as well. Honestly, Lulu's isn't even that hard. It's just boring and tedious as fuck. It's one of those minigames where as you are doing it, you're thinking "what the fuck am I doing with my life?" And Wakka's.... uhh... If you like blitzball, I guess it's alright, but I don't, so I think it sucks.
I think I'm just gonna beat FFX now and move on to some other game. I had a feeling I would not want to do the extra bosses or worry about farming materials to customize the best gear. I absolutely love the base/main story of FFX, but the end game is just too much of a grind for me to enjoy it.