
I wanted to share my thoughts on the new Final Fantasy XIV TTRPG. While they clearly took some cues from D&D in terms of design, it's very much its own beast. It's fascinating to see how they've tried to adapt FFXIV's mechanics for a tabletop format. Here are some of the standout features and my impressions:
Class Roles and Mechanics
In the starter set, classes are broken into specific roles, similar to the MMO. There are only four classes:- Warrior/Tank: The physical fighter who builds up enmity (aggro) to draw enemy attention.
- White Mage/Healer: Uses healing magic to keep the party alive.
- Dragoon/DPS: Utilizes jumping spear techniques for heavy damage.
- Black Mage/Magical DPS: Casts powerful spells to deal magic damage.
Borrowed Mechanics from FFXIV
- No traditional resting: Your health and MP regenerate outside of combat, mirroring the MMO.
- AOE markers: Similar to FFXIV, giving it a "Simon says" feel during encounters.
- Encounter-focused gameplay: Feels more like Descent than D&D, with less room for customization. No character levels or money, making homebrewing difficult.
- Helpful examples: Little comics at the bottom of each page provide rule examples, which is super handy.
- FFXIV fans only: This game assumes you're familiar with FFXIV. There's little explanation of the world or lore, so if you don't know what a Mi'qote or Lalafel is, you're out of luck.
- Limit Breaks: In the MMO, Limit Breaks are powerful abilities that activate after a meter fills from taking damage. Here, it's just "Your GM will tell you when you have a limit break ready." Not a fan of this approach since it’s easy to forget.
Overall Thoughts
The game seems cool, but it's definitely tailored for existing FFXIV fans. The starter set feels like a streamlined version rather than a complete experience, unlike D&D starter sets. I'm hoping the full rulebooks will flesh out the game more. However, it's unclear how well this will be supported, especially in English. It kind of feels like a novelty product for FFXIV enthusiasts.Edit: Later thoughts:
Reading the rules for FFXIV TTRPG further, it's funny how railroady it is:From the FAQ:Q: What if the player tries to do something outlandish that will derail the story.A: Don't let them do it. Tell the player that you don't know how to resolve their action without ruining the story, so they are unable to do that action.There is also a section about character background stories where it's like "If a player comes up with a backstory that conflicts with the story, the GM has the discretion to ignore those aspects of the character's story. For example, if a character's backstory is that they're the illegitimate child of a major character, you don't need to acknowledge that as a GM."Cooking in that lack of player agency into a role playing game is certainly a decision
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