
Square Enix has released first information and screenshots of Final Fantasy XV expansion “Episode Ardyn,” which was recently dated for release on March 26.
Get the details below.
■ Story
35 years before the events of Final Fantasy XV. Verstael Besithia, a researcher belonging to the Empire of Niflheim, releases Ardyn Lucis Caelum from 2,000 years of imprisonment. Led to the Imperial research facility, Ardyn discovers a certain truth and decides to take revenge upon the Kingdom of Lucis.

■ Infiltrate the Crown City Insomnia
Ardyn infiltrates Insomnia to destroy the peaceful Crown City, which is surrounded by a magic barrier. And what does Ardyn see beyond his revenge…?

■ Characters
Characters from main story of Final Fantasy XV will appear in “Episode Ardyn” several decades younger. New characters such as Ardyn’s beloved Aera Mils Fleuret and his younger brother Somnus Lucis Caelum will also appear.
Verstael Besithia
A scientist belonging to the Niflheim Imperial Army, and the leading magitek researcher. He took notice of the Lucis outlaw dubbed “Adagium” and released Ardyn from his imprisonment on Angelgard.

Aera Mils Fleuret
The first Oracle, chosen as the bridge between humankind and the divine. She and Ardyn were deeply in love with each other.

Regis Lucis Caelum
Noctis Lucis Caelum’s father and the 113th King of Lucis. He puts his heart and soul into protecting the Kingdom of Lucis from the Niflheim Empire’s frequent invasions.

Somnus Lucis Caelum
Ardyn’s younger brother and the Founder King of Lucis. Dubbed the “Mystic” based on his feats in battle. He imprisoned his older brother Ardyn, who had become a daemon, and ascended to the throne.

■ Various New Systems
New systems have been implemented that are unique to Ardyn, who possesses the power of daemons.
Shadow Move to Points on the Map
By using the power of daemons, Ardyn can freely move about at high speeds to points on the map with the “Shadow Move” ability.

Ardyn has the special power to transform enemies into daemons and render them powerless. By successfully landing a finishing attack (landing five consecutive hits), you will then be able to use the one-hit kill special attack “Daemonification” (official English name pending).
You can also activate Daemonification by successfully landing a sequence of attacks following a back-attack. Utilize Ardyn’s Shadow Move to attack the enemy from behind.


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