What is Fortnite?
Fortnite is a co-op sandbox survival game about exploration, scavenging items, crafting weapons, building fortified structures, and fighting waves of encroaching monsters. Players will work together in teams up to 4 players, if you are missing players you can bring "Defenders" with you to supplement your team to the team limit of four, to scavenge items they can use for building and defending their structures and objectives from the Husks.
Building will be a core mechanic in the game, and there will be "a lot of loot" buried within. Players can build and edit each wall of their fort with a 3×3 grid, lay down stairs, roofs, and windows, sculpting them to suit a particular need.
The game is primarily mission based. Upon entering a mission, the map is procedural generated so that missions will unlikely be the same. There are however 4 maps representing difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard etc) where you can build a permanent base. In each of these maps your permanent base needs to be defend in order for it to be upgraded and unlock new ability/skills (related to the ability/skill tier tree).

Piñatas act like the commonly known "loot boxes". They allow players to gain weapons, XP cards, heroes and survivors. The Piñatas come in different quality and depending on the quality of the Piñatas you get more loot of higher quality.
Does Fortnite feature a matchmaking system?
In the lobby you can make it private to play solo or with friends or you can set it to public and get matched up.

A "Hero", as you would guess, is the players character. There are over 116 different of these split over the 4 classes for you to unlock at varied rarity levels.
Skills start out in a linear progression as to help new players understand them.
As you progress the hero, they will get access to a greater set of skills, passives, and stat boost used to customize the character.

Constructor Class
Right from the get-go, the constructor builds structures faster than the other classes, and the Pre-Planning ability makes those structures stronger as well. The B.A.S.E. ability allows constructors to place a large holographic cube in the environment; structures built inside of it cost the constructor fewer resources. These perks, along with the other bonuses in the constructor's skill tree, make the class an easy choice if you're looking to building something huge or complex (or both).

Soldier Class
While every class can use firearms, the Soldier's unique abilities give them an advantage over other gun-wielding classes. The Soldier's first two upgrades Debilitating Shot and Make It Rain both reward accuracy by increasing damage and rate of fire for a short period of time, making it easy to quickly take down groups of slow-moving husks.

Ninja Class
The ninja features an affinity for melee weapons, and as such, many of its skill upgrades focus on close-range combat. However, the ninja's preferred weapon of choice isn't the only aspect that differentiates it from the commando class, considering he's not as beefy as Soldiers or Constructors, ninjas are incredibly deadly in certain situations thanks to their speed and abilities.

Outlander Class
Although all classes can build and fight, the Outlander comes with better treasure finding and resource collecting talents. With talents both increasing loot chance and harvesting time it's a sure hit for all the hoarders to supply their team mates.

What are these "Defenders?"
You want to do a mission but don't have 4 players? Perhaps you just want to go at it alone? Well let me tell you about Defenders!
Defenders are AI controlled player characters that will help you on your missions. If you do not have 4 players, one or more can be substituted with a Defender. Players can bring up to 4 Defenders into the outpost along with the normal 4 heroes.
Defenders will be available in game but also found in some of the Early Access Packs.

How many weapons are there, you might ask. Well, quite a few is the answer.
You have everything from sword and axes to pistols, assault rifles, snipers and more!
As you use a weapon in a match it will lose durability. Durability will also be lost if you die or if you lose the match.
Weapon Stats
Each schematic will have some randomness that applies within a range, one might be slower with higher damage or it might have more durability but less bullet capacity. A legendary rarity weapon will always have legendary stat ranges.
Inventory and Vault Space
The inventory space allows a player to bring along more weapons to fight the horder, traps to play a puppet master with or gather more materials to use for things like crafting.
Vault space is for storing schematics, weapons and materials when you don't want to carry it around.
How do I earn Inventory and Vault Space?
These are special items, limited to 2 per match in which you can equip before mission start. They range from offensive abilities like an air strike to supportive abilities like healing.

Outposts are a unique area where the player can build a permanent base. There are 4 locations upon Early Access release and 1 in each area. As you defend your outpost, you progress through the zone, unlocking harder and more varied missions and eventually unlocking the next zone.
Can you share Outposts with other players?
Yes you can give permissions to other players to help you on your outpost.
Does this mean we can have a team Outpost?
Each player will have their own Outpost but can allow permission for other players to help build and defend it. Both players need to be online together to access the outpost.

Motherba- Homebase is the default menu/view when you login to the game.
This is where you interact with your heroes, schematics, the skill tree, and select missions to play. It has the armory, where you can upgrade your weapon schematics and level up your heroes, etc.

There current is no traditional PVP in this game, as the developer stated that they are concentrating on PVE first. However, there is a event called "Block Party" in which players compete against each other via a horde mode style leaderboard.
Bring you or your friends Outpost and see how long it can survive!

When EXACTLY will Fortnite release?
Fortnite will pre-release on July 21st at 10AM Eastern time for Early Access. It is officially entering Early Access on July 25th.

You can purchase and compare Founder's Editions over at EpicGames.com
What happens if I buy the game on or after July 21st?
The head start will apply to any purchases up until the official release on July 25th. Purchases made between then will get the preorder bonus Storm Master Weapon pack. Any purchase on the 25th or later will not receive the preorder bonus but will still receive the normal bundle bonuses.
What regions are currently available for pre-order?
Fortnite is currently available for pre-order in the following regions: Americas, Europe, Russia/CIS and Australia/NZ. For further information about specific countries or expanding to additional regions, keep an eye on regularly updated news at https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news
What are Daily Loot Piñatas? How do I use them?
The Daily Loot Piñatas are special Piñatas in the Early Access packs that are given each day you log in until they are gone. They are only given on the days you log in and they do not expire.
Will there be a wipe when early access is released and a further wipe when the game goes F2P in 2018?
The final scheduled wipe is for July 20th before Early Access starts. There are no plans to do any wipe after this including when the game goes free to play sometime in 2018

What systems will Fortnite be release on?
Fortnite is currently slated for release on PS4/PS4 Pro, Xbox 1/X, and PC.
Pro and X will run Fortnite on the epic settings at 4k/30fps. They will look better but the content will stay the same.
What is the recommended system specs for PC?
Recommended System Requirements:
Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent DX11 GPU
2 GByte VRAM
Core i5 2.8 Ghz
8 GByte RAM
Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
Minimum System Requirements:
Intel HD 4000
Core i3 2.4 Ghz
4 GByte RAM
Windows 7/8/10 64-bit + Mac OSX Sierra
How big is the game?
Roughly 11.64GB on Xbox, PC and PS4 should be similar in size.
Cross-buy and Cross-platform play
-PS4: If you link your account after purchasing a Founder's Pack on either platform (PC/PS4), you will be able to play on both. You only need to purchase one copy!
Progression is shared across systems. You will only be able to play with players of the same system. There is no crossplay/cross-play between systems currently.
-Xbox: Unfortunately, cross-progression is currently not supported for Xbox.
-Mac: PC and MAC user can play together! Huzzah!
There are currently no known plans to bring Fortnite to Steam and can only be played using the Epic Launcher.
Now before we roll the credits, here are some tips from Mobius and pet octopus
Ammo is easy to mass produce as long as you have bolts. Bolts are easy to find in cars, parking meters, and many mechanical/electrical items. Its easy to find these items in industrial or city zones.
Most enemies attempt to take the path of least resistance. Constructing a maze or a pathway of death is a viable strategy. Another interesting strategy is to knock enemies (using a knockback trap) into a basement of a building that youve destroyed the stairs out of. Theyll get stuck and can be ignored.
A pyramid formation over the objective is a popular strategy. You cant build an entrance but you can edit one in (and then close it) to start the objective. It gives you easy access to protect all sides.
Some wall traps do not require a full wall and can be built on a 2/3rd or even 1/3rd wall.
Defenders are useful but they require you to give them a weapon and ammo each time you summon one. You get the weapon (if not broken) and remaining ammo back. You can transfer a defender from one defense tile to another and they retain their weapon and ammo. Useful to defend different angles.
Existing weapons and traps do not upgrade when you level up a schematic. Only new weapon and traps have the new stats/bonuses.
Be careful when increasing the rarity of weapon schematics as theyll require rarer resources to build. Copper is easy to find in the first world zone. Silver is rarer until you get to the next zone. If your schematic requires silver and you have none, you might have to switch to a different weapon (youll have plenty of these though). Having a few extra weapons crafted before you upgrade rarity is a good idea, and in any event if you play lower level zones with friends its better to use cheaper weapons as your expensive weapons are overkill at that point.
Its a good idea to help others complete base defense missions, because each time you get mini pinatas. Its a good way to make friends while earning some extra loot.
Its not a bad idea to store wood/stone/metal inside your base, allowing you to gather more resources than what your character can carry (999 of each).
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Credits to Reddit to Fortnite Wiki and Deoee