Spike Spiegel

Official 'Divided' Site <=watch online for free here, or at PBS.org
Youtube Links
Trailer (0:30)
Full Trailer (1:32)
Clip: How "Obamacare" Became a Symbol of America's Divide (6:16)
Clip: Romney's Loss, a Trump Tweetstorm, and a Telling Trademark (2:03)
Supplemental Materials

Oral History: The Opposition Strategy

Oral History: Race in the Obama Era

Oral History: Trump Vs. the GOP

The FRONTLINE Interviews: 'Divided States of America'
Press Release:
BEVERLY HILLS, CA; July 28, 2016 — Days before the inauguration of the 45th American president in January 2017, FRONTLINE will premiere DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA, a four-hour, two-night documentary miniseries that looks back at events during the Obama presidency that have revealed deep divisions in our country, and examines the America the next president will inherit. Offering an in-depth view of the partisanship that gridlocked Washington and charged the 2016 presidential campaign, the rise of populist anger on both sides of the aisle and the racial tensions that have erupted throughout the country, DIVIDED STATES airs Tuesday-Wednesday, January 17-18, 2017, 9-11pm EST (check local listings).
Drawing on extensive new interviews with White House and Congressional insiders from both parties, as well as FRONTLINE's vast body of reporting on the Obama era, DIVIDED STATES digs into the causes of America's intense polarization and questions how the next president and Congress can govern in an era of complex challenges. This television event, led by veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team, tells a revealing story that's not just about Barack Obama's presidency, but about America itself.
”When America elected its first black president eight years ago, many thought we were entering a new and hopeful era," says Kirk. ”But now, from race to guns to the economy, we're living in a deeply polarized moment — in American politics and American life. This film explores why we've reached this point, how Washington has reacted to the upheaval that is fast defining our times and what it means as we look to the tenure of the next president."
”As Obama's presidency ends and a new one begins, this is the time to take a deep look at where we stand – and why," says FRONTLINE executive producer Raney Aronson-Rath. ”Thoughtful, rigorous and time-intensive reporting provides a comprehensive yet nuanced exploration of a significant moment in American history."
”Every day, millions of Americans turn to PBS as a trusted source of news and public affairs programming with diverse perspectives and thought-provoking content that's timely and relevant to the concerns of our viewers," said Beth Hoppe, Chief Programming Executive and General Manager of General Audience Programming for PBS. ”FRONTLINE's DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA examines the many issues faced during the Obama presidency, just as the new president-elect prepares to be sworn into office. With FRONTLINE's signature in-depth reporting, this special will provide viewers a new viewpoint on both where we've been and where we're headed as a country."
A letter from the Executive Producer of FRONTLINE:
I wanted to give people enough time to set their DVRs, adjust their weeknight viewing schedules, and figure out how to watch episodes online before this two-night event aired. Four hours spent examining how we as a nation got to where we are today, on the eve of swearing in Donald Trump as the 45th President and leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.This week, Donald Trump was elected America's next president.
He will inherit a country that's deeply divided by politics, race, gender, culture and economics.
At FRONTLINE, we're committed to investigating how this intense polarization — and, ultimately, Trump's presidency — came to be.
In fact, for months, we've been reporting on our country's fault lines and rising tensions for our upcoming special series, Divided States of America, scheduled to air on PBS January 17 and 18.
From veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team, Divided States investigates events during the Obama presidency that roiled the political parties and exposed simmering divisions among the American people.
Airing days before Trump's inauguration, it will offer an in-depth view of the partisanship that gridlocked Washington and charged the 2016 presidential campaign, the rise of populist anger and the war inside the Republican Party, and the racial tensions that have erupted throughout the country.
The following week, on January 24, FRONTLINE will present Trump's Road to the White House, looking at how he rallied millions of supporters, defeated adversaries, and who he is bringing into the White House with him.
And of course, as we've always done with our presidents and our politics, we'll keep reporting on President Trump and the many challenges facing his administration — from the evolution of ISIS, to the wars in Syria and Iraq, to the economy.
FRONTLINE has always strived for fair and deeply reported journalism, and we will continue to deliver on that promise.
Thank you for your support.
– Raney Aronson-Rath
Executive Producer, FRONTLINE
Tonight however, if you're interested, they will be airing 'President Trump', which I suspect is a retooling of the excellent episode 'The Choice 2016' to focus exclusively on the winning presidential candidate. That episode airs momentarily, and is available for viewing online right now.
FRONTLINE: 'President Trump'
See you in two weeks!