
Great time to jump in!
Traditionally $79.99 and it includes both Season 1 AND 2
(Season 1 on sale for $9 as well)
***please don't make this into a poop on SFV thread***
I went ahead purchased. Already owned a physical copy but having a digital, easily accessible copy will certainly be mote pleasant. That and i hadn't jumped on any of the Season DLC characters yet
Keep the scene alive!
This bundle contains:
Season 1 Season Pass
- 6 new characters (Alex, Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri, Urien)
- Default colors 3-10 for the above characters
- Battle Costumes for the above characters
- Air Force Base Stage
- PS4 theme
Season 2 Character Pass
- 6 new characters (Akuma, Kolin and four others)
-- with the exception of Akuma, the remaining characters Kolin included, have never been playable in Street Fighter before or are completely new characters
- Default colors 3-10 for the above characters
- Battle Costumes for the above characters
- PS4 theme
So the default colors are a big deal because it's a pain in the ass to unlock them via survival mode. Unless you punish yourself with that grind (or were able to cheat via the early hacks last year), this is a welcome bonus.