Gold Member

- Once something airs in the US on the East Coast, it's fair game to post about;
- This thread is purely to discuss the ongoing final season of Game of Thrones;
- Any video/text from HBO previews, loglines, trailers, interviews etc. that has any reference to plot should be spoilered;
- No spoilers/leaks etc;
- No speculation based on books;
- Fan speculation based on what we know as to the current airtime is fine. Do not speculate on the basis of leaked/external data (e.g. character A is in the cast list for Ep 6 so must not die in precarious position of Ep 2;

The Schedule
Episode 1: Winterfell: 60 mins // 14.04.19 // Discussion starts
Episode 2: A knight of the seven kingdoms: 60 mins // 21.04.19 // Discussion starts
Episode 3: The Long Night: 80 mins // 28.04.19 // Discussion starts
Episode 4: The Last of the Starks: 80 mins // 05.05.19 // Discussion starts
Episode 5: The Bells: 80 mins // 12.05.19 // Discussion starts
Episode 6: The Iron Throne: 80 mins // 19.05.19 // Discussion starts
The Trailer(s)
Quick recap (end of season 7)
At the end of season seven, Cersei joined forces with Euron Greyjoy and his navy, and she sent for the Golden Company, the largest and most powerful mercenary army around. Although Jon Snow, Daenerys, Tyrion, and their cohort warned Cersei that the White Walkers are coming and Cersei promised them that she would help defend the living, Cersei is plotting to let the Night King decimate the Targaryen and Stark forces — and then to blitz what’s left of either side. Cersei is also pregnant with Jaime’s child, which gives her an heir to the throne.
Jaime learned that Cersei had no intention of actually sending the Lannister army north to help repel the White Walker army, despite Cersei “promising” to do so. Cersei called Jaime an idiot for what’s ostensibly going to be seen as doing the right thing and fighting for the living. He realized that Cersei loves power more than anything or anyone, and doesn’t see morality as part of that equation. Jaime abandons her at King’s Landing and heads North to fight against the White Walkers.
Tyrion is still advisor to Dany, but he seems to be in a tenuous position as Dany’s relationship with Jon Snow grows stronger.
The mountain still serves as Cersei’s silent and possibly undead bodyguard. He’s still very creepy, very quiet, and very into protecting Cersei.
Euron Greyjoy killed two of the Sand Snakes, then delivered Ellaria Sand and the last surviving Snake, Tyene Sand, to Cersei, while keeping Yara prisoner. At the end of season seven, he was sent by Cersei to transport the Golden Company, her newly hired mercenary army, back to King’s Landing.
In the season seven finale, Bronn explained to Tyrion that he’s loyal to himself, and whoever is paying him — which seems like Cersei for now.
After satisfyingly besting Littlefinger by surprising the manipulator, charging him with treason, and then slashing his throat, Arya and Sansa are awaiting their brother Jon’s return at Winterfell.
As season seven ended, Jon and Dany were on their way to Winterfell.
Bran (via the sight) was able to view the day in the past when Jon Snow was born, and - with the aid of Samwell Tarly’s research at the Citadel - now knows Jon Snow’s true parentage, that he’s a Targaryen, and that he’s the true heir to the throne.
By the end of season seven, with help from Bran, Sam put the puzzle pieces together and realized that Rhaegar had married Lyanna Stark, and had a son who is Jon Snow. Meanwhile, Samwell hasn’t yet found out about Dany turning his brother and dad into barbecued Tarlies. Yikes.
Brienne might have a crush on Tormund Giantsbane. Is still one of the best swordspeople in Westeros. Seems to be very impressed with Arya’s skills as they had a little sparring match when they met at Winterfell.
Dany finally consummated her relationship in the season finale with Jon, but it’s kinda weird since he’s really her nephew. At the end of season seven, Daenerys and Jon were on their way to the North to help defend it against the White Walker attack.
Viserion was raised back from the dead in the finale as a zombie dragon, and it will be a major sadness and shock for Dany when she finds out that Viserion is now fighting on the side of the undead. Viserion was the main reason the wall was finally breached along with The Night King
Missandei and Greyworm, along with Dany’s army, were on their way to Winterfell, along with Jorah Mormont
Youtube recap (seasons 1-7 in 15 mins)
Tier I Returning Cast

Tyrion / Jaime / Cersei / Daenerys / Jon

Davos / Sansa / Arya / Theon / Missandei

Brienne / Samwell / The Hound / Varys / Melisandre

Bronn / Jorah / Tormund / Bran

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