
Shadow of the Colossus Remake I can understand because it was a PS2 game that runs like shit.? Because its one of the best selling games by the publisher and about to be 10 years since its release.
Some of you don't really understand that PS3 is about to be as old as PS4 was when that Shadow Of The Colossus remake came you guys really not understand we are talking about several generations difference or?
Shit a better question would be what the fuck would they gain NOT remaking it?
So even a 13 year difference between SoTC and the remake doesn't change that the PS2 was 18 year old hardware by the time that remake came out.
If the remake comes out near the anniversary, it will be a difference of 17 years in regards to the hardware difference since PS3's release.
Sooooo from PS2 to PS4 is no different then from
PS3 to PS5....
I don't get how you guys don't get or understand that. Who the fuck is this remake hurting anyway?
Shadow of the Colossus Remake I can understand because it was a PS2 game that runs like shit.
The Last of Us has already a PS4 port
I'd rather have Naughty Dog do something else
Milking a beloved franchise by using the same engine of TLOU2 and also serve to promote and hype the TV series at the same time.
Little money spent, huge money in return.
We already got TLOU remaster
I already have remaster version, I don’t think I need remake version.Yea good thing this is talking about a REMAKE and not a remaster.....
I already have remaster version, I don’t think I need remake version.
I rather see remake/remaster of games that can’t be played on PS5.
Hey if you think TLOU "remake" worth your money more power to you, for me personally it's unnecessary and waste.No one "needs" anything. The remaster version you have, is not a remake..... They are not the same thing.
Ask those respective publishers, Sony has no say in something like Drakengard 3 or anything like that, its completely irrelevant to a remake of The Last Of Us 1.
The ability to play the original is completely irrelevant. Shit, I can play Drakengard 3 right now on my PS3, they shouldn't remake it cuz I can play it doe and dat only matterz right?
Hear how weird that shit sounds? What the fuck does that have to do with them making a remake or not? I mean, Drakengard 3 came out in 2014, not as old as The Last of us that came out in 2013, thus it shouldn't get a remake, I think it looks GREAT the way it is /s
None of that shit has anything to do with remakes. Its a odd argument that I don't really understand why gamers make it. I own both games you are talking about and would love a remake of them.
Not sure why the fuck one being able to be played on PS5 thru BC suddenly means it should not be remade lol
The fuck does that have to do with anything? You are not even talking about an either or, Sony could remake The Last Of Us, SQUARE can remake Drakengard 3..... they already remake a lot of games anyway. That isn't an either or type thing you know.
for me personally it's unnecessary and waste.
it has really shit performance, I would love see it gets NieR Replicant ver 1.22 treatment.
And if ND wants to remake something, Jack & Dexter would have been far better choice.
Not in that direction, noYou don't think that there's a high chance the story will change, for whatever reason?
No one "needs" anything. The remaster version you have, is not a remake..... They are not the same thing.
Ask those respective publishers, Sony has no say in something like Drakengard 3 or anything like that, its completely irrelevant to a remake of The Last Of Us 1.
The ability to play the original is completely irrelevant. Shit, I can play Drakengard 3 right now on my PS3, they shouldn't remake it cuz I can play it doe and dat only matterz right?
Hear how weird that shit sounds? What the fuck does that have to do with them making a remake or not? I mean, Drakengard 3 came out in 2014, not as old as The Last of us that came out in 2013, thus it shouldn't get a remake, I think it looks GREAT the way it is /s
None of that shit has anything to do with remakes. Its a odd argument that I don't really understand why gamers make it. I own both games you are talking about and would love a remake of them.
Not sure why the fuck one being able to be played on PS5 thru BC suddenly means it should not be remade lol
The fuck does that have to do with anything? You are not even talking about an either or, Sony could remake The Last Of Us, SQUARE can remake Drakengard 3..... they already remake a lot of games anyway. That isn't an either or type thing you know.
H Hitchyhero The game is likely going to come out around the 10 year anniversary, I'm sure you can think it looks great all day, but how you emotionally feel about the original has nothing to do with remakes. So i don't get this "still looks great" We are talking about a fucking game from 2013 running on 2006 hardware. I like the game, its one of my favorite games of all time, but shit that is why I'm 100% ok with a remake.
Me liking it doesn't fucking put it in 4K 120fps, a new engine, haptic feedback, new character models etc. Do some of you think wanting a remake suddenly means you HATE the original?
The game looks great.....for a game made on 2006 hardware, for the time it was made, however the fucking game doesn't look soooooooo good that its now is beyond all games being made on new hardware TODAY!!!
Its a shit argument.
it pretend zero advancements have been made and the game is some life like game that is years beyond all games and looks levels above all games on PS5 or some shit.
its not.
I like it and I'm saying the fucking game does not look soooooo good a remake should not be made, thats simply not the case. A new engine, fixing the controls, new character models, fast ssd, 4k 120fps, you can't with a straight face tell me those are not advancements and that the original performs better or some shit.
Brings in a whole bunch of new consumers that might be new to the series, gives Bluepoint games more solid work with PS5 or ND more work with PS5. The teams get work, gamers get a remake, you can fucking not buy it.
I don't see how it would even hurt you to exist tbh.
Even in the case of arguing for something NEW, i don't see it holding up any new IP and I see the sales simply FUNDING those new IPs in the first place.
nah, I played it on PS3 and its perfect, nothing should be changed and no remake is needed, in fact it would be unnecessary and a waste for all... /s
nahhhhhh I like the series and.....nahhhh. The Last Of Us is literally one of the best selling Sony games of all time, that remake is inevitable. Let Bluepoint do both and be done with it. This never needed to be some either or as its not like Sony only does 1 remake and thats it or something, same with Square. Why make this an either or? Shit look at the remakes Square did, did you see Nier NOT get remade cause FFVII? Did Secret Of Mana not get a remake cause FFVII? So whats with this either or thing? Even under those same publishers we saw multiple remakes.
So how much you liked the original or how much you feel it looks fine has no real relevance to this. I mean my good, take it from me... a person literally playing Xenosaga 2, liking the original, doesn't magically mean we should get zero remake, thinking it looks great and holds up well, doesn't mean zero remake. I think lots of old shit look great lol
That doesn't magically make me just disregard all technological advancements. For god sakes, you are saying this about 1 PS3 game being remade vs another PS3 game being remade...
How about both? They are both from the same fucking system, that alone shows clearly both a due a remake and this should have never been some either or.
edit (shit if anything, looking at that whole damn series, Square should do that with Drakengard 1,2 and 3.) I understand you like the 3rd game, but it would be weird to do it with 3, yet ignore 1, 2 etc. I say remake the whole set or just 1 and 2 like you saw Sega remake Yakuza 1 and 2 or something.
You don't need to write walls of text to shoot down people's opinion that the game still looks greats. That's people's opinion.
. But was leaps and bounds the best PS3 game graphically.
But I still think the game looks great now
Reasons?There is literally zero reason to remake The Last of Us. It's backwards compatible.
Focus the time, money, etc. on something else ffs.
I understand why certain games are remastered or remade, say for instance with the Darksiders games getting remastered, as it a) can help bring in some money to finance a new game in the series or b) bolster sales if the game didn't do great the first time around... but neither of those apply to Naughty Dog.
- Easy money and TV series cross promotion potential
- A chance to optimise TLoU 2 engine and tools for PS5 (cheaper than developing a new concept at the same time)
- This will help development of their next mainline games which will take advantage of the PS5 R&D they get to do while developing this remake
Dude what is your problem.... Why are you such a snowflake about other people's opinions. People are saying they don't see the point in a remake.... No one is saying it Can't be remade just because they like the original.Nope,. remember if someone likes the original, it means it can't be remade, only ugly games people hate need remakes, this will help no one, when its made the original disk will blow up /s
Dude what is your problem.... Why are you such a snowflake about other people's opinions. People are saying they don't see the point in a remake.... No one is saying it Can't be remade just because they like the original.
If you can't have a conversation about games on a gaming forum then I suggest you go and chat with yoirself or go on resetera or something
I get that people don't like Part 2 for various reasons but comments like this are so stupid.
I think the reason for a Remake is due to the TV show, I can't see why they would remake it otherwise... the Remaster was fine.
Actually have confidence in the production due to the pedigree of director and network. Seems they are quite serious in putting a best foot forward.Don't need another remake because of a show that will suck.
I can see that I've touch a dear subject to you. Do you think that it's that important how good graphics a game has?? Did you read what you stated there bud?
From PS2 to PS4 as a remake is no different then from PS3 to PS5.......
You can argue it runs like shit, sure, someone can argue the same fucking thing about The Last Of Us 1. GOTY in 2013 doesn't mean it has zero issue that would need to be fixed later on, you fucking telling me 720p is better then 4K?
Soooooo it doesn't fucking mean zero issues and nothing can be better, someone gave GOTY to can say it runs like shit all day, but the same can be stated about a dated game like The Last Of Us no different then are arguing about the same shit. has a PORT, it does not have a remake. Your point? Do you not see just how strange this argument actually is? Oh it has a port...... oh it won GOTY..... um... sure, so did SOTC.
SOTC LITERALLY HAS A PS3 PORT, that doesn't fucking mean zero remake will happen or anything weird like that.
A port is not a remake...
Who is to even say Naughty Dog will even entirely do that remake? For all we know Bluepoint Games will just do the remake, or do you feel you'd rather have From Software do something else or? Cause a Demon Souls remake was made... smh
Some shit made from 2006 hardware being ported doesn't mean a remake won't happen or isn't needed or anything odd like that. Its easily one of the dumbest arguments I've heard in gaming that never makes any sense. You can think horseshit looks good, looking good for 2013 doesn't mean it can't look better.
Its a flawed argument that makes it sounds like only bad games get remakes or something, as if you can't fucking just play the original, like the remake makes the older disk self destruct or something lol
Do you think that it's that important how good graphics a game has?
IMO late generation PS3 game which has a PS4 Port/Remake
is modern enough which only benefits with better graphics, faster loadings and a Dualsense support aren't important enough for a full blown remake.
Just update them like God of War 2018.
PS1 and PS2 games have aged a lot worse than PS3 games
Remakes such as Resident Evil 2 and Crash Bandicoot N. Sane trilogy are awesome.
That's what I have to say about that and not going to argue with you about this subject. I just wish ND, which is one of the best game studios there is would just use it's man power to develop new games and IP's.
I would like Bluepoint to do something else than once again remaking a ND game. Bloodborne (4k 60fps would be enough) and a proper MGS 1 remake à la Demon's Souls would be nice.
The irony of people saying TLOU Remake is the waste of resources, when in fact the reason it's being made is so Naughty Dog DON'T waste resources when most of the team has nothing to do while their next big project is still in pre-production. Guess people would rather ND lay a bunch of people off instead huh?
The financial benefits are just the icing.
Then you still have your original copy from the remaster, so no we are bitching just to bitchNo offense, but I feel like this one hell of captain obvious kinda of answer.
Pretty sure people generally ask why by using the fact that it's a pretty good game, therefore no need for a remake.
A remaster is one thing, but with the remake theres a possiblity that they might add unnecessary things, trying to change things so they match either LoU2 or the future Tv series(which could mean replace the original actors) or even create things that weren't in the original. Which means they could potentially change the game for good.
Then you still have your original copy from the remaster, so no we are bitching just to bitch
Alan wake 1 remastered would be nice.
I already have remaster version, I don’t think I need remake version.
I rather see remake/remaster of games that can’t be played on PS5.