Pretty brave of Germany especially as they have one of the largest Turkish populations in Europe as well. President Obama called out George W Bush for not calling it a genocide but in his 8 years of office he also abstained from calling it a genocide. Sad that Angela Merkel voted for it in a test vote but when it came time to actually voting her and her deputy chancellor and minister for foreign affairs were too afraid to actually vote. Hopefully the Turks and Erdogan actually reflect on their history more and stop opposing other people rightfully calling a genocide a genocide. But it is crazy how many Turks protested in Berlin against it. These people so ultranationalistic they want to deny their ancestors killed millions of Armenians.
Turkey has recalled its ambassador from Berlin after German MPs approved a motion describing the massacre of Armenians by Ottoman forces a century ago as genocide a decision that the Turkish president said would seriously affect relations between the two countries.
The five-page paper, co-written by parliamentarians from the Christian Democrats, Social Democrats and Green party, calls for a commemoration of the genocide of Armenian and other Christian minorities in the years 1915 and 1916. It passed with support from all the parties in parliament. In a show of hands, there was one abstention and one vote against.
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, had voted in favour of the resolution during a test vote at a party meeting on Tuesday, but was absent from the actual vote on Thursday, as were the deputy chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, and the minister for foreign affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Gregor Gysi of the Left party described Merkels absence as not very brave.
Pretty brave of Germany especially as they have one of the largest Turkish populations in Europe as well. President Obama called out George W Bush for not calling it a genocide but in his 8 years of office he also abstained from calling it a genocide. Sad that Angela Merkel voted for it in a test vote but when it came time to actually voting her and her deputy chancellor and minister for foreign affairs were too afraid to actually vote. Hopefully the Turks and Erdogan actually reflect on their history more and stop opposing other people rightfully calling a genocide a genocide. But it is crazy how many Turks protested in Berlin against it. These people so ultranationalistic they want to deny their ancestors killed millions of Armenians.