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GTA Online's latest event is called Bottom Dollar Bounties and focuses on letting players live that Dog the Bounty Hunter life in Los Santos, but it also adds the new Vinewood Club app to in-game phones.
This app "lets you easily request vehicles, claim all outstanding business safe earnings, and replenish ammo on your in-game phone." Collecting cash from your businesses in GTA Online has always been a bit of a pain, and being able to do it from your phone instead is obviously a massive improvement. The catch, of course, is that it's only available to GTA+ subscribers paying $8 a month (thanks, GamesRadar+).
"Since day one there were already concerns GTA+ would start locking out genuinely good features from non-subscribing players," writes Select_Ad3588 on the GTA Online subreddit. "The car dealership and shit was already stretching it, but now including a QoL update behind a fucking paywall? That's genuinely sad and makes me a lot more concerned over GTA 6 Online.
"So many players requested this feature, yeah they're 'listening to our feedback' and figuring out how to monetize it. One of the slimiest things they've done in a while."
"Imagine locking a most requested feature behind a paywall.....in a 10 yr old game," says Xplosiv84. "Pay more to play less," adds MaxAliga. "I have GTA+ and even I think this is dumb AF to not give to all players," says IDKRedditsz. "This isn't a feature, it's improving on your cumbersome fucking management system."