
Hogwarts Legacy’s a massive success, and despite a recent delay for last-gen console versions of the game, it still boasts incredible sales numbers. A recent tweet by the official Hogwarts Legacy Twitter account supports these numbers with some newly revealed Hogwarts Legacy stats pertaining to the game and its various elements.
The most noteworthy statistic on the list is the number of hours played across all copies of the game, with a whopping total of 406 million hours.
To put that into perspective, that’s about 46,000 calendar years’ worth of playtime.
The statistics also reveal that 674 million plants were grown, and players took down over 2.2 billion Dark Wizards.

Hogwarts Legacy New Stats Revealed, Boasts 406 Million Hours Played Across All Platforms
Some newly published Hogwarts Legacy stats reveal that the game has been played for a total of 406 million hours across all platforms.