How Ms. Marvel became Marvel’s most important superhero
I had to laugh at some of assertions this article made.
If Kamala is so important, how come Marvel has had to relauch her solo series 3 times due to poor sales?
If Kamala is so important, why didn't they make a solo videogame starring her? She's only one of the many characters in the upcoming Square Enix Avengers game. Marvel instead released a solo game this gen starring of course, Spider-Man.
And lastly, if Kamala is so important, how have they not made a movie of her? Why'd they instead go with the previous owner of her codename, Carol Danvers? Why is she being regulated to a streaming show on Disney+?
I'll admit I've not read any of the Ms. Marvel books, so I can't really comment on their quality. But to say that Kamala's influence is changing Marvel for the better is laughable. In the same story this writer points out that Marvel's forays into diversity resulted in cancelled books. Marvel's most important titles will always be Spider-Man, X-Men and The Avengers. Kamala's only a presence because Marvel keeps trying to push her in the limelight.
And forgive me if I don't share this writer's delusion that Kamala is some kind of cultural icon. Last I heard the Marvel comics division is struggling with flagging sales of their books. How can he say that Kamala is so popular when the majority general public probably have never read her comics?
So yeah,, this woke clickbaity article reads like it was written by a Disney shill. Regardless, I wish Marvel all the best with their plans for Kamala Khan. If she becomes a breakout success like they hope her to be, then great. But it'll be because the creators in charge and not stupid articles like this.
Iron Man. Captain America. Black Panther. Captain Marvel. Thor. The Guardians of the Galaxy. The last decade of Marvel has made a variety of superheroes into household names, cultural phenomena, and topics of mainstream conversation. Some have even changed the way we think about the world around us.
Arguably, though, the most important Marvel superhero of the last decade isn’t on that list: Kamala Khan, otherwise known as Ms. Marvel.
Ms. Marvel changed that narrative. Since the series launched, its protagonist Kamala Khan and its massive success have proved to Marvel that not only could its A-list heroes stand to look more like the wide array of people who read and love Marvel comics, but also that its loyal readers could relate to a hero who doesn’t look like the traditional model. The stories Marvel went on to tell after her debut — and will continue to tell on the big screen for years to come — are indebted to Ms. Marvel.
Ms. Marvel was a breakout success that changed Marvel comic books
Prior to Ms. Marvel’s introduction in 2014, Marvel’s comics division was deeply focused on its long-standing core characters, including the Avengers (thanks in large part to the movies) and the X-Men (whose film franchise was well-established and whose characters, like the iconic Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man, dominated popularity in the ’90s). It was also beginning to push the race of superhumans called the Inhumans (stars of a dismal television series). That meant most of the featured heroes were generally men and mostly white; though the X-Men, for example, featured mutants of all colors, shapes, and sizes, burly Wolverine was often the featured star of the comics.
Heroes who weren’t white men, like alt-universe Spider-Man Miles Morales and Carol Danvers, a.k.a. Captain Marvel, had loyal followings too. But none of them had the same level of recognition and success as that of Peter Parker or Tony Stark.
Enter Ms. Marvel.
Written by G. Willow Wilson, drawn by artist Adrian Alphona, and overseen by editors Sana Amanat and Steve Wacker, Ms. Marvel stars Kamala Khan, a Muslim and a Pakistani-American teen living in New Jersey. She leads a pretty normal life, complete with all of the usual insecurities, schoolwork, crushes, heartaches, disappointments, triumphs, parties, groundings, and melodrama — that is, until a green mist sweeps across the world (while Kamala is at a party for which she snuck out to go), activates her latent alien Inhuman genes, and unlocks her shape-shifting abilities.
Kamala faces a Peter Parker-like challenge: to continue living life as a teen, but also as the hero she always dreamed of being. Most of the time, one comes at the expense of the other, with hero-ing getting in the way of school or first kisses or with things like doting parents, overprotective siblings, and the need to maintain grades at school interrupting hero time.
What’s so distinctive about Kamala’s story is how contemporary and relatable it is. Considering how different she is from the popular superheroes who preceded her — her religion, the color of her skin, her being a suburban teenage girl — it’s a testament to Wilson and Alphona’s touching storytelling that Kamala’s life, its highs and lows, is so universal and yet specific to her experiences. Marvel’s comic books have always asked their readers to imagine themselves in someone else’s shoes and someone else’s experiences, and Kamala turned out to be no different.
Ms. Marvel #1 was a critical and commercial hit, earning high marks from reviewers while going into seven printings; the demand for the issue was so high, it required Marvel to create more comic books seven times over to keep up. According to Comic Chron, a site that tracks and estimates comic book sales, 75,280 physical issues of Ms. Marvel #1 were sold in 2014, landing it among the top 105 issues sold that year (keep in mind that multiple issues of comics from multiple publishers are released every week).
Digitally (where sales aren’t reported by comic book companies thoroughly), we know that Ms. Marvel has traditionally been one of Marvel’s bestsellers and that over 500,000 trade paperbacks (collected, physical editions of the comic book) have been sold as of 2018. Ms. Marvel currently stars in the also-successful The Magnificent Ms. Marvel, written by Saladin Ahmed and drawn by Minkyu Jung.
Ms. Marvel’s breakaway success, in a territory crowded by recognizable legacy costumes, was undeniable proof to Marvel that racial, religious, and gender diversity were worth the investment.
By 2014, the year Ms. Marvel launched, Marvel had made a total of 10 movies. None were devoted to a female superhero. To be clear, characters like Gamora and Black Widow existed, but they did not command their own films; no female Marvel superhero would have her own solo film until 2019’s Captain Marvel. A year later, after the infamous Sony email leak, which included internal correspondence between studio executives from Sony and other studio heads, it was revealed that then-Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter believed that female superhero-led movies would fail.
His view strongly differed from what was happening on the comic book side, where Marvel soon began what would be a concerted push for representation and diversity in its comic books. Silk and Spider-Gwen, characters in the Spider-Man universe, were introduced and found followings the same year as Ms. Marvel. Existing characters like Scarlet Witch and Spider-Woman also got their own solo titles in 2015.
That same year, Marvel began monumental changes: Steve Rogers’s compatriot Sam Wilson, a.k.a. Falcon, took the title of Captain America,Jane Foster became Thor, and Iceman, an original X-Man, came out as gay. A-Force, a comic featuring an all-female team of Avengers, also debuted in 2015.
Not all of these books were successful, and some poor titles even caused retailers to grumble about sales. Therein is probably a lesson about the pitfalls of cashing in on diversity for the sake of diversity, but there have also been many legacy heroes’ books that have flopped. But Marvel’s comic books, in the wake of Ms. Marvel’s success, were more diverse than ever. And with the surge of female and non-white superheroes on the comic book side of Marvel’s business, it made Marvel Studios’s lack thereof even more glaring.
It turns out that Ms. Marvel is a trailblazer on the Studios’ side of things, too. Her success has set the stage for a much more diverse next phase of Marvel movies. In 2021’s Thor: Love and Thunder, directed by Taika Waititi, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) will return and, just like in the comic books, she will be deemed “worthy” to wield the mythical Mjölnir and assume the powers of the Thunder God — a story inspired by the 2015 event created during Marvel’s broader representation push.
Thor: Love and Thunder will follow Captain Marvel’s debut in 2019 and Black Widow’s long-awaited solo movie in May 2020 — the trio will be Marvel’s first three female superhero movies. Marvel Studios will also continue telling stories that feature non-white heroes. 2018’s Black Panther was a box-office smash, becoming one of the biggest movies of all time.And next up, Marvel will welcome its first Asian-American superhero in 2021’s Shang Chi. Marvel’s cinematic schedule, including a sequel to Black Panther in 2022, will be the most diverse in history.
Instead of joining these heroes on the big screen, Kamala will star elsewhere: She’ll have her own television show, which Marvel announced at this year’s D23 Expo fan event. No official release date has been set, but according to Marvel, Ms. Marvel and the rest of Marvel’s Disney+ television shows will eventually tie intothe Marvel Cinematic Universe. This could mean the eventual appearance of Kamala on the big screen, fighting alongside all of the Avengers she idolized. And if that happens, Kamala could be the beacon of hope for a new set of fans — and could give those who are already familiar with Jersey’s friendly neighborhood shapeshifter a chance to fall in love with her all over again.
I had to laugh at some of assertions this article made.
If Kamala is so important, how come Marvel has had to relauch her solo series 3 times due to poor sales?
If Kamala is so important, why didn't they make a solo videogame starring her? She's only one of the many characters in the upcoming Square Enix Avengers game. Marvel instead released a solo game this gen starring of course, Spider-Man.
And lastly, if Kamala is so important, how have they not made a movie of her? Why'd they instead go with the previous owner of her codename, Carol Danvers? Why is she being regulated to a streaming show on Disney+?
I'll admit I've not read any of the Ms. Marvel books, so I can't really comment on their quality. But to say that Kamala's influence is changing Marvel for the better is laughable. In the same story this writer points out that Marvel's forays into diversity resulted in cancelled books. Marvel's most important titles will always be Spider-Man, X-Men and The Avengers. Kamala's only a presence because Marvel keeps trying to push her in the limelight.
And forgive me if I don't share this writer's delusion that Kamala is some kind of cultural icon. Last I heard the Marvel comics division is struggling with flagging sales of their books. How can he say that Kamala is so popular when the majority general public probably have never read her comics?
So yeah,, this woke clickbaity article reads like it was written by a Disney shill. Regardless, I wish Marvel all the best with their plans for Kamala Khan. If she becomes a breakout success like they hope her to be, then great. But it'll be because the creators in charge and not stupid articles like this.