Trailer and Download Link
Hyper Dragon Ball Z is a fangame made to emulate old CPS2 Capcom fighting games. It's got a pretty sizable amount of depth and plays like an actual-real-people-not-shitty-legitimately-good fighting game. It was originally developed by two gents named Balthazar and Cybaster, and eventually they branched out and got more people on board to help out. The game also features music by WizzyWhipitWonderful that sounds like old CPS2 music (it's pretty great). The project can be followed on The Mugen Fighter's Guild.
So far the game includes: Goku, SSJ Goku, Vegeta, Majin Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, Piccolo, Freeza, Babidi, Mr. Satan, and Saibaimen as a bonus character. They're currently working on Gotenks, Super Buu,
Tenshinhan/Tien, Krillin and Android 18.
Also, this build features a palette for SSJ Goku that I made that makes him look like Goku Black (Hold Start/Enter and A/Light Kick).
Check out some screenshots:
Hyper Dragon Ball Z is a fangame made to emulate old CPS2 Capcom fighting games. It's got a pretty sizable amount of depth and plays like an actual-real-people-not-shitty-legitimately-good fighting game. It was originally developed by two gents named Balthazar and Cybaster, and eventually they branched out and got more people on board to help out. The game also features music by WizzyWhipitWonderful that sounds like old CPS2 music (it's pretty great). The project can be followed on The Mugen Fighter's Guild.
So far the game includes: Goku, SSJ Goku, Vegeta, Majin Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, Piccolo, Freeza, Babidi, Mr. Satan, and Saibaimen as a bonus character. They're currently working on Gotenks, Super Buu,
Tenshinhan/Tien, Krillin and Android 18.
The last build included SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta as secret bonus bosses, this one replaces them with Golden Freeza
Also, this build features a palette for SSJ Goku that I made that makes him look like Goku Black (Hold Start/Enter and A/Light Kick).
Check out some screenshots: