My kid got Covid from school and of course I had to catch it off him.
How many other GAFers have had covid?
Had it, due to working in a hospital recieved double vac + booster.
First few days weren't nice and then it just kept on lingering which was more annoying than anything else.
Family got caught too: Father had a zappy nose, Mother had similar as me.
So it depends and it reacts uniquely per user.
I was double vaccinated, but we have known the vaccine does very little to stop you catching it.
It does a whole lot into reducing the severity of its symptoms. It never was communicated (atleast here) that Vaccines = You completely stop catching it altogether.
I hear invading an Eastern European country cures it pretty well.
Chillingly dark as it sounds, i get what you are referring to. Ever since that happened, there is practically no media coverage anymore beyond the
''We are just letting it go'' style narrative.
That doesn't mean its gone, none at all. But atleast there is an attempt to change the perception: No more media coverage/It does not exist anymore.
That it works is observed daily at my work. People are running overtime because hey, we have a lot of new Covid patients again. Ain't that great.
Nah, the vaccine isn't working like it was promoted to.
I am rather curious how it was promoted to you then, but then you say this:
I have had alot of friends around me get Covid, a good number vaccinated and a good number not, many in the same household. My friends sister, her husband, their two kids and his father are all living in the same house. All got covid. The father and his sister were vaxxed, and her husband and the two kids (12 and 14) wernt vaccinated. No difference in symptoms between them.
The virus reacts uniquely per-user. You honestly can't tell how you will react until you got it. See my own situation: My dad had very little symptoms, i had lingering issues outlasting the standardized time it takes to get rid of it.
All the vaccines do is reduce the severity of the effects of the virus in the case you were getting infected.
All the best to your recovery.
Coolio. I appreciate the explanation.
Its not a great explanation because it implies that vaccines do not work the way they should because some unvaccinated people get nothing and double vaccinated people get sick. There is a world of nuance inbetween that which isn't shared and henceforth i commented.