
I'm a big fan of Smash TV and Total Carnage but somehow Nex Machina flew under my radar. When I found out Eugene Jarvis, the arcade game legend behind games like Defender, Robotron 2084 and Smash TV worked along Housemarque on Nex Machina I knew I had to play it.
I am pretty blown away on how good this game is. Its a true spiritual sequel to those oldschool arcade twin stick shooters. The shooting, bullethell and movement all feel incredibly fine tuned. The soundtrack is also incredible and it has some pretty cool particle effects.
Sadly the game did not sell well despite getting stellar reviews. It ultimately caused Housemarque to state that they were done with arcade style shooters which makes me even more sad.

Right now the game is 5 bucks on steam. If you enjoy the twin stick genre or bullet hell games you owe yourself to play this masterpiece.
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