Gold Member
It is already included in
Thick Thighs Save Lives
preview thread, but personally think it was worth bringing up. In the preview article, IGN wrote:
This would be a dealbreaker to me. Not that I don't like good story focused games (in fact played all Tell Tales and David Cage games), it is just Senua's story centered around mental health and psychology struggles is just not for me. I was not able to finish the first one due to this.
Granted, that was only a portion of the game that they played, maybe it has more gameplay focused scenes as it unfolds. Will still be checking out on Game Pass for the incredible graphics, for sure.

As those familiar with the original will know, though, Hellblade 2 plays much differently from GoW, instead opting to emphasise even further its priority of narrative ambitions over action.
All of this focus on presentation and story does run the risk of Senua Saga’s gameplay not always being the focus, and ultimately feeling a little one-note. This is certainly a criticism that can be fairly leveled at its predecessor, and from the 45 minutes I’ve played of Hellblade 2, it’s not initially apparent that things have moved on a great deal since then. Puzzles and combat definitely feel more refined than reinvented, capturing a similar cadence to that felt in 2017, albeit with interesting new wrinkles.
This would be a dealbreaker to me. Not that I don't like good story focused games (in fact played all Tell Tales and David Cage games), it is just Senua's story centered around mental health and psychology struggles is just not for me. I was not able to finish the first one due to this.
Granted, that was only a portion of the game that they played, maybe it has more gameplay focused scenes as it unfolds. Will still be checking out on Game Pass for the incredible graphics, for sure.