| 1. Header Information |
GAF Indie Steam Group (For announcing votings, contests and Greenlight collections):
Older threads[ (which are by no means "outdated" and still contain awesome games to check out and/or look forward to):
IndieGAF recommends: The 50 Best Indie Games of 2013 http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=766928
| 2. Overview |
Post 1:
1. Header Information
2. Overview
3. Introductory Blurb
4. Voting Results "Best of March"
5. Indie Media Corner
Post 2:
6. Recently released Indies to check out!
Post 3:
7. Upcoming Indies to look forward to!
Post 3:
7.1 Upcoming Indies to look forward to! Part Deux
| 3. Introductory Blurb |
No end in sight with the awesome Indie releases, and this thread is a way of helping everyone to wade through the lesser known games or even share opinions on the heavy hitters. 51 more released games for this month and 32 games in the future section means may wont be any bit less busy than the previous months, even though our post count and voting participation is dwindling a bit. Nevertheless, go forth Indie Gamers and post impressions!
| 3.5 Quick Note about Formatting |
If you want to suggest a game that has recently released, will release this month or that looks interesting, but hasnt released yet, please follow the following formatting structure so the post is picked up by Toma-Bot:
Released games (or games that will release during the current month):
Not yet released games:
If the game is free, then put "Free" as the price, otherwise please use $ or for the price. You can also include more than one game per post (like the Screenshot saturday posts), but please stick to the above format for every entry.
If someone posts a non-proper formatted post, I'd appreciate if you could repost the game with the same info in the proper format.
| 4. Voting Results "Best of April" |
Hey! I assume you are new in this thread series and want to see what we were up to? Or you didnt have enough time to play through all of the games from the last month but still want to catch up with the best ones? Then this list is for YOU! These were the games we enjoyed the most in the previous thread, voted on by the community (More thorough descriptions and impressions in the previous thread, especially the last few pages with the voting):
| 5. Indie Media Corner |
I noticed there are a few noteworthy, and relatively unknown, projects that deserve a shoutout here because I feel that they share a common interest with the people in this thread. I talked to the guy from Pixabyte and MetaVendetta and both are very enthusiastic about the things they love and figured you might appreciate the shoutout as well. If you enjoy anything here or want to give feedback, let these guys know via their websites or also here in this thread. If you appreciate something, let people know. A heads up can sometimes very valuable.
This is a monthly podcast series that presents notable Indie Game soundtracks. A likeable host and guests, a fantastic track selection, interesting discussions and a focus for Indies will make this one a mainstay in my monthly threads.
My very own, highly amateur game impressions YT channel. Its a bit of self-pimping, but since I only make videos for games of this thread, I think it might as well be included here.
| 1. Header Information |
GAF Indie Steam Group (For announcing votings, contests and Greenlight collections):
Older threads[ (which are by no means "outdated" and still contain awesome games to check out and/or look forward to):
IndieGAF recommends: The 50 Best Indie Games of 2013 http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=766928
- Link to all (March-December) threads of 2013
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Indie Games [January] 2014
- Indie Games [February] 2014
- Indie Games [March] 2014
- Indie Games [April] 2014
| 2. Overview |
Post 1:
1. Header Information
2. Overview
3. Introductory Blurb
4. Voting Results "Best of March"
5. Indie Media Corner
Post 2:
6. Recently released Indies to check out!
Post 3:
7. Upcoming Indies to look forward to!
Post 3:
7.1 Upcoming Indies to look forward to! Part Deux
| 3. Introductory Blurb |
No end in sight with the awesome Indie releases, and this thread is a way of helping everyone to wade through the lesser known games or even share opinions on the heavy hitters. 51 more released games for this month and 32 games in the future section means may wont be any bit less busy than the previous months, even though our post count and voting participation is dwindling a bit. Nevertheless, go forth Indie Gamers and post impressions!
| 3.5 Quick Note about Formatting |
If you want to suggest a game that has recently released, will release this month or that looks interesting, but hasnt released yet, please follow the following formatting structure so the post is picked up by Toma-Bot:
Released games (or games that will release during the current month):
Not yet released games:
Copy the appropriate content and add the proper information for the black writing. Please only include 1 link and 1 image. I tried making it a bit failsafe, so it should be able to deal with 2 links or images as well, but 1 is safer.[B]TITLE[/B] - PLAT
If the game is free, then put "Free" as the price, otherwise please use $ or for the price. You can also include more than one game per post (like the Screenshot saturday posts), but please stick to the above format for every entry.
If someone posts a non-proper formatted post, I'd appreciate if you could repost the game with the same info in the proper format.
| 4. Voting Results "Best of April" |
Hey! I assume you are new in this thread series and want to see what we were up to? Or you didnt have enough time to play through all of the games from the last month but still want to catch up with the best ones? Then this list is for YOU! These were the games we enjoyed the most in the previous thread, voted on by the community (More thorough descriptions and impressions in the previous thread, especially the last few pages with the voting):
1. Luftrausers - Free Alpha/$9.99 (PC, Mac, Linux)
The skies will be set aflame and the seas will overflow with wreckage in Vlambeer's stylish arcade shooter LUFTRAUSERS! Select from over 125 combinations of weapons, bodies, and propulsion systems and take to the skies to battle enemy fighter planes, battleships, submarines, and rival aces for glory, honor, and high scores.
2. Mini-Metro - Free alpha, Mid 2014 (PC, Mac, Linux, Browser)
Mini Metro is an upcoming minimalistic subway layout game. Your small city starts with only three unconnected stations. Your task is to draw routes between the stations to connect them with subway lines. How long can you keep the subway system running before it grinds to a halt?
2. Javel-ein - Free (PC, Browser)
Fantastic execution of the "You only get one" theme in which... you only get one weapon and need to carefully plan your usage of it. I tried to throw it away out of the level and guess what happened: Nothing! No game over, but I didnt get it back either. So take care of it. The challenges and the from those challenges created situations and circumstances really come together surprisingly well for a game. It doesnt feel like a short game made for a game jam at all, and the level design and art design also come together very nicely to complement the simplistic game concept. Great, little game.
2. Mizunoawa - Free (PC, Mac)
Puzzle game with a pleasant aesthetic and quite relaxing gameplay. You have a queue of pieces that you can drop on fourlanes and you create combos by matching the same colour on the bottom of those lanes (you put the pieces in from the botton). Endless mode is manageable enough, the heart of it is the puzzle mode which, well, is your typical puzzle mode. You get a specific number of pieces and you have to clear the board with them. The fact that matched pieces only disappear one or two seconds after being matched allows for combos where you drop in more and create different chains that way. Really likeable game, so check it out!
2. Umbragram - Free (PC, Mac)
Umbragram is a puzzle game about perception. You're presented with two silhouettes, and you have to build a structure that casts those shadows. The area where your structure sits lacks perspective, so the more complex shapes can only be understood with its shadows.
Museum of Parallel Art - Free (PC, Mac, Linux Browser)
Visiting the virtual Museum of Parallel Art is a very special experience you'll share with someone. You'll express your thoughts and feelings towards art with cards, or try to view the world as your peer and guess the cards he or she has played. Comparing cards will prompt conversation and is sure to connect you two.
Broken Robot Love
Escape Goat 2
Gang Beasts
Towerfall Ascension
Secret Formula
Goat Simulator
On the Lam
| 5. Indie Media Corner |
I noticed there are a few noteworthy, and relatively unknown, projects that deserve a shoutout here because I feel that they share a common interest with the people in this thread. I talked to the guy from Pixabyte and MetaVendetta and both are very enthusiastic about the things they love and figured you might appreciate the shoutout as well. If you enjoy anything here or want to give feedback, let these guys know via their websites or also here in this thread. If you appreciate something, let people know. A heads up can sometimes very valuable.

This is a monthly podcast series that presents notable Indie Game soundtracks. A likeable host and guests, a fantastic track selection, interesting discussions and a focus for Indies will make this one a mainstay in my monthly threads.
Episode 9: My Indie Valentine
[Broken Age | Titan Souls | Master Spy | Serena | Chrono Trigger]

My very own, highly amateur game impressions YT channel. Its a bit of self-pimping, but since I only make videos for games of this thread, I think it might as well be included here.