Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

EXCLUSIVE - Forget Everything You Know About Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Remake
Forget everything you know about Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Remake, because everything has been redone from the ground up.

It was first announced over three years ago, and ever since the game has been pushed back time and time again. In May 2022, it was announced that the game would be moving from Ubisoft Prune and Ubisoft Mumbai to Montreal, with the game’s latest update from Ubisoft stating that it had passed an ‘important milestone’. Official details on what the ‘important milestone’ entails are unclear, but Insider Gaming has learned several details on what to expect from the game.
First, forget everything you’ve seen or heard from the reveal trailer, as the remake has been… remade from scratch. Ubisoft’s official announcement on the change of developers said that Montreal would be “building upon” the work already done by Ubisoft Mumbai and Prune, but from what we’ve been able to gather; it’s been completely redone. Footage sent to Insider Gaming under the condition that it does not go public shows the game is somewhat still in an early stage (missing textures, assets, etc.) and is, unfortunately, likely a ways off from release.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Remake’s overhaul also includes a more “realistic approach”, said one source. Everything has been buiilt from the ground up, which includes a complete graphical overhaul, new animations and mechanics for combat and parkour, and much more. Starting from scratch has meant that the game has been rewritten, recaptured in mocap, and more.
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