The Definitive Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack Playlist; Faithfully Orchestrated, Covered & Remixed.
We all know how great Uematsus work was for FFVII, and through the years we all saw countless artists, pro and amateur alike, cover rearrange and reproduce these iconic tracks. I have tried to compile a cohesive YouTube playlist which follows the OSTs 85 tracks each with one cover, symphonic rearrangement, remaster from a different game etc. Obviously, its restrictive and very subjective How does one pick between 2 or 3 great rearrangements of the same piece to put on such a list?
Well, this was my list and Ive followed simple rules:
Its on YouTube, (SoundCloud and Spotify covers are out, to keep it whole and in one place)
It must sound good, but also remain as close to the source style, so unfortunately, your awesome reggae covers for One Winged Angel (awesome as they are) probably wont make it to the list. (In fact, I might do a list with alternative takes as well) Im a sucker for invoking that same nostalgia feel of the original, so metal covers for example might make sense for a boss theme but not for a sad song
Obviously, its not a set-in stone list, and it could be updated and revised! Know a great rearrangement that I mightve missed? Post about it here and I might add it!
Enjoy! PS If you are a musician, by all means, please keep doing this magic! Consider remaking the least represented tracks while youre at it! (Fort Condor, Don of the Slums, Countdown for example)
We all know how great Uematsus work was for FFVII, and through the years we all saw countless artists, pro and amateur alike, cover rearrange and reproduce these iconic tracks. I have tried to compile a cohesive YouTube playlist which follows the OSTs 85 tracks each with one cover, symphonic rearrangement, remaster from a different game etc. Obviously, its restrictive and very subjective How does one pick between 2 or 3 great rearrangements of the same piece to put on such a list?
Well, this was my list and Ive followed simple rules:
Its on YouTube, (SoundCloud and Spotify covers are out, to keep it whole and in one place)
It must sound good, but also remain as close to the source style, so unfortunately, your awesome reggae covers for One Winged Angel (awesome as they are) probably wont make it to the list. (In fact, I might do a list with alternative takes as well) Im a sucker for invoking that same nostalgia feel of the original, so metal covers for example might make sense for a boss theme but not for a sad song
Obviously, its not a set-in stone list, and it could be updated and revised! Know a great rearrangement that I mightve missed? Post about it here and I might add it!
Enjoy! PS If you are a musician, by all means, please keep doing this magic! Consider remaking the least represented tracks while youre at it! (Fort Condor, Don of the Slums, Countdown for example)
- "The Prelude" (プレリュード Pureryūdo) official orchestral rearrangement
- "Opening - Bombing Mission" (オープニング~爆破ミッション Ōpuningu ~ Bakuha Misshon) official orchestral rearrangement from Distant Worlds
- "Mako Reactor" (魔晄炉 Makō Ro) by Pontus Hultgren
- "Anxiety" (不安な心 Fuan na Kokoro) by Pontus Hultgren
- "Tifa's Theme" (ティファのテーマ Tifa no Tēma) by TPR
- "Barret's Theme" (バレットのテーマ Baretto no Tēma) by Kaneorm
- "Hurry!" (急げ! Isoge!) by ArtificialFear
- "Lurking in the Darkness" (闇に潜む Yami ni Hisomu) by Songe
- "Shinra, Inc" (神羅カンパニー Shinra Kanpanī
by Ace Waters ft. Boku No Eruption
- "Let the Battles Begin!" (闘う者達 Tatakau Monotachi, lit. "Those Who Fight") from FFVII Crisis Core
- "Fanfare" (ファンファーレ Fanfāre) by Brian N
- "Flowers Blooming in the Church" (教会に咲く花 Kyōkai ni Saku Hana) by Soundole VGM Covers ft. Robert Oetomo
- "Turks' Theme" (タークスのテーマ Tākusu no Tēma) by Kaneorm
- "Under the Rotting Pizza" (腐ったピザの下で Kusatta Piza no Shita de) by DonutDrums
- "The Oppressed" (虐げられた民衆 Shiitagerareta Minshū
by The Dano Kablamo Clone Band
- "Honeybee Inn" (蜜蜂の館 Mitsubachi no Yakata) by symphonicremasters
- "Who...Are You?" (お前は 誰だ Omae wa... Dare da) by BitSymphony
- "Don of the Slums" (スラムのドン Suramu no Don) by VirtualHarmonies
- "Infiltrating Shinra" (神羅ビル潜入 Shinra Biru Sennyū
by Rob Power
- "Fight On!" (更に闘う者達 Sarani Tatakau Monotachi, lit. "Those Who Fight Further") by The Black Mages
- "Red XIII's Theme" (レッドXIIIのテーマ Reddo XIII no Tēma) by andersongs87
- "The Chase" (クレイジーモーターサイクル Kureijī Mōtāsaikuru, lit. "Crazy Motorcycle") by Lord Bif Music
- "Dear to the Heart" (想いを胸に Omoi o Mune ni) by Pontus Hultgren
- "Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII" (F.F.VIIメインテーマ F. F. VII Mein Tēma) official orchestral rearrangement from Distant Worlds
- "On Our Way" (旅の途中で Tabi no Tochū de) by Pontus Hultgren
- "Good Night, Until Tomorrow" (お休み,また明日 Oyasumi, Mata Ashita) by mogatta
- "On That Day, Five Years Ago" (5年前のあの日 Gonen Mae no Ano Hi) by Russell Cox (from OCRemix)
- "Farm Boy" (牧場の少年 Bokujō no Shōnen) by Green Noize
- "Waltz de Chocobo" (ワルツ・デ・チョコボ Warutsu de Chokobo) by Allen Pearson
- "Electric de Chocobo" (エレキ・デ・チョコボ Ereki de Chokobo) by The Dano Kablamo Clone Band
- "Cinco de Chocobo" (シンコ・デ・チョコボ Shinko de Chokobo) from the official piano collection
- "In Search of the Man in Black" (黒マントの男を追え Kuro Manto no Otoko o Oe) by Chris | Amaterasu
- "Fort Condor" (鷲の砦 Washi no Toride) by Ian Patterson
- "Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony" (ルーファウス歓迎式典 Rūfausu Kangei Shikiten) by L'Orchestre de Jeux Vidéo - OJV
- "It's Hard to Stand on Both Feet!" (二本足で立つのも難しいものだな Nihon Ashi de Tatsu no mo Muzukashī Mono da na) by Sean Razavi
- "Trail of Blood" (血の跡 Chi no Ato) by Steven Morris
- "J-E-N-O-V-A" (J-E-N-O-V-A) by The Black Mages
- "Continue" (つづきから Tsuzuki Kara) by Amy Turk
- "Costa del Sol" (太陽の海岸 Taiyō no Kaigan) by Lord Bif Music
- "Mark of a Traitor" (裏切り者の烙印 Uragirimono no Rakuin) by BitSymphony
- "Mining Town" (炭坑の街 Tankō no Machi) by Vuchs
- "Gold Saucer" (ゴールドソーサー Gōrudo Sōsā
from the FF XIV OST
- "Cait Sith's Theme" (ケット・シーのテーマ Ketto Shī no Tēma) by Songe
- "Desert Wasteland" (砂の流刑地 Suna no Ryūkeichi) by Songe
- "Cosmo Canyon" (星降る峡谷 Hoshi Furu Kyōkoku) by sschafi1
- "Lifestream" (生命の流れ Seimei no Nagare) by Songe
- "The Great Warrior" (偉大なる戦士 Idai naru Senshi) by Lonel650
- "Descendant of Shinobi" (忍びの末裔 Shinobi no Matsuei) - Songe
- "Those Chosen by the Planet" (星に選ばれし者 Hoshi ni Erabareshi Mono) by Pontus Hultgren (starts at 1:30)
- "The Nightmare Begins" (悪夢の始まり Akumu no Hajimari) by sschafi1
- "Cid's Theme" (シドのテーマ Shido no Tēma) by Pontus Hultgren
- "Steal the Tiny Bronco!" (タイニーブロンコを奪え! Tainī Buronko o Ubae!) by Vuchs
- "Wutai" (ウータイ Ūtai) by symphonicremasters
- "Stolen Materia" (マテリアいただき Materia Itadaki) by symphonicremasters
- "Win / Place / Show Chocobo!" (本命穴チョコボ Honmei Ana Chokobo) by symphonicremasters
- "Fiddle de Chocobo" (フィドル・デ・チョコボ Fidoru de Chokobo) by moonbowmusicmovie
- "Jackpot!" (大当たりぃ~ Ōatarī~) by chisa chisato
- "Tango of Tears" (涙のタンゴ Namida no Tango) by daigoro789
- "Debut" (初舞台 Hatsubutai) by daigoro789
- "Words Drowned by Fireworks" (花火に消された言葉 Hanabi ni Kesareta Kotoba) by London Symphony Orchestra
- "Forested Temple" (樹海の神殿 Jukai no Shinden) by Kevin Won (Resonaga)
- "Listen to the Cries of the Planet" (星の声が聞こえる Hoshi no Koe ga Kikoeru) by Czethros11
- "Aerith's Theme" (エアリスのテーマ Earisu no Tēma) - official orchestral rearrangement from Distant Worlds
- "Buried in Snow" (雪に閉ざされて Yuki ni Tozasarete) by Steven Morris
- "The North Cave" (北の大空洞 Kita no Daikūdō
by Steven Morris
- "Reunion" (リユニオン Riyunion) by Patti Rudisill ft. Kristin Naigus & Paula Bressman
- "Who... Am I?" (俺は...誰だ Ore wa... Dare da) by symphonicremasters
- "Shinra's Full-Scale Assault" (神羅軍総攻撃 Shinra Gun Sōkōgeki) by symphonicremasters
- "Attack of the Weapon" (ウェポン襲来 Wepon Shūrai) by Paul Farrer Music
- "The Highwind Takes to the Skies" (空駆けるハイウィンド Sora Kakeru Haiwindo) - esoundsignal
- "Secret of the Deep Sea" (深海に眠る秘密 Shinkai ni Nemuru Himitsu) by TPR
- "Provincial Town" (偏狭の村 Henkyō no Mura) by Outblue
- "From the Edge of Despair" (絶望の淵から Zetsubō no Fuchi Kara) - by TPR
- "Other Side of the Mountain" (山の向こうに Yama no Mukō ni) by Akane
- "Hurry Up!" (もっと急げ! Motto Isoge!) by Brent Shredz
- "Launching a Dream into Space" (宇宙への夢 Uchū e no Yume) by Stéphane Albanese
- "Countdown" (秒読み開始 Byōyomi Kaishi) by lohweo
- "Open Your Heart" (心開けば Kokoro Akeba) by TPR
- "Mako Cannon - The Destruction of Shinra" (魔晄キャノン発射~神羅爆発 Makō Kyanon Hassha ~ Shinra Bakuhatsu) by Dracula9AntiChapel
- "Judgment Day" (最期の日 Saigo no Hi) by Dracula9AntiChapel
- "Jenova Complete" (完全なるジェノヴァ Kanzen naru Jenova) official orchestral rearrangement from Distant Worlds
- "Birth of a God" (神の誕生 Kami no Tanjō
by Ferdk
- "One-Winged Angel" (片翼の天使 Katayoku no Tenshi) official orchestral rearrangement from Distant Worlds
- "The Planet's Crisis" (星の危機 Hoshi no Kiki) by Marc Papeghin
- "Ending Credits" (スタッフロール Sutaffu Rōru) - by London Music Works