... beef in Japan is a fucking downer.
For starters it's hugely expensive, that meme steak in the op would cost like $60 here (I'm guessing it's, what, 200g ? Dunno the imperial conversion)
Secondly it is consequently used in very small quantities unless you want to pay for a $50 dish in which case the quantity becomes mid sized
Thirdly, like sish ruins a kebab, they fucking love a nice long stringy string of cartilage to get caught in your teeth or dangle a chunk down your gullet causing you to think you're about to die choking, or a nice little sliver of kneecap to crunch into, tacked onto every fucking steak..
Fourthly, they hate it to be at all al-dente, much like with chicken they think: "why cook anything when you can half cook it?", nobody here seems to get the value of a half-kilo, inch-thick steak fresh off the grille, slightly charred and guaranteed to be a fantastic counterpart to the potato mash situated elsewhere on your fork...
FifthLY, it's all fucking depressing because like you guys i expected Japan to be home of the perfect "Wagyu Steak", but their idea of a perfect steak is so fucking riddled with marbling that it tastes like you're biting into a hamburger patty.
... You might find a real steak at a foreign restaurant, but they'll be charging fuckloads for it too, and you might get some US Steak in certain supermarkets that fits my description, but I'd rather not suddenly sprout red hair on the undersides of my forearms tyvm.
So, no, i don't care about this 3d printed wagyu, because i am le triggered by everything beef related in Japan.