Many thanks to Luxe Magazine
Getting To Know You…
Where is home?
"I have the best job in the world."
Jim Ryan is ready to retire.
He doesn't mince words.
Jim doesn't care about material possessions.
Lessons In life.
His biggest dream.
Getting To Know You…
Jim Ryan.
President and Global CEO, Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Where is home?
I live in Highgate, in North London, although work requires me to travel a lot, principally to the Bay Area in California but also to Tokyo. There’s a big difference between where you live, and where your home is.
Even after almost fifty years away, I still think of Newcastle as my home. Nothing beats the feeling when the train crosses the bridge and you look up and down the Tyne. Nothing.
"I have the best job in the world."
I run Sony’s global PlayStation business. PlayStation is now the largest and most profitable part of Sony. That’s all very important, but just as crucial is my accountability to be towards the PlayStation Community, and how I ensure that people are surprised and delighted by the games and services that we offer them.
This is a non-trivial challenge as what gamers love in Tokyo can be very different to what gamers love in Dubai, which again, can be very different to what gamers in Ohio love. I guess I’m biased but I think I have the best job in the world.
Jim Ryan is ready to retire.
A day in the life of you?
It depends on where I am. If I’m in the UK, I get up very early for the London/Tokyo crossover, break around midday, then sleep, eat and have a walk, then start again around three just as the West Coast is getting going, and slog through on Teams until supper.
By the end of the day, my eyes are bleeding from looking at a screen for too long… Face-to-face is better but that requires me to be on the West Coast or in Japan. Those trips are always energising but also exhausting.
With each year that passes, jet lag gets harder and harder to deal with. The human body simply isn’t designed to teleport across continents – anyone who thinks regular long-haul business travel is exotic and exciting is out of touch with reality!
He doesn't mince words.
Three reasons you love where you live?
I don’t really. I’m happy in London but I don’t love it here. It makes all the sense in the world from a family and work perspective to live here, but if I left, I wouldn’t miss it that much.
Best dress?
T-shirt and jeans, always. I wear a tie maybe twice a year and hate it. Since lockdown I’ve even started to find a collar uncomfortable – when you stand back and think about it, both the collar and the tie are absurd, unnecessary affectations.
Jim doesn't care about material possessions.
I’m fortunate enough not to care in the slightest about material possessions. Cars and clothes don’t interest me in the slightest and entertainment is all digital now. I have an old watch that was my dad’s which I value hugely for sentimental reasons.
Lessons In life.
At work, I always say ‘stay humble, do your best, and enjoy yourself’. It took me many years to figure out something that is extremely simple and straightforward – I think it applies well enough to all aspects of life. I think if you live along those lines, things will end up OK over time.
His biggest dream.
I would love to be in the stadium when NUFC wins the Champions League. I think this will happen within the next ten years.