
ACG: Buy
Destructoid: 8.5/10
Journey to the Savage Planet was such a fun way to kick off the decade.
Wccftech: 8/10
Anybody pining for more Metroid Prime needs to put Journey to the Savage Planet at the top of their list. The game has a few rough edges and its sense of humor might not be to all tastes, but it captures that inviting, adventuresome Metroid spirit better than anything I’ve played in a while. This Savage Planet will pull you into its orbit if you give it half a chance.
TheSixthAxis: 8/10
A rollicking space adventure, Journey to the Savage Planet has the smarts to make you laugh out loud while taking shots at consumerism and big business.
COGconnected: 80/100
Journey to the Savage Planet provides highly rewarding exploration and discovery bundled with a genuinely funny sense of humor to make for a worthwhile first-person adventure experience. The game is clearly a labor of love and is only hindered by a few unrefined elements that don’t significantly detract from the overall enjoyment. Though the planet is a savage one indeed, in this case, the risk is absolutely worth taking.
VGC: 4/5
A memorable, if modest, open-world adventure with inventive mechanics and enjoyable exploration.
IGN: 6/10
Journey to the Savage Planet is a game with a lot of nice ideas – trying to single-handedly twist a well-worn genre into new and exciting shapes – but ultimately doesn’t quite have the courage to commit to them. There’s a lot to enjoy, particularly in its opening hours, but for all its grand ambitions, Savage Planet ultimately falls back on tired ideas to see it through to an underwhelming end. Like the ship you’re trying to repair throughout, it’s an admirable thing, but it can’t quite nail the landing.
Push Square: 6/10
It might lack some polish, but Journey to the Savage Planet is an enjoyable jaunt across a strange, open-ended landscape. This is a game you play in order to explore its intriguing environment and interact with the wildlife -- combat is fairly dull, attempts at humour rarely land, and the story almost feels like an afterthought at times. If you're looking for an easy-going sci-fi action game, this just about does enough to satisfy.
PC Gamer: 84/100
Funny, fresh, and full of surprises, Typhoon’s debut blends genres expertly. Co-op doesn’t add much, though.
VG247: 4/5
As any Trekkie will tell you, discovery is addictive, and Journey to the Savage Planet is almost all discovery.
Press Start: 7.5/10
Journey to the Savage Planet is a concise yet well focused adventure that channels the best bits of games like Metroid and Prey. Despite this, some unsatisfying combat and repetitive locales keep it from being the achievement that it could be.
Usgamer: 2.5/5
Journey to the Savage Planet puts you in a brilliantly colorful world, and tasks you with exploring to your heart's content. The moment-to-moment exploration is enjoyable, but the act of combat offers very little in the way of a challenge. The score and insane FMV adverts give Journey to the Savage Planet a lot of personality, but the tiresome parody nature of the writing really lets it down.
Twinfinite: 3.5/5
Journey to the Savage Planet is well worth checking out if you’re looking for something to fill the void of time you’ve got during this fairly quiet start to 2020. The sense of exploration drives you forward, the satirical comedy lands every time, and the presentation on the whole just adds to the magical sense of exploring and mapping an uncharted planet.
Metro GameCentral: 8/10
A beautiful, colourful, and bitingly satirical sci-fi Metroidvania that also has a welcome respect for your spare time.
Shacknews: 8/10
Journey to the Savage Planet is playing in a genre full of titans, and it’s holding its own. The quirky environments and slick traversal systems make it a pleasure to explore. While the humor doesn’t always land, it still has a charm to it. If you can find someone to go on an adventure with you, there’s a lot of entertainment to be found in this bubbly and zany little package.
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