JUMP-FESTA 2008 (12/22 - 12/23): Unofficial Thread
LINE-UP (Incomplete)
. Bleach: 3rd Phantom
. Bleach: HTS-5
. Blue Dragon
. Devil May Cry 4
. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
· Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
· Dragon Quest IV
· Final Fantasy IV
. Final Fantasy IV: The After
· Final Fantasy VII AC: Complete
. Final Fantasy XIII
· Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis
. Final Fantasy XIII: Versus
· Chocobos Mysterious Dungeon
· Dissidia: Final Fantasy
. Eye Of Judgement
. Front Mission: 2089
. ******: Reborn
· Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
· Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
· Kingdom Hearts: Coded
. Lost Odyssey
. Mario & Sonic: ATO
. Minna no Golf Portable 2
. Monster Hunter Portable: 2nd-G
. Naruto: PS3-Project
. Naruto Shippuuden: DKBE
. Naruto Shippuuden: GNT-EX2
. Nights
. OnePy Match
. One Piece: UC
. Patapon
. Parasite Eve 3
. Phantasy Star Portable
. Super Smash Brothers Brawl
· Star Ocean: First Departure
. Tales Of The World
. Tales Of Symphonia: KOR
. Tales Of Vesperia
FF4: The After (Mobile/Playable)
Overview 1 (IGN-Preview)
FF13 (PS3/Trailer)
Overview 1:
Overview 2:
Overview 3
FF13: Versus (PS3/Trailer)
Overview 1
Overview 2:
FF: Dissidia (PSP/Playable)
Overview 1
Overview 2 (IGN-Preview)
Overview 3 (Trailer Impressions)
Overview 4
Overview 5
Overview 6 (1Up-Preview)
KH: 358/2 Days (DS/Trailer/Playable)
Overview 1
Overview 2 (Release Date)
KH: BBS (PSP/Trailer)
Overview 1
KH: Coded (Mobile/Trailer):
Overview 1
Phantasy Star Portable (PSP/Playable)
Overview 1 (IGN-Preview)
Tales Of Symphonia: KOR (Wii/Playable)
Overview 1 (IGN-Preview)
Tales Of Vesperia (Announcement/Trailer)
Overview 1
Overview 2 (IGN-Preview)
JumpFesta 2008 (In Review)
DBZ: Burst Limit
Jump Festa 2008:
Naruto: PS3-Project
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise
OnePy Match
Tales Of Symphonia
Tales Of Vesperia
DBZ: Limit Break (360/PS3)
FF: Dissidia (PSP)
FF4 (DS/Mobile)
KH: 358/2 Days (DS)
Phantasy Star Portable
Tales Of Symphonia (Wii)
Tales Of Vesperia (360?!):

LINE-UP (Incomplete)
. Bleach: 3rd Phantom
. Bleach: HTS-5
. Blue Dragon
. Devil May Cry 4
. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
· Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
· Dragon Quest IV
· Final Fantasy IV
. Final Fantasy IV: The After
· Final Fantasy VII AC: Complete
. Final Fantasy XIII
· Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis
. Final Fantasy XIII: Versus
· Chocobos Mysterious Dungeon
· Dissidia: Final Fantasy
. Eye Of Judgement
. Front Mission: 2089
. ******: Reborn
· Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
· Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
· Kingdom Hearts: Coded
. Lost Odyssey
. Mario & Sonic: ATO
. Minna no Golf Portable 2
. Monster Hunter Portable: 2nd-G
. Naruto: PS3-Project
. Naruto Shippuuden: DKBE
. Naruto Shippuuden: GNT-EX2
. Nights
. OnePy Match
. One Piece: UC
. Patapon
. Parasite Eve 3
. Phantasy Star Portable
. Super Smash Brothers Brawl
· Star Ocean: First Departure
. Tales Of The World
. Tales Of Symphonia: KOR
. Tales Of Vesperia
FF4: The After (Mobile/Playable)
Overview 1 (IGN-Preview)
With the DS version of FFIV already a success, it seems like a no-brainer that hundreds of thousands of gamers will want to see what happens next to the characters. The free prologue download is a given, but we wouldn't be surprised to see a good portion of FFIV players downloading subsequent chapters in The After series once paid downloads begin early next year.
FF13 (PS3/Trailer)
Overview 1:
- Ifrit Shown
- This time, the trailer features a new song.
- The train scene from the E3 2006 and CLOUD DVD is extended.
- The scene with the Blonde man on the motorcycle is extended to show him summoning Shiva.
- The Pig tailed girl from the TGS trailer in September appears in this trailer.
- She's described as not looking human and uses a harp.
- She also summons Carbuncle
- After the Final Fantasy XIII logo appears, an "Only for Playstation 3" message is displayed.
Overview 2:
Here's the guts of it all:
Final Fantasy XIII
-Music was a slow peaceful string-centric orchestral piece
-Very pale-skinned lady in a white flowy dress and feathery hair played a huge harp on a watery surface
-In a dark space, a floating object spewed out a bunch of CD-like discs all over the place and Pigtails Girl picked one
-Later you see a small creature with white body but greeny face summoned (out of the disc?) and the girl smiled at it
Overview 3
The Radio conversation in The Prince's car (cut from the CLOUD DVD trailer) speaks of an ending cold war.
The Prince sees the "Skirt Girl". [See characters page]
"Large" men in black suits (Rather Mafia-like) are sat around a long table in a "Silver Cathedral" discussing the cold war/current events. (?)
The "Staircase" fight scene from previous trailers is shown. When The Prince walks back inside (At the end of the CLOUD DVD Trailer) he is "ambushed" by the White Cloaked man. Nothing much is different here from before except a slight design change in his hair.
The city changes to daytime in which it seems more medieval (?)
The "Skirt Girl", who seems to be the heroine, is seen having a conversation with The Shotgun Guy while walking down the street.
After their brief conversation the two new characters appear. One of them is rather large (Kanae refers his size to "Mr. 33cm" from Final Fantasy XIII) and another who is dressed much like one of the Turks from Final Fantasy VII, but wearing glasses.
The Shotgun Guy laughs mockingly at them. (?)
The Prince's car is shown driving through the "wilderness"? Perhaps the baron desert area Nomura has spoken of.
*Thank you to penguin_luv for the translation*
Stopping the car, the youth and the fair-haired protagonist (Shotgun gun) get out of the car.
The protagonist sits at the right side of the driver's seat , but he gets off from the left side.
The youth firmly keeps the gun on his shoulder.
The tip of the road has submerged, the people can not advance. (The road has flooded?)
Two people watch the road ahead that submerges in water.
All the characters appear to be in the car, which is driven by the man with the glasses and the Turk-like appearance, with The Prince.
A continuation of the "White Robed Man" confrontation scene.
The long table discussion scene is also continued to show another man entering, causing everyone in the room to look over and stop talking (?)
The scene of The Prince fighting the soldiers is continued.
A building is destroyed (?) reminds Kanae of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
A scene between the Skirt Girl and The Prince is shown. Kanae is not sure if they behave like best friends or lovers.
Blue and Red symbols appear behind The Prince and the Skirt Girl respectively.
They look angry at each other, the Skirt Girl unsheathes a sword, the camera pans to her face to show her purple eyes and the Final Fantasy Versus XIII logo is shown, along with a Shakespeare quote shortly after.
FF13: Versus (PS3/Trailer)
Overview 1
Above is Maiki's sketch of the new character with the "Shotgun guy" in a headlock, a similar situation has already happened with The Prince and the shotgun guy. As well as this, there is a another new character which has only been so far described as "wearing glasses". We'll have more information as it comes.
Overview 2:
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
-(from what Maiki gathers) there was text that looked like "the organization of destruction" that flashed before they showed a mafia-like organization
-a keyword that looked like "fugitive" flashed before Shotgun Guy
-- Two more male characters joined in: Scar-eyed Guy and Glasses Guy
-Scar-eyed Guy showed up and gave Shotgun Guy a headlock after Shotgun Guy gave the Prince a headlock (but not right after)
-- The four guys (Scar-eye, Shotgun, Glasses and Prince) stood on a building's rooftop, staring away at a different building looming far away from them
-The Prince look determined then turned around and walked away, the others followed suit
-Robed person scene doesn't look much different but his hair style changed a bit
FF: Dissidia (PSP/Playable)
Overview 1
- Tidus, Ultimecia and "Emperor" Revaled
Overview 2 (IGN-Preview)
Dissidia has the potential to be a rare breath of fresh air in the fighting genre, Final Fantasy characters or not. I've only played it for 20 minutes, but I can't wait to sample the full Final Fantasy fighting experience.
Overview 3 (Trailer Impressions)
As far as I know, I think its the first time seeing Tidus (FFX) and Ultimecia (FFVIII) Ultimecia looked hot! while Tidus was assisting Jidan by kicking him towards the enemy. This time we got to see more gameplay footage and they showed more moves of the characters. The EX burst special moves looks crazy. Again, Ultimecia looked the craziest with her time stopping ability.
Then there seems to be a story mode as we saw the good characters are speaking with the villains. Squall and Jidan were together confronting the Emperor from FFII, then Garland (FFI), Kuja (FFIX), and Ultimecia appeared from behind and told them only despair awaits. The voice acting (in Japanese) was pretty awesome and Squalls voice fit just right.
Overview 4
I gotta say, i went not really expecting much so it came as a surpise when the game actually turned out quite fun, and they stressed that it is still nowhere near complete.
Overview 5
Lastly, this game doesnt have a release date yet, but its already fun as it is! Even if it doesnt feature Final Fantasy characters, its already a high level 3D fighter. Initially I didnt even give this game a thought, but its on my buying list for sure now.
Overview 6 (1Up-Preview)
The highlight of this year's Jump Festa event came in Square Enix's packed booth as we sampled Final Fantasy: Dissidia for the first time -- one of the few games we were able to try, as the company had to close off its lines an hour into the start of the show because of the immense crowds that turned up.
KH: 358/2 Days (DS/Trailer/Playable)
Overview 1
Multiplayer Demo
- Multiplayer mode lets you use Roxas, Axel, Xigbar and Saix.
- The Multiplayer Character Selection screen shows the Organization members sitting down in their chairs.
- Roxas is only able to use three hit combos in this demo.
- Axel has a different feel then Roxas, and the demo player was relieved when he/she was able to use his fire attacks.
- The Stage is Twilight Town and considered of 4x small wizards, 1x Fat Body and 4x Shadows, afterwards you fight against a boss which is Dark Side.
- The mission of this demo is to defeat Dark Side.
- When the mission is cleared you are taken to the record screen.
- Images of the Demo Booth
- Once you are finished playing the demo, you are presented with a Kingdom Hearts strap.
- 358/2 Days is set for a Summer 2008 release.
Single Player Demo
Before the Mission
The demo starts off with Roxas walking towards the Organization chair.
Xigbar: "Woops!"
Roxas ignores Xigbar, and moves to Saix.
Saix: "We suggest you take Axel for this mission."
Roxas then moves to the corridor and is warped (Unknown how he gets here) to twilight town. There he is presented with two missions, the main mission is to defeat Dark Side, as the first mission is to defeat four heartless..
After the Mission
Roxas and Axel have just defeated Darkside.
Axel: "Roxas, what are you doing here?"
Roxas: "Axel..."
The two are soon caught off guard by heartless, and are both saved by the 14th member, who takes down the heartless with ease. (However no weapon is shown)
The 14th member smiles at both Roxas, and Axel however the two are showing mixed feelings towards this new member. Her face is not revealed, and the demo ends there.
Overview 2 (Release Date)
Hey everyone, Oathy again! Wow, the news just keeps rolling in. We've got huge news from the floor of Jump Festa 2008, once again!
It looks like Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days is set for release in Japan in SUMMER 2008. Developers say they are "aiming for" this timeframe, but a specific season is encouraging!
KH: BBS (PSP/Trailer)
Overview 1
The text starts off with "Sleep gives birth to the concealed fate of the past."
Destiny Island
The screen then fades in with a conversation between Ven, and Terra.
Terra: "Wasn't there a time when you was saving me?"
Ven: "Back then it was probably because we were friends."
Terra moves his hand to rests it on Ven's shoulders.
Terra: "Thank you, Ven."
Place of Gathering
The scene then switches to Terra, and Master Xehnoart who are in the "Place of Gathering."
Xehanort: Did you believe about reaching forward to grasp that last glimmer? The wall of light and darkhas exceeded each other, creating the original me, and Terra waited for me impatiently." (While Xehanort is talking he opens one of his hands in a greeting fashion enraging Terra.)
Terra: "I have a "Friend" What you have done has given me hatred to Xehanort."
Terra then summons his keyblade, within the right hand.
Olympus Coliseum
Ven meets Xehanort in Olympus Coliseum.
Ven: "Who a-...I've met you before. (Ven is surprised as he is remembering something.)
Xehanort: "It seems you have lost something. However unless what you have lost is put back into your hands, it will be an eternal lost. Once you obtain it, grip it and understand the truth."
Xehanort is soon holding his hand out, as it begins to glow, Ven is watching with an expression of fear and confusion.
Ven is showed as a playable character now, and Terra is also showed with gameplay. There is also a new Technique shown, with the movie "Aerial."
Yensid's Tower
Mickey is shown defending himself with the keyblade. However soon he begins to fumble the keyblade and it vanishes. Goofy, Donald, and Yensid watch Mickey. Mickey soon looks back up to the Wizard, and summons his Keyblade once again.
Sleeping Beauty
Malificent is looking around the castle where vines are everywhere. The crow soon lands on Malificent's shoulder as she turns towards Terra. Terra looks at Malificent, as Malificent begins to laugh doubtfully.
Place of Gathering 2
Ven is facing off against the Dark Soldier, and knocks off his helmet, however his face is not shown. The scene soon switches to Terra holding an unconcious Ven, with Master Xehanort looking desperate, and apologetic.
Xehanort: "The person who has wrapped himself in the darkness does not have the qualification to weild a keyblade. He is a demon who has been taken by the darkness. Please correct my mistake..." (Just who is this Dark Soldier?)
Destiny Island
Terra is looking out from the coast towards two boys who are playing at the beach. (Sora and Riku) At the same time Ven is at twilight town watching the Coast. He is looking down, and appears to be sad. "I don't want to be depended on, you are my "Friend" just erase me." ("Friend" might be refering to Aqua, or Terra)
Here are some interesting analysis, besides the obvious.
"Friend" could be referring to either Terra, or the mysterious Aqua.
Xehanort may not have started off corrupt in the darkness, however his apprentice fell too deep in the darkness.
KH: Coded (Mobile/Trailer):
Overview 1
- In the trailer, Kairi is shown holding her hand up to the moon, before the scene fades to Riku.
- There is a new mode now announced for Coded known as "Crash Mode" Where Sora will have more agility for 30 seconds.
- Coded is set for the FOMA and DoCoMo model mobile phone.
Phantasy Star Portable (PSP/Playable)
Overview 1 (IGN-Preview)
With a Japanese release planned for Spring, PSP looks like it could offer Japanese game players something to do once they tire of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G. As evidenced by the millions of copies sold by that franchise on the platform, party-based combat games are one of the few genres PSP owners actually buy en masse here, so Sega has the potential for a hit if they load the game up with content.
Tales Of Symphonia: KOR (Wii/Playable)
Overview 1 (IGN-Preview)
The first Symphonia game was a huge hit amongst RPG-starved GameCube owners, and we expect no less from Knight of Ratatoskr amongst RPG-starved Wii owners. The game hits Japan in Spring, with an international release hopefully not too far out from there.
Tales Of Vesperia (Announcement/Trailer)
Overview 1
Kiryogi said:Some more news!
- Fujishima Tales
- Guy = long black hair, Girl = pink hair
- Guy uses Souryuurengazan ougi
- Tidal Wave spell is also shown
- Battles are 3D
- Yoshizumi is not the producer
Overview 2 (IGN-Preview)
Announced at the end of a Tales of Innocence stage event, the new game is titled Tales of Vesperia. The game appears to use cell shaded visuals and will feature character designs from Kousuke Fujishima and animation from Production I.G.
A platform for the game was not announced, but with a release set for 2008, we don't imagine having to wait too long for details.
JumpFesta 2008 (In Review)
DBZ: Burst Limit
Jump Festa 2008:
Naruto: PS3-Project
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise
OnePy Match
Tales Of Symphonia
Tales Of Vesperia
DBZ: Limit Break (360/PS3)

FF: Dissidia (PSP)

FF4 (DS/Mobile)

KH: 358/2 Days (DS)

Phantasy Star Portable


Tales Of Symphonia (Wii)

Tales Of Vesperia (360?!):