Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Killer Instinct celebrates 10th anniversary by releasing free-to-play version
To commemorate it's 10th anniversary, Killer Instinct (2013) is getting a free-to-play version and a special Anniversary Edition.

Following the release of the 10th anniversary update, Killer Instinct will have two versions. The free-to-play version will feature one free weekly rotating Fighter and contain the Single-Player, Local, and Ranked modes. For players who want to access all the content, including the full 29-character roster of playable characters and all previously-released DLC, there is the Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition which will be available for purchase.
If you already own the Killer Instinct Definitive Edition, it will be upgraded to the Anniversary Edition for free. Some content present in the Definitive Edition won’t carry over to the Anniversary Edition. This includes the Definitive Edition App and Killer Instinct Classic 1 and 2 on Xbox. If you own Killer Instinct Definitive Edition digitally, however, that content will still be available to be redownloaded at no cost. The ability to purchase fighters individually will be retired; you can either purchase all of them at once via the Anniversary Edition, or you can play them via the rotating fighter feature as part of the free-to-play version of the game.

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