Junior Member
This is easily my most hyped for movie besides Star Wars. It's looks incredible and has an amazing cast to go along with it. Now a few lucky gaffers said there were going to see it tonight and would drop impressions. I thought it would be nice to have them all in one place. If this is against the rules please tell me and lock the thread, but I think it should be fine. Anyway is the king back baby 
So GAF give me those impressions
First impression
We got another one babbby

So GAF give me those impressions
First impression
k so spoiler-free for safety. I cannot compare it to King Kong 2005, as I have never seen that movie.
I definitely dug it. Lots of good stuff visually, good grief did they toss a budget at this thing. Cast is absurd - I think it's the most characters for something like this I can remember. Hiddleston is OK. There's a few really good Sam Jackson moments where it's pretty obvious they only had him in mind for that character. All things considered, this is kinda John C. Reilly's movie. A lot of the emotional kicks of the movie are tied to his character, which I liked a lot.
I feel like they definitely saw the criticism for Godzilla about people getting blue-balled with the big monster. Kong's in it a pretty good portion. He fucking wrecks shit. It's glorious as hell.
It's a pretty goddamn violent movie, relatively dark. Shit hits the fan A LOT. There's some humor in it, but not as much as you'd think. Tone of the trailers is pretty accurate, especially the later ones.
Screening was 2D normal, so I can't comment on any 3D or IMAX stuff. I almost always dig WB's blockbusters, so this was a no-brainer. I think this will review OK.
Yes, there's a post credit, it's bonkers and meta and all that shit
We got another one babbby
yo I saw it too and can back up Bronson, this shit is B A N A N A S. Highly enjoyed it. Really solid kaiju adventure goodness. Pretty much agree with everything said by Bronson, especially how Dr. Steve Brule himself steals the show, naturally. The big man himself though, Kong is a BEAST, he tears the hell out of shit, i'm so glad they gave him a plentiful amount of screen-time. Post credits scene got me hype too. So on board with this MonsterVerse they got going here. Hope this does well and doesn't get overlooked by all the other big movies this month, it's a lot of fun.