Mr Moose
- As others have pointed out, the whole "lie" aspect of the game is pretty on the nose.

- As others have pointed out, the whole "lie" aspect of the game is pretty on the nose.
The combat doesn't look floaty to me here.
This guy makes these fights look OP for P, but he makes fights look easy in other Souls-like games too.
Meanwhile I'm getting wrecked by the second mini-boss down by the canal.
I wish this game had a map or am I missing something?
I found that the dodging was less responsive than BB, and I got frustrated. I could be mistaken, but in BB, I recall dodging occurring no matter when you input it. In Lies of P demo, my initial action had to finish first. But maybe in Lies of P that's something that can be mitigated by leveling up a certain stat.Great perfomance on the ps5.
But the combat feels off to me, it's basically a copy of Bloodborne, but something is weird on it... Maybe the evasion iframes or the hit reactions. It doesn't feel good to play.
Also, swinging the sword on enemies feels floaty.
Which is a pity, since the art style and the setting are interesting.
Don't know if anyone's answered you, but performance was great imo. I have a 3080, and was getting 150fps @1440p with default Ultra settings. No stutters that I noticed. It's like looking at a high-def Bloodborne. I was really impressedHow's the performance on PC? I can't download just now and i'm curious.
I think there is an adjustment period, but I could dodge most of the attacks of the Scrapped Watchmen and counter at medium weight. I think your issue is you are expecting it to follow Bloodbourne to a T, but it is its own beast.I-frames and dodge distance seem a bit off. Then again, I was playing with around 40% equip load (medium), but Bloodborne-style gameplay shouldn't place so much restriction on weight tiers other than the heaviest. If I need to duck and weave everywhere, then i-frames are very important. Still needs tweaking here.
Good stuff thanks, im stuck at work for another week so cant download but sound promising.Don't know if anyone's answered you, but performance was great imo. I have a 3080, and was getting 150fps @1440p with default Ultra settings. No stutters that I noticed. It's like looking at a high-def Bloodborne. I was really impressed
I really liked it and a friend did too, I never played Bloodborne so I can only judge it as it's own thing. Definitely playing it when it releases, the graphics, combat, art style, etc are great, but it's a lighter souls like, seems like a bit easier for experienced souls players though I just only played the beginning, I don't have any problem with that thoughHow is it ?
Probably none. Halo CE, RE2 Remake, PT, MGS2 come close.What 10/10 demos have you played?
Yes exactly my thoughts and complaints. The L3 to run is superior even in Souls-likes. I hate that run is locked to dodge.I beat the demo and loved it. I am going to purchase the game the day it comes out. The production values on this are insane. It's performance on Series S alone, makes Bloodborne on PS4 look like it needed more time in the oven. It is weird how apathetic I was about it before I really dived into the demo. This is the best demo I have ever played. Not even PS1 demo disks had this much content and fidelity to them.
It sounds like a lot of people are playing with 30%+ weight hence the delay to movement and greater stamina consumption. Also a lot seem to be getting filtered out before they unlock more weapons past Hotel Krat. It is weird that people cannot accept a game with differences in its gameplay design. Blocking and Puppet String Legion Arm are incredibly versatile in this game. The only real concern is weapon degradation in combat. It is a good thing the game throws a lot of cool weapons your way to switch between.
There is also a lot of fun to be had with mixing handles and blades to create unique weapon movesets. For me, combining greatsword blade with rapier handle is the fast but strong hit and run weapon I always wanted in these games. That rapier moveset is perfect for both bosses and NPC enemies alike. In the final version, I hope the saber handle will have an electric version to pair with electric baton head as that is the most fun mace I have used. Even though the default electric baton is better implementation of Bloodbourne's Tonitrus, it is not nearly as robust as this combination. It is good that the courtyard of the hotel has training dummies right next to the weapon customization shop as testing the combinations out is truly one of the greatest joys in this game.
I also really liked the level design on this. It was one of the things that were a leap above games like Thymesia. The enemies are not nearly as formidable or aggressive as in Thymesia, but they offered enough of a challenge with the way they are placed throughout the level and the bosses were certainly difficult and intimidating. I can't wait to see what else the developers can accomplish with the full release.
Past the first boss, you need to speak with Sophia (aka Blue Fairy) at Hotel Krat to level up.
They have an option for clicking left stick to run. My only gripe with the alternative one button implementation is that it is dodge on button press and not on release. Not a big deal though.
thanks for this info. had no idea a demo was out. saw a video about this game from a guy who covers DS -- this game looks very intriguing !!Looks great, already downloading the demo on Steam
This demo, this combat, is absolutely awful
Just about every thing is bad
I beat the first boss no damage, messed around with some other weapons then uninstalled.
Heard there are passive skills tho. Maybe those in the full game will make it better
This demo, this combat, is absolutely awful
Just about every thing is bad
I beat the first boss no damage, messed around with some other weapons then uninstalled.
Heard there are passive skills tho. Maybe those in the full game will make it better
You made me picture this face reading your post lol(Get mad everyone who “thinks” they love it. Stop trying to convince yourself)
Try using throwable power cells sold by merchant outside and running around until boss finishes combo for heavy strike/Legion Arm Strike.I am getting my ass handed to me by the first boss in the demo.
It's gotta be said. Some posters on GAF are the most jaded cynical gamers I've ever come across. The sentiment I've seen elsewhere for Lies of P is very positive. I also believe it has huge potential based on what I played. Reading some of the comments here you would think the game was utter garbage. Same goes for the many other games. What a bunch of Debby downers!
Is it because it's available on Game Pass? I've noticed a pattern of 3rd parties on Game Pass being lambasted here.
I’m just calling it like I see it mate. If you don’t like it. Move on. It’s really not worth getting yourself worked up over.Or maybe, some will like just because its gonna be on gamepass ? See ? It works both ways, do you understand how utterly stupid sounds parroting the same thing over and over again ?
Man, this persecution complex has been getting out of hand lately not to mention insufferable , it's like, you already know that it'll be the de facto quote and fake concern® when it comes to some users.
Every other God damned post is about this, it used to be that you couldn't criticize Xbox exclusives because..."reasons" some time back, now , criticizing/discussing 3RD PARTY games that their only virtue is the fact that they'll be available on gamepass is also "forbidden" apparently otherwise you're gonna be labeled a "fanboy", holy shit at the paper-thin skin of some people, like, God damn this whining has been getting insufferable, and the fun part ? These people whine about...other people whining (?) How does it work ?
LastBattle, learn to accept other people's opinions besides yours, the fact that some like it means exactly jack and shit and it's not proof of anything since - and this might come as a shock - different people like different things.
Both the handle (defensive) and blade (offensive) have a Fable skill tied to them.How can I change which Fable skill/attack I’m using? Or is it maybe tied to which weapon you have equipped?